Diablo IV - Did You Buy It?

As per the title, the preload for Diablo IV is up, and the game launches for early access for deluxe/ultimate edition owners in just under 3 days. So my question is: Why the (profanity) is the game 110 for the standard, 140 for the deluxe, and 155 for the ultimate editions? There isn't even an alternative store you could purchase it for such as GMG, so how does Blizzard justify the price of two AAA games for their game that includes in game transactions?

Remade because I'm dumb and didn't properly check the dates for the poll.

Poll Options expired

  • 144
    I bought it
  • 299
    I didn't buy it
  • 204
    I'll buy it later on sale


  • I can't afford it. It should be in Gamepass eventually anyway, there's no way Microsoft is going to let regulators block the Actizzard deal.

  • I cashed in WoW gold and purchased it.

    • -2

      There are so many private WoW servers about I don't understand why people want to play retail and pay money every month. I guess once you have an investment it is hard to walk away though.

  • +1

    I preordered the standard ps5 version on Amazon a couple of months ago.

  • +2

    D4 popped my pre-order cherry popped. Always have a soft-spot for the Diablo series (not so much D3). The two open beta were both pretty fun, keep realising it's 4am…
    Not a healthy thing to get into, but I miss those days. I bought the standard edition without the early-access. Will take my time, listen too every dialogue, not skipping a thing.

  • +1

    Stopped playing Diablo games when D3 came out. As soon as Blizzard starting moving the Diablo games towards play-to-win I just avoided it. I think they back tracked a bit with needing to buy good weapons, but the magic is gone now and I couldn’t be bothered. I’d rather play Path of Exile.

    • +1

      You don't like play to win?
      Prefer to pay your way to victory?

  • +2

    The amount of people buying game from this trash company is rather surprising. Acti-Bliz have consistently shown that they are extremely consistent and skilled at delivering broken promise like warcraft reforged scam, diablo immortal, and more recently, they cancelled pve mode for overwatch 2 because it was "too hard to design", not to mention all the sexual harassment reports going on in this company

    And people still want to buy diablo 4 from this company?? Amazing

    I understand not everyone know about acti-bliz company, but if all of the things above doesnt deter you, then I guess nothing will

    • +3

      In the real world people don't care about these things. Social media/Twitter is an echo chamber that represents a fraction of society, the average person doesn't care about the ethics of where their products come from.

      • +2

        It's part ethics sure, but even if you ignore the sexual allegations, they keep delivering broken promises and shit products. To me, that's truly baffling as it is directly very consumer unfriendly and yet people still support them anyway because people just don't know better

        I'm just going to speculate here but given their track record and how shit they treat their player as nothing but cash cow, I wouldn't be surprised if they will start pushing for microtransaction or auction house again but call it something else

    • The beta was fun, and I've enjoyed every core series Diablo entry since playing the first in my early Pentium days, so yeah I'm happy to pay money for a product I'm sure to enjoy for countless hours.

      I've forked out money for worse.

      The moral high ground is pretty hard to position yourself on, when almost anything you do, buy or say will have a negative side.

  • +7

    You should evaluate the price of the game and the potential hours you will get out of it…. $110 is to some people a few hours of work but think about how many hundreds/thousands of hours you will sink into this game. Heck some people blow that money on a weekend out. Ok so you will justify paying $89 for something like hogwarts legacy with 50-60 hours gameplay but not $110 for something that will give you 500+ hours.

  • +1

    I'll buy the ultra deluxe final edition with the dlc for $20 or so in a year or two.

    Will have all the patches in there, the shitty micro transactions removed due to player complaint and should overall be the best experience.

  • Bought it but not on PC, console price was pretty cheap/standard

  • Didn't buy it myself. I am a PC gamer and with how absurd the pricing is for the digital only versions of the game, I'm waiting until there's a price drop. I'm not someone who will only play this game and sink like 2000 hours into it so the value just isn't there until it's significantly cheaper.

    • -4

      How much do you spend on a coffee? A movie ticket? How long do they last? How many hours do you reckon you'd get out of D4? 20? Do the maths on your ROI per hour.

  • Ultimate edition baby! been waiting so long for this game and the beta weekends were incredible fun with family and friends

  • One hour trouble free so far. May it continue!

  • +4

    I actually know a few people who purchased NVIDIA GeForce 4070s just to get this game lol.

    We have a Lan party next weekend with 4 of us ready to smash it for a long weekend.

    It's cheap for the hours of entertainment and we already played the beta so happy to hand over cash…

  • Hard pass. Going for D2 remastered instead.

  • I'm waiting. I played D3 a whole lot on release (actually made a bit of money selling items, although I just checked and it seems Blizzard wiped my credits at some point, probably due to not using them) and it killed the game for me. I know it has improved heaps but I couldn't bring myself to go back to it.

    I'll wait and see if D4 has any real issues, let Blizzard iron them out, then go play it. Hopefully once it's on sale. CD keys right now cost more than buying it direct but I'm sure that'll change.

  • Bought it my kids loved it so we have something to play together except a F outage in my area so far all day and still going :( dont they know diablo is out lol

  • +2

    Waiting for cheap PC version.

  • +2

    Nope, can’t support Bliz anymore.

  • Got excited, played the beta but found I just wasnt interested and got a refund. Played some more D3 for a while and Starcraft 2 for nostalgia and actually enjoyed! I have Hades in the Steam queue to play one day…how does that compare?

  • Absolutely not. The price is way to high for what you get. And you have to live with the fomo of constantly seeing sweet armour sets that are $25 plus each!

    I'm waiting for a massive deal in a few years and then I'll have a go. It's a total rip as is. Hope everyone's who's into it has a great time but it's not for me at all.

  • I loved Diablo 3, put hundreds of hours into it, but at $110 it's a hard pill to swallow - having said that the beta was unreal… I'll try to hodl for sale

  • +1

    Morally I won't support blizzard Activision anymore

  • Consider it cost me 150 for D3 collector edition (nicely presented in a paper box), the D4 standard edition just cost way too much. Plus my pc running 1080GTX probably need a graphic upgrade first.

    • I pre-ordered the D3 collector, then sold the box and knick knacks for the same as I paid but kept the key. Should have kept the box as a very decent investment. Gaming economics can be strange.

  • +1

    After playing the beta it's a $60 game stretching it at $70.

    • +1

      Honestly even though i paid top dollar for diablo on xbox i will get my hours worth. But i agree and i push that $60 to $70 to be the value of most games . Current pricing is out of control

      • +1

        did you factor in inflation

        • +1

          No :)

      • -1

        Bro, not gonna put any spoilers. I've seen the story and from my point of view it looks like this game is probably similar to Act 1 of 5 with numerous expansions to come. Just saying, the game at launch atleast feels like an introduction to a 3 or 4 act game.

        I just don't feel comfortable paying $110 for a quarter of a game and pay more later years down the track.

        • +1

          while not wanting to defend the price as it is steep, the game itself has a crap ton more content then most games released in the last few years. If they do expansions I would evaluate them at the time, but the actual content level for a game at launch is actually very high.

  • So still waiting because my area has had a nbn outgage thats gone past 24 hours now. Great timing :(

  • I don't buy games I can't pirate

  • -1

    AOE4 nothing else

  • Waiting on the sale. Bought d3 on release and there were some brutal torment bugs and combinations. Made some money off the auction house before it turned into a farm. I'll wait a few patches as d3 got better over time.

  • too expensive, I'm perfectly happy with d2r now

  • Love it, playing with my partner, 100% worth it!!

  • I’m a dirty casual so not interested. Happy playing Botw’s new DLC ToK and some CSGO now and then. Played a lot of D3 seasonal don’t feel I’m missing out ymmv.

  • Waiting till it leaves alpha sometime in 2024

  • Shoulda bought it on xbox

    Seems pretty average so far
    Also feels single player

  • I think microsoft likes to make money?

  • I bought the Ultimate Edition for $44 as per the other OzBargain deal and it's awesome so far.

  • Assume you like the game and the amount of hours you get out of it, price seems fine. The difference you're complaining about is basically the cost of one lunch.

  • Waiting for switch release ..

    • Good luck with that one.

  • Totally worth it. Having a blast!

  • +2

    I can afford it but I've long refused to pay the money they are asking these days or pre-order, especially for digital sales out of principle. I have no fomo and will wait over a year for them to drop to reasonable prices where they aren't just out and out gouging us. Also I've avoided Blizzard/Activision games for a long time so even on discount I probably wont.

  • +1

    Got the ultimate edition for $44 using the refund trick. Wasn't going to get it otherwise.

    • what $44 dollars trick?

      • On Xbox store I bought the standard edition, then the ultimate edition which was reduced down to $44, then cancelled my standard.

        Not sure if the loophole works anymore.

        • Thanks was looking for PC version. :)

    • +1

      Only works if you're planning to play in Xbox only.

  • 119 ozbargainers bought this so far @ base price 109.95 = $13,084.05 contribution from the OzBargain community

  • lol imagine buying a Blizzard game after all the bs they have produced recently.

  • I didn't want to. I was going to wait til it was a bit cheaper… Was complaining about the price (especially for the deluxe/ult editions just to play a few days early) to my mates - it was my bday the other day, so they gifted me the Ultimate Edition through BNet so I could look like a snob who bought the Ultimate Edition LOL.

    Needless to say I played a few hours on the weekend… Dammit lol.

  • +1

    Bought 2x ultimate for early access/$44 xbox.

    We are loving it, riding my demon horse as I am typing.


  • Nope, WAAAAAY too expensive for my taste

  • Well my internet came.back up been having fun with my kids and really enjoying it . Almost got my moneys worth already . I forsee many expansions for the game this time round

    • Sure hope by "kids" you mean 15+. Some of the cutscenes/story in this are REAL dark.

      • yea not playing with babies

  • +3

    Only interested to play on PC but the price of $110 for standard is crazy… If it was the console price of like $70-$80 be more tempting

  • as an ultra cheapo gamer i think it is time for me to install either diablo 2 resurrected or diablo 3 now and just wait for diablo 4 to go on sale yay! patient gamers ftw

  • +1

    Got it for $44 on the Xsx the most powerful gaming console ever made.

  • +1

    Any official ozb D4 clan I can join? If not is there anyone else with a open spot?

    • You find anything? Currently in a 100+ clan but it barely has any aussies so I'll settle for anything aussie with 60+ members lol.

  • Well my $44 copy got refunded today

    • +1

      Did you actually expect them to honour the exploit? lol?

  • Played for 5 days and got bored @ lvl 73. Haven't logged on since, Ultimate btw

  • Is there any disadvantage delaying start, say, a week or so, in relation to the Battle Pass, is it like Season passes where it runs a certain time period and if you're there you participate for the duration?

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