Just seen a price drop on the Pixel 7 Pro. $250 off, combined with the CLICKFRENZY23 code seems to give a pretty good price.
P7 Pro 128GB: $944.10
P7 Pro 256GB: $1079.10
P7 Pro 512GB: $1214.10
Just seen a price drop on the Pixel 7 Pro. $250 off, combined with the CLICKFRENZY23 code seems to give a pretty good price.
P7 Pro 128GB: $944.10
P7 Pro 256GB: $1079.10
P7 Pro 512GB: $1214.10
I've got the Pixel 7 Pro 512GB, Pixel Watch, Pixel Buds Pro and Pixel Stand Gen 2. Very happy with it.
Looks like Google has also fixed an overheating issue with the new Pixels (server side change by the looks of it) which I have now definitely noticed. My Pixel is no longer heating up when playing games on it.
This is a REALLY good price for the Pixel 7 Pro series.
Interesting. Which monthly update fixed the issue for you?
@CptnObvious: They're referring to the actual Google app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.and…
Same here! I was all Apple everything, then became all Samsung everything and that was great, but now being all Pixel everything - LOVE IT
So what's next? :)
Poco ☝️
Probably something not in the market yet! LOL. Tesla launching a phone I heard?
My P6Pro was my last android device.. it drove me to apple (who i hadnt been with since 2012 and i do new phones every year) lols so i went the opposite way
Consume then get exicitment for next product.
can I be your friend?
Don't buy into ecosystems
I got mine last week from this deal. Happy with it so far. If you want to extend the battery life considerably, you can disable the "Google" app.
This was an issue on Googles end. They've fixed it now. My pixel 7 pros battery life plummeted over the last week and yesterday it was back to normal.
Oh sweet. Thanks for letting me know.
Can you purchase the phone online with these gift cards and the click frenzy code?
Just make sure you buy a single gift card for the exact amount.
Thanks worked for me with no issues. Opted for uber delivery and have the phone within 30mins of ordering.
Eli5 how to make it work?
Thanks for this. Wasn't easy (failed in store) but finally ordered one online with 1h left on the clickfrenzy. 256 GB version of the 7 Pro down to $ 999.1
Thanks, this worked for me too. Payment was rejected online due to being a prepaid card, so I had to go instore.
How does this compare with Motorola edge 30 Ultra? $806 seems pretty good for a 12/256
Camera quality takes a deep dive underwater
Lack of software support
8% cashrewards as well.
Why 256gb only come in one color.
Because either the other colours are sold out or it doesn't calculate well for JB to stock all colours due to low demand for such models.
Get a coloured case.
I hope the normal Pixel 7 goes on sale.
Given there have been quite a few deals in the last month, out of which several were to even buy outright, that hope might not be baseless.
As someone who went from a Pixel 6 Pro to a Pixel 7, I can't say I'm a big fan of the Pro version. It's just too big in the hand and the curved screen makes it a pain to protect with screen protectors (and feels more vulnerable to a drop even with a case). The 7 also feels a bit snappier because it isn't powering a higher resolution screen (you honestly can't tell the DPI difference in day to day use). Unless you absolutely need the zoom camera, you're not missing out on much by going with the regular 7. Heck, even the 7a looks like a great deal with the current promotions.
Yeah, the 7a at 300 cheaper, plus 150 gift card, was a killer buy
I got the 7 for $799 with 72,000 Telstra points which I immediately put towards three years of Amazon Prime ($180 value). No regrets despite the great 7a deals - I think the 7 is worth the small premium over the 7a (but not $200-300).
I'm never buying a curved edge screen phone
I've had two and I've hated every minute of them. The negatives far outweigh any positives.
With the right screen protector, Whitstone done, it is just fine. UV resin is way clearer than any regular screen protector with a silicone sticking surface. It's hard to explain unless you see it with your own eyes. Our family member has a P6 with a flat screen and my eyes can see a difference.
I will be buying Whitstone done even of P8 Pro has a flat surface. Yes, it is that good.
but how is gripping the phone and avoiding accidental edge touches?
@Fobsessive: I found the Pro to be much harder to hold and handle due to its size, which made dropping it more likely. It also seemed to fall out of more pockets for the same reason.
Whitstone is just a glass screen protector secured with loca glue and UV curing. I've gone through the application process half a dozen times between my Mate 20 Pro and the 6 Pro. It does a fantastic job, but the application process is a time consuming and messy pain in the arse and you always run the risk of getting glue in the speaker grill, which is very difficult to remove without causing damage. Maybe it's not an issue if you never drop your phone and you only have to do it once, but I found myself often living with cracked screen protectors for longer than I would have simply because I didn't want to go through the pain of putting a new one on. With a flat screen you can swap it out in 30 seconds without any hassle.
@dontpanic: Whitstone Dome manufacturer has vastly improved their application process since the days of Pixel 3 XL (which was extremely hard to install).
I believe that it's well worth the price and small effort to install Whitstone Dome. In my case, it only takes a little longer than a "stick-on" screen protector.
@vrsac: I've done both install processes and you're kidding if you think it only takes a "little" longer to install a loca based UV screen protector. It also costs way more. The only benefit is slightly better fingerprint recognition and better off angle viewing quality.
@dontpanic: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder - If I buy the best Android phone on the market, I also want the best screen protection there is. Well worth the price and effort if you consider that nothing compares to it.
@vrsac: Which is why I put loca UV screen protectors on all my curved edged phones. But my point is that it was a difficult and expensive process, which is why I wouldn't consider a curved edge phone again. As far as I'm concerned, the only reason to but the Pixel 7 Pro over the regular Pixel 7 is for the zoom lens. If you can live without that, the regular 7 is a much nicer phone to use and a much easier phone to to protect IMHO.
"it's just too big in the hand" That's what she said.
cheers OP, price protection claim time!
can we use multiple gifts cards online now?
I had a Pixel 7 Pro for three months, ended up getting a refund for it as there was a lot of little glitches within the device. Not sure I'd go back to it even for this price.
What sort of glitches? Considering the switch over.
Unresponsive screen at times and other little things like overlays or keypad remaining on screen in background etc.
So far, the only thing I can say that's a bit of a pain is the fingerprint sensor. On the 6 it was bad and it's been improved on the 7 but it's still not great.
That's it really. The camera is outstanding.
My P7 Pro purchased at release is perfect.
You may have a faulty device so you should consider having it replaced under warranty
Ended up getting a refund, looking at a S23 model with the deals they have on at the moment.
How did you get a refund and where do you purchase. I'm on the phone right now with Google
Really tempting but I really want to wait for the 8 pro. I have a 6 pro and tbh there isn't much differences
Steve Jobs has taught generations of Apple iPhone users that Tech Specs don't matter - it's the user experience that's important.
Apply that Android phones. Pixel 7 Pro is so fast, you'd be hard pressed to notice any difference when compared to an Apple phone. But then, Android phones are infinitely more configurable and usable. I have an iPhone 11 and Pixel 7 Pro, so, I've got the best of both world.
Benchmarks mean jack all in day to day use. The Pixels are fast, snappy and will do everything a regular user wants with ease.
pretty sure the we 2020 is snappier
Watch out for reported ensor overheating issues .
I know it's only a few mins left but don't forget to use the Ultimate gift cards. At your own risk. It took 25 mins for my gift card to arrive.
I got my p7 pro for free a few weeks ago.
Not sure if it's worth posting as a deal but anyone who is registered as a carer on Carers Gateway can get a device worth up to $1500 for free, I chose the P7 Pro.
Enjoying the phone so far.
Great price for a great phone.
I have the 128GB and am very happy with it.