[eBay Plus] PlayStation VR2 $709.76 Delivered @ The Gamesmen eBay
Better than afterpay deal $773 last time
[eBay Plus] PlayStation VR2 $709.76 Delivered @ The Gamesmen eBay
Better than afterpay deal $773 last time
I couldn't resist and have bought this without thinking
yep I got mine on release day preordered it with the charging dock for the controllers. the eye tracking is impressive not going to lie and when you actually set it up properly the graphics of Call of the mountain are insanely good. no matter where you look its always sharp and clear.
I am still waiting for beat saber and many other games to be updated but for what its worth its ok. I will rather play my quest 2 using steam VR since its wireless but hey all good.
I think there was news about Beat Saber today at the Sony showcase?
@kungfuman: yep I can confirm if you owned beat saber before on the psvr 1 then its a free upgrade and all you song packs transfer over as well. Finally I get to play my PSVR 2 more offen :D
After watching the Sony playstation showcase this morning I have regrets about getting this day one 😁. There were a few titles announced but would suggest you watch that for new content before parting with your $700.
Still plenty of amazing VR experiences available and coming to the PSVR2 despite Sony's lack of effort. Red Matter 2 which just released the other day is a really great time. Just like the PSVR1, it's looking like the indie Devs will be the ones providing the excellent experiences for the most part on the PSVR2, which I would say is definitely still worth getting into.
Also VR porn just by itself is worth $700
the real thing with a chick in person is cheaper lol.
With this you can skip the basement step though.
Yeah, but I can keep using PVR2
Better on the Quest 2 for untethered comfort.
It also has hand tracking so you don't need to hold controllers!
You can't watch your own vr content on psvr2
As a user of this I recommend HODL unless you are a diehard fan of PS
I found that there are much more fancy games in PC instead of PS…
Likewise, it's good but it's not groundbreaking unless you've never used VR before. And not enough games.
While the VR2 itself is not supported by PC
What about casual gamers who own a PS5, don't own or want a gaming PC, and want to try VR?
Worth trying if you have that spare money. It is much better than 1st gen
I tried 1st gen PSVR in my friends house b4, pixels are too obvious with low resolutions. And the setup is complicated and messy!
Depends how casual they are, Quest 2 is still the better casual VR headset in my eyes.
@mackdiddy: I'm very casual, like pick something up for a few hours here and there but go weeks without playing anything.
I'd need a gaming PC for a Quest 2 right?
@choofa: No, Quest 2 has a processor inside of it so it can play games without any PC or cables. PC optional. Can only play games Meta puts on the system though, but that covers most of the common games like Beat Saber or Pistol Whip. If you want more cinematic stuff then PSVR2 is a better bet.
what would you recommend as a good headset for PC VR?? I recently got back into PC gaming and would love to try HL Alyx, I just have no idea when it comes to VR though. I was considering the PSVR2 but it seems a bit expensive considering I could prob get something half the price for PC I'm guessing?!
Not familiar with that sorry mate =]
Either HP Reverb G2 (around 8-900) or a Quest 2 (~5-600 but has a few drawbacks, it uses a compressed video stream, G2 is not compressed, so you get artifacts sometimes)
My advice as someone who has owned multiple head sets, wait for the Quest 3. That will probs be the one to own.
I recommend YOLO. If you have a job and gaming is like your only real hobby, then buy all the stuff. Every few years clear out all your old plastic guitars and tennis racket controllers to make room for new stuff.
Mines been collecting dust after playing RE8 and both walking dead games. RE4 is a welcomed announcement. I was hoping for a RE7 as well :(
Get Walkabout Golf. I hadn't played a session over an hour on any VR headset until I bought this. Played it for 5 hours the other day and about 2-3 hours every day since.
definitely try red matter 2. I regularly use mine for GT7 and would still be happy if that was the only game for it lol
this will be normal pricing very soon…
their sales numbers are like 15% of expected.
sony is in big trouble unless they make a pc driver imo!
Sales are higher than the old headset for the same time period (6 weeks after launch)
I’m not agreeing with OP but this doesn’t imply that they’re meeting projections - they might have thought it should sell 50% more for instance.
Can Sony price match ebay?
Worth noting games on the Oculus store are now listing compatibility with the "Meta Quest 3", so can expect an announcement of it soon (which supports standalone as well as wireless PC VR streaming).
I can't imagine buying hardware from Facebook, ever. I wish Valve would get volumes up and prices down with the Index.
Great device but it's more of a casual gaming experience. I have had it, used it a few times but I'm not an avid VR gamer or have the mental endurance in me to do long sessions.
Sounds like this will suit me, hopefully I get enough use out of it over the next few years
I bought it because I love my tech and gadgets. If you are not a geek like me, I would recommend wait until Black Friday for a better price on this. There are not enough games at this stage for you to even get the most out of it.
Although I paid roughly $650ish at relase with GCs etc, it still was very expensive.
I have to respectfully disagree with you there. There are a lot of great games at the moment.
Gran Turismo / RE Village / Walkabout Golf (my fave) / Red Matter 2 / Humanity / Demeo / Pavlov / Tetris / Rez / Walkind Dead Chapter 2
I feel like the people that say that there are no games on this thing a) haven't played any of the games or b) are just looking for huge IPs and discount every other game.
@robbiey: In comparison to the original PS VR or Oculus, there are not that many games. Some people are easily pleased and others like options. The more limited the library is the less chance you will find something that is worthwhile in the short run.
@thousandsuns: Yes but the thing has only been out for about 3 months. For the time it's been out I'd argue the first 3 months have exceeded expectations. The PS5 didn't have this many good games after 3 months.
@robbiey: I'm not sure if the VR2 has anything that mind blowing against it's competitors to make it a "must have" gadget today, that is simply my view.
You are paying basically the cost of an entire PS5 and more. So value wise it's just not there at the moment. If people have money to spend and want to get it that's fine but it's not justified for what it costs today in my opinion.
@thousandsuns: PSVR1 or Oculus didn't have a huge list of games 3 months after launch either. give it time, more are on the way. the PSVR2 has even sold better than the PSVR1 as announced by Sony yesterday.
@thousandsuns: It's really annoying that Sony couldn't figure out a way to make PSVR1 games automatically work on PSVR2. They could have launched with effectively several hundred games ready to go. Many of those games seem like they would benefit from a bump in resolution and frame rate, too.
@robbiey: Pavlov I have played for so long wirelessly on the quest 2 going back to a cable on the psvr 2 makes the experience crap. because I can't turn around 360 degrees…. the graphics are good though. They really need a wireless solution for FPS type games.
I just want to play HL: Alyx
Buy a secondhand Lenovo Explorer or Samsung Odyssey. I bought my explorer for like $200 3 years ago and it was perfectly usable in HL, Beat Saber, Superhot etc
o wow sold out I am actually shocked lol they didn't move units at preorder but now they are moving units :D
Back in stock now
back in stock
Will wait for the real recession to hit in the next few months, just waiting for yield curve inversion (which has started already), then buy these or q2/q3 for much cheaper.
Here come the negs!
PlayStation VR2 Horizon Call of the Mountain Bundle