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[eBay Plus] PlayStation 5 DualSense Midnight Black Wireless Controller $68.80 Delivered @ The Gamesmen eBay


Ignite your gaming nights on your PS5™ console with the DualSense™ Midnight Black wireless controller. Part of a new line-up of galaxy-themed colours, this sleek design takes inspiration from how we view the wonders of space through the night sky, with subtle shades of black and light gray detailing.

Discover a deeper, highly immersive gaming experience1 that brings the action to life in the palms of your hands. The DualSense™ wireless controller offers immersive haptic feedback2, dynamic adaptive triggers2 and a built-in microphone, all integrated into an iconic comfortable design.

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closed Comments

  • +14

    Da best controller in the whole wide world! 🌍👍👌

    Now just need a PS5 console and I'll be a completist. lol

    • +3

      I have 3x PS5 controllers. I use them with my PC, car and Nintendo Switch using the 8bitdo adapter. hahaha

      • Will 2 PS5 controllers + 8bitdo adapter work for local coop without any additional software ?

        • +2

          Yes, but you will need 2 adapters. One for each controller. It sees each one as a separate Switch Pro controller.

          I use my Xbox controller with the Switch. Where the A, B, X, Y buttons are supposed to be. Fight me.

      • +2

        I use them with my PC, car and Nintendo Switch

        Sir do you know why we pulled you ov…wait, where is your steering wheel?

        • When Mario Kart is life.

    • Can pick them up fairly cheap used now if you’re interested (or can wait for the supposed new SKU to drop).

      • Why would I want to use something with someone else's nerd sweat?

        • I was referring to the console, because I replied to the person who said they didn’t have one.

  • +7

    With Death Stranding for free via Epic, upgrading to the Director's Cut will gain you access to Dual Sense haptic feedback

  • +2

    Why doesn't PWE20 work on things I actually want to buy?

    • +1

      Only selected items.

      • +1

        The four or so select items I was after, no bingo.

        • +3

          PWE20 only works on the Spotlight and Features Deals listed on the eBay Deals Page(ebay.com.au)

    • Because eBay.

  • works on PC ?

    • +5

      With some platforms, in some games. My experience is mainly with Steam, and I have an xbox controller that works more seamlessly so I stick to that.

    • +3

      Yes, use DS4Windows which helps translate the layer into an Xbox controller compatible layer and it works. I use it for Steam games, Gamepass games and anything else that works with an Xbox controller.

      • +2

        Don’t need DS4 for steam tho, it has native dual sense support.

  • Does this work with Apple TV ?

    • +4

      8.2 second google search says yes.

      • +14

        You need a faster internet. Mine is 0.44 second

        • +2

          World's fastest typist

          • -1

            @socialistshroom: Highlight > Right click > Search with Google.

            • +1

              @Frunk: Still need to specify which product. Does what work with apple tv? Or if you highlight the product then you still need to specify your query. Jus sayin

  • Thanks OP, been waiting for a while for a good price drop!

  • Thanks OP, was just looking at getting another controller this morning. This deal happened at just the right time.

  • Done. Thanks. 👍

  • Thanks OP, time to upgrade from PS4 controller.

  • thanks OP. Succumbed and finally signed up to eBay plus on their trial…plus $9.99 for the first year isn't that bad either.

  • +3

    Got a $30 gift card for being an eBay plus member for all of one month, brought it down to $38.80 delivered - very happy, thanks OP.

  • +2

    3rd controller since I got my PS5 now. Can't wait for the upgraded controllers ffs.

    • Is this due to drifting or something else?

    • +2

      I know the feeling. My 2x PS5 controllers are very lightly used and well taken care of. But one has joystick drift and the other is now unusable due to the right trigger spring breaking - I literally felt it go floppy while in use (don't take that out of context haha). I'm pretty disappointed considering I've been a Sony fan since I was a kid! Never had any problems before this. And to top it off, my Sony Bravia TV from 2016 (so not that long ago) just died the other day, randomly - working fine one day, the next day it didn't turn on (tried everything to fix but no luck). Frustrating ;((

      • +1

        I had the same thing with the right trigger spring breaking after only about 4 months of use, apparently it's a known issue with them. Got it replaced under warranty and the new one has been solid for over a year now… guess it just depends on the batch. There's also a bunch of DIY fix it videos on yt as well for the problem.

        • Glad you got yours replaced. I did try do that for the one with the joystick drift but they ran me through the usual hoops of updating all software and seeing if that helps and I just gave up in the end. Too much hassle for a $70 controller.

      • I literally felt it go floppy while in use

        That's what she said!

    • 5th recently for me, in a year and a half, its insane.

      Ours are pretty heavy use, but the way the analog sticks bubble on the top [?] and spin is crazy, thinking of going the edge because i have paid that in controllers already and am over replacing them. The spinning of the left analog stick which has happened to two of mine now make the controller pretty-much unusable

      no drift though, but i don't know if that's a win lol

      • I had a couple of dodgy PS4 controllers with stick drift. Might have been a bad batch since I bought them both at the same time and they failed at about the same time, luckily replaced under warranty.

        Not had any issues with my PS5 controllers in the 2 years or so that I've owned it. Thinking of buying one of these as a spare, though… good price.

  • Thanks, bought.

  • This or Camo ?

  • Wish Sony releases a back button attachment same way they did for the PS4 controller.

    • +4

      Doubt it because of the edge

  • Thanks op, been waiting ages for these to drop!

  • I signed up to eBay Plus thinking it was a trial but was charged $49!

  • Thanks! signed up eBay Plus just for this.

  • Got one! Good price. Thanks

  • Thank you, OP!

  • +1

    Does anybody know if the The eXtremeRate RISE 2.0 Remap Kit will work on these?


    There is the eXtremeRate RISE 2.0 Remap Kit (seems only some of the black + colour grip had 15% off) for $47.59

    It says the kit wont work on the BDM-030 model, and I think my other controller is this judging my the R1 buttons

  • I wish the god of war ps5 controller would go down to that price.

  • Thank you, bought it straight away.
    For those without eBay Plus, you are still able to get 10 dollars off, bringing it down to 79 from 89. Still a good deal considering everywhere else is selling it for 99+

  • Thanks OP, I may finally be able to convince my wife to play It Takes Two with me.

  • Grabbed one, thanks!!
    Was holding out for a sale on Blue but this is a great price.

  • +1

    Just got one
    Thanks for this
    I have been on the hunt and subscribed to this for months
    $109 is too expensive
    I think $70 is a good deal

    Now I can play 2 player ps5 games with my son

    • Same. Was looking at one at cashies for $65 yesterday but didnt want to take the risk.
      Cheers OP woo hoo!

  • +1

    This or xbox controller better?
    Main use: pc gaming and potentially gaming in car (eg Tesla)

    Will this work for the above use cases?

    • Much easier to just use an Xbox Series controller, it's pretty much plug and play via Bluetooth or dongle.

    • I too want to know if this will work on a tesla model y.

      I know the model 2 and x had an update that allowed ps5 controllers to work via bluetooth

  • Thanks

  • This or Xbox controller for the pc?

    • I think Xbox is better and more compatible on PC.

    • Xbox is probably better for PC. I have used a Dual Sense 5 without issue.

      If I was buying a controller, i'd seriously consider the 8Bitdo ultimate.

      • Same. My next controller will be that.

      • 8bitdo better than xbox controller for pc gaming?

        • About the same, imo. Xbox layout is the standard. Though, with Steam input pretty much any controller is good.

  • Brilliant, been hanging out for one this cheap. Cheers!

  • Damn I missed it. Can anyone confirm if their controller drifts?

  • Those who got this controller, can you please confirm if it's the upgraded controller? You can confirm this by looking at the FCCID ending with 'A' behind the controller.


    • +1

      Yes, it's the upgraded version with the ID ending in A.

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