This was posted 1 year 9 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Sovol SV06 3D Printer $314.99 Delivered @ Sovol via Amazon AU

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I ummed and ahhed about grabbing this deal posted by iJebus, noticed it was available with a coupon for ~370ish on Amazon, has now dropped again to match previous ATL no coupon required. Copy and pasting features from previous deal

Fully Fully Open Source, compatible with Klipper firmware
All Metal Hotend Setup, max nozzle temp is 300c, support PLA, TPU, PETG, Wood, ABS, ASA, Carbon Fiber, PC, Nylon material.
All Metal Direct Drive Extruder
Auto Bed Leveling
PEI Flexi Build Plate
32 Bit Silent Board with TMC2209
Auto X axis Leveling
Dual Z axis
Belt Tensioner
Resume Printing

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • "Wash your hands, Jeffrey"

    • Gives a strong hint to your advanced years :-)

      • "with the Solvol, Jeffrey"
        haha I am glad someone got the reference 👍

  • +1

    Interested to hear peoples thoughts on this model

    • Kinda necro at this point but I got this deal and have put a bit of time on it now.

      At this price, I think it's a great bargain and probably the best beginner FDM printer. The kit is very simple to assemble with most typical calibration being automatic or not required and it's very capable. Got great results using just included instructions, firmware and slicer profiles. With some upgrades and tweaking, I'm really thrilled. Quality is at least as good as stock Prusa MK3S units.

      My biggest grievance so far was the under-greased bearings. Grease is included but you can't access the bearings directly without disassembly. Out of the box, the sound was so bad I thought it must be faulty. Apparently it's a common issue and mine sounded much better after several hours print time.

      tl;dr very good, very cheap, very easy

  • This or Ender 3 v2 Neo which is currently at $379 (after applying $100 coupon) on amazon ? I am looking to buy my first 3d printer and have been leaning towards ender 3 because of support and accessories available. I will probably see some comparison videos between these two. Just posting here if someone has any pointers. Thoughts ?

    • +1

      I would think linear bearing on this i3 style machine is better than Ender 3. No problems with gunk sticking to the wheels. Both printers would probably require some tinkering and upgrading, but might work fine out of the box. I've got a couple of Prusas and Sovol looks better to me.

      • +1

        Thanks guys for the feedback. I finally took the plunge and bought this printer. Received it yesterday. Took 30 mins to assemble. Auto bed level is so much convenient and was a breeze to do if you follow instructions.

        I have printed couple of items from Printables and everything have turned out to be great. So far happy with this printer.

        • Great to hear. Enjoy :)

    • +1

      Had an Ender 3V2. No idea what the "Neo" part of the name means though. Mine was just V2. Was a good learning experience, but boy did it take a lot of effort to get calibrated correctly: One of the key parts was bent from the factory, manual levelling is a mild pain and takes several iterative rounds of adjusting, I spent 10+ hours over several weeks gradually upgrading/replacing fans and dodgy wiring practices, and for some reason PETG was a total nightmare on it.

      Good learning experience before moving on to a more reliable printer.

      Thing with the Enders is that there is loads of luck involved. Maybe you get something great from the factory, maybe you get a dud and have to do loads of fixing. Scratch that, some of the parts just cry out for replacement no matter what, like the craptastic fans and cooling.

      • +1

        Thing with the Enders is that there is loads of luck involved. Maybe you get something great from the factory, maybe you get a dud and have to do loads of fixing.

        Yep, I lucked out with this one, no issues printing with just stock, but I did swap out the bed springs and bowden tube ASAP due to problems others had. I've since upgraded to a CHT nozzle, all-metal dual gear extruder, and it's been a rock-solid machine printing PETG and TPU.

        • You didn't have to go direct drive?

          I have no idea why PETG never printed on the Ender, thought perhaps it was because it was bowden tube which incurs longer retraction lengths.

          I ended up moving to a Prusa MK3, and PETG just worked the same as PLA first time I tried it.

          • +2

            @rumblytangara: Nope, petg and TPU both work fine with the bowden tube

            I've never actually printed PLA, so not sure how it compares but I didn't have many issues starting off with PETG. Took a while to dial in retraction and coasting to get rid of stringing, but it's pretty mess-free now.

            TPU i just started off with my known-good PETG settings, cut the speed by half and fine tuned retractions, then sped it up to where it could reliably print without kinking the filament

  • ok guys, I need a quick education on these. Just last night, I was asked "how much is a 3d printer?", meaning we are in the market for one…

    So how is this one? Does it tick the boxes for a 'non-crap' one?

    Any other comments appreciated

    • Just on features listed (which is only part of the overall experience - how well they work and are calibrated is the other) - this is akin of you bought the most basic entry level popular printer (ender 3) and then modded it was the most commonly made upgrades. assuming there is nothing wrong with the components, this particular model would be as good as it gets for "entry level". Spending more would get you a bigger print volume, better quality and consistency, unique features for faster and varied printing but you would be entering close to $1k at that stage.

    • Anycubic Kobra 2 just got released. Might still be on early discount price.

  • Just get yourself a bambu labs x1c or p1p… you'll wont be tearing out your hairs if you get one as a first printer!

    • Would you kindly please share why, thank you.

      • +2

        Different machines at different price points; it's like comparing a Toyota Yaris to a Ferrari!

        That said, if you want to just print and you have a spare $1500-$2500, get the Bambu. If you like to tinker and/or want the cheaper option, get the ender.

        The Bambu exists because of what the ender did for 3d printing as a hobby…

    • +1

      Those are 2.5k and 1k printers…

      Also, part of the fun is tinkering and modding - I feel like you have to like those things to get the most out of 3d printing, as well as learning how each part works and the impact it has on the print and experience.

    • Or a Creality K1 Max, if you are in that budget

  • Was going to get this but bought the elegoo Neptune 3 Pro.

  • +2

    I recently bought a Sovol SV06 Plus. It's been a workhorse since I bought it. No tinkering, haven't even re-levelled it since I first bought it (~1 month, ~5kg of filament put through it). No failed prints, just a solid experience.

    I can highly recommend this as a great starter printer.

    • What's the difference between this and the "Plus"?

      • +2

        Plus had a few improvements, but mainly build area, 220x200x250 vs 300x300x340.
        Some improvements on the plus include colour touch screen, bearing for the filament holder, pivoted filament runout sensor, high flow volcano like hot end, bigger bearings and rods.

        None of these, besides build area, are like x is better then y, but more like x is a refined y, both apparently both are good machines (I have a plus).

  • Just noticed the specs say: Printing Technology: ‎Dye Sublimation - that must be a weird copy and paste error. I remember way back in the day (90s), dye sub printers were the cutting edge for colour printers (2d) but not really a thing any more.

  • It prints wood???

    • Wood PLA, which is about 30% real wood.
      So yes it does!

  • +1

    Nice find! When I was looking they didn't have it listed in stock on Amazon but if I haven't already got one in the deal I posted, I'd be hitting this for sure. Fancy my luck with Amazon returns much more than Sovol directly, if it there are any issues. Should be arriving soon so we'll see.

    Apparently this printer is also pot luck in what you get from the factory. Since purchasing I've been on their Facebook pages and there's a lot of horror stories but equally people have great experiences out of the box. So, here's hoping! 😬

  • which is better ? Sovol SV06 or Kobra Neo ? Same print size, but Kobra Neo is $269 on ebay now.
    or Kobra 2?

    • There's about $100 extra from Sovol SV06 to Kobra 2 after discounts. I went with Kobra 2. Tip: You are offered an extra $10 discount from their website, but there's another 6%? discount code that will pop up on the front page but I'm not sure if I triggered it while I clicked around in another tab. It's a timed deal so it will disappear after a few minutes. It doesn't stack but is higher than the initial discount.

      • Their website seems to have Estimated taxes on kobra 2, It seems cheaper on eBay $435, no Estimated taxes. How much did you pay?

        • About $401. I think it was US$268.

          • +1

            @scupper: Thanks for Sharing! I just learned that ebay will have 20%/22% off coupons at the end of the month, I want to wait until then haha

            • @3dman: The 20% applied today and I got an offer for a best offer price from the anycubic store for $409.00 (less 20% coupon) which made it $327.12, so placed an order for one.

              If they restock it looks like they will be $348.00 after 20% discount.

              Good luck, hope they restock … :)


  • Just an update, I've had the printer running for a couple of days now and I'm happy. Yeah, there are a few things you'll want to look at doing but they aren't too much hassle. I've got Klipper/Mainsail running with it now (bassamanator has done the hard work) and honestly… prints are coming out just fine. They were fine with the stock firmware too but having the web interface is nice.

    For a cheap/budget entry into 3D printing, I can recommend it but haven't needed to contact Sovol for any support so /shrug.

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