Further price drop on the 3070 Ti from the last deal it was $694
Inno3d GeForce RTX 3070 Ti X3 8GB Graphics Card $681 + Delivery ($0 C&C) @ Umart

Last edited 19/05/2023 - 11:08 by 1 other user
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Most games today require 2-4 GB.
Anything over 8GB is just wasteful programming.
The only legitimate use for needing more is training machine learning models.
why are you posting early deals of the 4060 Ti?
Apparently the 4060ti is 15% faster than the 3060ti. I think the 3070ti will still solidly beat it, dlss3/fg aside.
Well that’s maybe for the 16gb ver. I heard nvidia don’t allow comparison between the 8gb ver and the 3060ti g6x ver. Probs 8gb sits between 3060ti g6x and 3070, given the poor 128 bit
The 3070ti is about 19% faster than a 3060ti at 1440p in the games they tested on techpowerup
Assuming nvidia isn't lying, it should be in the same ballpark.
This price is too low for the 4060ti.
Yeah, nah. My mate has one and has massive buyers remorse. Already struggling with games.
I have to massively disagree as an owner of a 3070ti, unless youre playing games at 4k max settings you shouldnt be struggling with any games, and if you are at 4k max settings, most games will still get 60fps and you should've bought a higher end card anyways. The 3070ti excells at 1080p and 1440p HRR and can do just fine with 4k. If by "games" you're talking about the abhorrent pc ports/releases as of late (TLOU, Jedi Survivor) then I don't think that's fair for the card since even the 4090 struggled with them at launch. The 3070ti is a great card even at 8gb you just need to know your limits when buying a mid-high end card
If they release at the same time on all platforms they are not really a port. Developers just optimise for the mass market and that's the consoles.
It's gonna be commonplace for games to require more than 8gb unfortunately. It will only get worse from here.
yeah that's true, the state of triple A games is plateauing which is unfortunate. I just mean there are so many other titles the card runs great and there will be titles in the future that won't hog more than 8gb VRAM. While I wouldn't buy the card now it is not at all a bad card for those who aren't pushing 4k max settings in only the newest AAAs. Also by port I meant TLOU which was for all intents and purposes a horrible PC port
It will only get worse from here.
This 100%
Yep, and if you're planning on turning settings down to accommodate lower the VRAM in some current or future titles, I'd be buying a lower series card or a RX6600 or something anyway for half the price. At least that way you won't feel ripped.
@buffalo bill: Just refund the poorly ported joke game. No one should need more than 8GB or to compile shaders for an hour.
We can stop talking about ports these days. Its not like pc gaming came out last week and poor EA or Ubisoft just started cutting their teeth on 3dfx graphics card.
We're PC gamers. Port quality is relevant to us.
@Deterrence: PC gamers have been known to lap up turds like cyberpunk and redfall on release day.
Publishers love PC gamers.
There are games that are already hitting the vram buffer at 1440p, and this will just get worse over the next year. You may massively disagree, but objectively it is absolutely terrible that a nearly $1000 product will struggle with new games already.
Juts like DLSS to solve the resolution problems, they have already started finally talking about compression tech again for VRAM usage.
@tm32: Yeah, as a 3080 owner I'm hopeful. But the age old policy is only buy based on what is good now and near future. Banking on undeveloped tech may disappoint.
I have the 3080 and play at 4K HDR max settings. It's fine like 80% of the time, but when those VRAM limits hit, they hit hard.
I would argue that at the $1,000 the 3070Ti launched at, it's not unreasonable to be disappointed in the issues caused by VRAM limitations.
Thanks for sharing this
By far still the best bang for buck card.
I honestly would buy this if not for the pathetic amount of VRAM. Think it's best to continue HODLing for a 6800XT tbh.
Nothing NVIDIA related has bang for buck. Look at AMD for that
Im agreeing with this comment.
Best 720p card by far.I should have included " … in the nVidia line up"
8GB is plenty unless you want to play shitty PS5 ports.
There's no match for CUDA either if you want to do other things with the GPU.
Most stuff involving CUDA is going to want more than 8gb though. 12 is a nice minimum for running 3090 compatible models in lower precision.
Worst advice
Damn, as an AMD fan, these AMD fanyboys can be tough.
Haha Didn't think I'd hit a nerve.
AMD is awesome, I'd get a Radeon if it had anything as well supported as CUDA.
Wouldn't that be the 6700 or 6600 XT? Unless you're defining bang for buck in a very particular way.
Cue picture of a Skeleton sitting on a park bench meme holding on to a GTX 1070
That 1070 is the dear life he's still holding on to
Cue picture of a Skeleton sitting on a park bench meme holding on to a GTX 1070
Excuse you!
Second hand 1070 from late 2018. Rocking 8GB for 5 years plus and still going strong. Perfectly happy winding back the settings and getting acceptable performance @ 2160 x 1600.
I'm that skeleton and I'm holding on until 16GB hits a decent price on either 4060/4070 platforms.
(I'm definitely target market for this generation, and Nvidia can still bite my butt with this pricing - I've got better places to use $800+)
fellow skeleton here, and for once actually appreciative of someone getting offended on my behalf
fellow skeleton here,
And that's the ozbargain spirit (seriously I want a new card, but bang for buck has sucked since the 10 series).
Ha, indeed. I don't know why they just don't go to the used market. When the new whatever is coming out, people try to offload the previous generation at often decent prices. I was happy with a used 6700XT, got rid of my Vega 56 when I did it too.
I've yet to encounter any of these mythical deals people talk about being on the used market. Except for ebay listings which seem dodgy, that is, but I'm sure as hell not making a purchase of hundreds of dollars without inspecting and testing the card myself
@Diji: I got the 6700XT in January for $450 on eBay, though I saw one for $400 on Facebook Marketplace at the time, I paid more for the Founders Edition just because I like the way it looks. I buy used stuff regularly, only once has it arrived broken but that was due to bad packaging. I bought an old PC in Feb and it works, and I collect retro games consoles, looking at the sellers history for reliability, people are usually upfront, unless they say "Not tested" because that means broken but I want to keep the price high and I'm a POS.
I'd happily buy this if I didn't already have a 3080 TI. What a great price!
Purchased 6800 around the same price 8 months ago, with all the new gens GPU and 3070 ti 8gb VRAM still selling this price? In addition, how many games need more than 8gb VRAM in 1440p ultra setting so far? RT need more VRAM if you need 3070 ti 8gb for RT.
Phew, sold my old 3070 for $600 on ebay and upgraded to 7900xt
This is finally the price I bought my 2070 super for three years ago.
I'm looking for a GPU that can handle older games like Skyrim, Shadow of Mordor, Arkham games, etc, and was looking at the 4060ti when it comes out.
Would I be better just going for this? I don't think I'd need higher performance for older games at 4k.
Those played fine on my 1060 3gb, you definitely don't need a card this high end for those.
They're selling for $70-$120 second hand on facebook marketplace around here, according to the Sold listings (only visible on desktop in a browser I think). I sold mine on there for maybe $120 last year, and spruced it up with new thermal paste before hand (which will probably be needed for any old card), so while it's a bit of a gamble and might require some investigation and caution, it's not impossible to get a decent deal there.
A 1060 6gb would be even better. Otherwise maybe look at the current budget AMD cards and try to figure out where the best performance to price point is, but you could probably spend less than half the cost of this and still be way over the requirements for those sorts of games.
Sorry I should have mentioned it's for a Sony TV with HDMI 2.1 so I need a 2.1 card. I have a GTX 1080 but no 2.1 on that one. Plus with Sony TVs, for VRR, I can't use AMD and NVIDIA it is.
I think Hitman 2 might be the newest game I own which at 4k, hopefully a 3070ti/4060ti could do it at medium or something. A bit more powerful than needed is never a bad thing.
That's why I was wondering that maybe this was a good buy over a 4060ti. Or 4070 for an extra $300?
You'll find GTX1080Ti's for $250-300 on the used market.
They're your best bet for some moderate term waiting room, assuming you don't want ray tracing.
The used GPU lottery though… Artifacts on the screen, random crashes or just a plain old DOA card no warranty. A cheap mate bought two of these, because first one didn't work, and he couldn't get money back.
They're not a known model to die. They were fairly efficient.
It only takes 5 minutes to run heaven before you leave to make sure it's not faulty.
And always PICKUP second hand purchases, that way you know where to get your money back.@MasterScythe: I agree; in an ideal world you go around to the guy's house because he lives down the road. He's got a testbench setup and you can go into his house, use the card to run benchmarks and stress test it before you buy it. Later, if you need to return it for whatever reason, he's a good bloke and gives you your cash straight back plus an apology because he hasn't spent it on rent, his habit or some overdue bill.
We know 99% of the time that's not how it goes. It's buyer beware more than ever now with second hand.
@buffalo bill: I would never suggest buying second hand sight unseen.
I always take my own PC to test in, with known good hardware.
If it fails after that, well that risk is on me; I tested it, if i missed a fault, then Im to blame.
I would actually flip your proposition and say 99% of the time that (smoothly) IS how it goes.
@MasterScythe: I would suggest you have been lucky in terms of you have met people willing to accommodate you. I've sold a lot of components over the years, and I've never had anyone bring a PC around to install and test components at my house. They're boxed and ready to go, Mrs. usually opens the door for 10 seconds max. transaction time, so kids and animals don't get out.
Over covid you weren't even allowed to have anyone come over let alone come in, yet a lot of cards were sold secondhand for big dollars over that time, eBay/Gumtree etc. Shows to me that's not how these trades generally occur.
@buffalo bill: Well I guess im smarter than the general trader then; but Ive never had anyone refuse me testing things.
Or just luckier; since i'm lucky enough to own a car.
PC, Monitor and UPS get dropped in the boot.
I test before leaving their driveway.Its not up to me to convince people to test 2nd hand goods before leaving, all I can do is recommend it.
To each their own.
@MasterScythe: It's not, but it's a pretty big caveat given you have suggested OPs best bet is buy a second-hand card, then implying he should have a full desktop setup, including monitor and UPS in the boot of his car, when we know about OP is he uses a TV as his display and we know nothing about his transport.
Anyway, it's all been food for thought.
Second this. A 6600/6700 will meet your requirement of HDMI 2.1, and will be pretty comfortable playing those kinds of older games at 4k/60, if not 120. Similar performance to a 1080ti but you don't have to buy used.
You could even use FSR on otherwise unsupported games with Magpie, which would help give a boost to framerate if needed. DLSS/RT — which are the main selling points newer Nvidia cards — are wasted on old games that don't support them.
6800XT or 4070?
wait for the 4060Ti 16GB
Budget? I ordered a 6950 XT on ebay yesterday for $944 delivered if that interests you….there is one left from that seller
How'd you get that price, and which seller? Would you mind pm the link to listing?
Yeah sure i can pm you, however your account settings currently don't allow pms. You can enable that in account aettings, edit, messaging. Or maybe if you try message me that'll work
Is there any point in upgrading from a 3060TI to this?
no wait for the 4060Ti 16GB
Well yeah to burn your money. That's literally what most upgrades are anyway
It was better
Amazon robbed us of our dreams.
Wow, the 8gb VRAM really impacted the price drop. When I purchased my 6800 around 8 months ago, 3070 ti is more expensive.
It's inno3d (not exactly a strix) and $700
Inno3d + 8gbVram + $700 = Lame