Citi Prestige Concierge Asking Full Credit Card Number When Booking a Hotel

Called Citi hotline at 1800782948 and the Citi support person forwarded me to Citi Prestige Concierge and also gave me direct line which is +61279070814.

And the concierge who answered asked me for my name and phone number. And then lastly she was asking for the full credit card number - which I thought was abit alarming. She said that was normal procedure…

I just wanted to make a booking for a hotel and get the 4th night free but decided to put the phone down and make sure this is normal Citi Concierge procedure. Can anyone vouch that this is normal?

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  • +2

    Yes I think it’s a normal process.

  • +1

    If you go to their official website and you're sure you have the correct number, it makes sense that they need details if you're the one calling them.

    If they call you, hard no. I tell them I'll call them back.

  • -1

    Called Citi at 1800782948 and they said it normal process so I went and dialed back to the concierge and they went ahead with the booking over the phone which then required me to give the card number, expiry and cvv so that they can male the booking.

    It's my first time to book a hotel over the phone and got paranoid. Got so used to booking online which has secure forms etc. I can see the transaction says something like HOTELS*xxxxxx CONCIERGETVL AUS

    My card recently got compromised and had to get reissued by Citi so I have been very paranoid lately. But I guess booking a hotel via Concierge over the phone is what it is. I just want to make sure I get the 4th night benefit of the Prestige card

    • +2

      Yes it's the normal process for concierge bookings

  • I've only had it a couple of times, but when I've had to dispute a charge because of fraudulent use, it's been very straightforward and easy.

    So while I understand a certain level of concern about credit card numbers, as long as someone takes reasonable precautions, I don't understand the some of the paranoia about it all. They've built in protections for the consumer to a certain level and it's the vendor that often wears the biggest risk. The onus is on the vendor to prove the transaction(s) were legitimate.

    It might take time to sort out a new card etc, but does that relatively small amount of effort justify the paranoia?

  • +1

    I've given my credit card number over the phone when ordering a sausage roll. It's totally normal, the POS machines allow them to manually enter in a card number to pay for an order. Of course the teenager taking the order could write down your number and then order their own sausage rolls over the phone with your money but then you just get a new card I suppose. Probably a good idea to keep two credit cards, one for all your subscriptions that you won't want to update your card details again, and another for ordering sausage rolls and hotel rooms over the phone that can be replaced with minimal hassle.

    • Call centres don't allow staff to have a pen and paper. This prevents them writing down information to take with them. Nothing stopping then from having a photographic memory however.

  • When I think of all the times in the last 30 years I’ve read my card number out over the phone or emailed or texted it…
    As long as you don’t authorize the concierge to go on a spending spree you’ll be fine!

    It is formally called a ‘card not present’ transaction, and the merchant has a hard time if you dispute it. If you end up at the accommodation they will get you to swipe the card and enter your PIN.

  • It's normal. I used to use the Concierge service and they need this information.

  • beats me why people still use the Prestige card. Its so bad now compared to what it used to be. Definitely not worth the $700 annual fee (even at $350 first year)

    • Using the Citi Payall feature, you can earn up to 240,000 Citi points per year (20,000 per month) and depending on your credit limit, you can citipay all $20,000 in a High Interest Saving account, at 5% per annum thats $1000. So the annual fee is offset - I reckon this is one of the best cards on the market currently.

      • The free citi payall feature will end shortly so time is running out on it. Frankly I’m shocked they have lasted this long. It’s a loss maker for them.

        • Thats true - the fee free will end on 31 October unless by luck its extended.

        • +2

          You can schedule Payall for the next 5 years before the Oct deadline and pay no fees. So per year for the next 5 years: 240K points = $1200 flybuy dollars, plus the interest on the 20K (can't quite make it 365 days of interest as I have a few days buffer between paying the card and payall payments). The $700 annual fee is not an issue when about $1200 tax-free + $900 or so (taxable) comes in. Priority pass is a nice add on too.

          • @bk1973: Even better, in the mortgage offset!
            ~$80 per month = $960 without having to worry about tax on interest.

          • @bk1973: this is very interesting but I would be shocked if that doesn't end and terminate at the deadline. I wonder if its worth another shot.

            Appreciate the idea though.

            • @Bargainitis: I wouldn’t be surprised, but the wording is that it will be free for all payalls set up by October.

              If they do charge I’ll drop the card before renewal. Priority pass helps when travelling for work.

          • @bk1973: Did they limit payall to $20K pm now?

            It was to my limit when I used prestige a few years ago which was amazing as I had multiples of $20K available. If it’s only $20K, less appealing but free money.

            • +1

              @Bargainitis: 20K from what others have posted, yes. I've not tried to go beyond that.

  • Did you have to wait for the concierge to provide an email quote before booking your hotel?
    When I called, I wasn't asked for any details (not even an email, which I thought was pretty strange) and was told I'd receive a quote 24-48 hours later. It's been 48 hours but I still haven't received anything and was wondering if this is the normal process for everyone else?

    • +1

      Yes, I’ve always done via email - if email the request and get a quote back a day or two later.

  • I found the Citi concierge to be a painful experience. Yes, you do need to provide your CC number, expiry and CCV to make a booking through the concierge. Bookings cannot be made via email (although quotes will be sent via email for review prior to calling to confirm).

    I just exercised the 4 nights for 3 offer - note, you must pay for the full 4 nights and Citi will refund 1 night within 6 weeks. Let’s see if that occurs..

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