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PlayStation 5 Disc Console $697.56 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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Just seen a pretty decent price drop on the regular PS5 console, great price for those who are still looking to get one.

Thought it was a price match but couldn't find anyone else selling for the same price so maybe they're just clearing some stock.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +44

    Thanks OP, may be a sign that the economy is finally tanking.

    • +33

      The economy IS tanking!

      In fact, the WORLD economy is tanking!

      The Media will tell you everything is fine until the moment they can't hide it anymore!

      • +30

        Ok bud.

        • +11

          LOL these guys the kind that been saying the property market is going to crash for the last 20 years

          • +10

            @jay889344: Australia is obsessed with speculating on property.

            It's pretty sad honestly. Neither political party will let that happen even if it should. Australia has voted against any change to the current situation. News Corp have a vested interest, imo, in driving the market. They own realestate.com.au.

            • @ihfree: politicians from both parties benefit from negative gearing and investment properties…

              nothing to do with Australia voted against any changes.

              There are probably more Australians that want to own their first home, then property investors
              that own 2 or more homes.
              So why would they vote against abolishing negative gearing.

              News Corp have a vested interest, imo, in driving the market. They own realestate.com.au.

              newscorp not going be able to increase or decrease interest rates or change the laws about negative gearing.

              only politicians can change the laws and neither parties have dared/or wanted to touch it (since it also affects their own personal properties interests)
              and will not gain anymore votes (from people who want to buy their first home since those people got no choice in either parties position on negative gearing ie both parties same position)
              and only will lose votes (from investors) and also get bad press and it also affects their own property investments.

              • @pinkybrain:

                The opposition went to both the 2016 and 2019 elections promising to halve the 50 per cent capital gains tax deduction and limit negative gearing to new properties only, attracting fierce resistance from the government and the property and construction industries. (smh)(smh.com.au)

                It's been a policy in reach of voters before.

                newscorp not going be able to increase or decrease interest rates or change the laws about negative gearing.

                They can influence public opinion. They also have influenced the current Liberal Party to where they are and the situation they are in today.

                only politicians can…

                The way the press works is roughly a scare campaign with articles about taking away the opportunity from everyday Australians when it is bigger investors who would mainly be affected by the policy.

                There are of course other factors involved such as lax laws around money laundering.

          • +1

            @jay889344: The Aus property market is unique in that supply has always been VERY LOW!

            So even if demand drops, people still need homes!

            So for a major property crash in AUS you would need demand to crash + decent supply! We never got a decent + in supply over the last 20 years! That is why the proterty market won't crash as hard as stock markets in AUS!

            • You have immigration always keeping demand up!
            • +2

              @neosin: You're right in that the property market will not crash. A lot of people hope the economy will crash so properties will go on clearance price but that is not how it works. Many of these people don't understand they too participate in the same economy. If the economy crashes, inflation will go up and so will the price of everything. Property prices will not conveniently come down so people can finally afford to buy it. Most people will need financing facilities to afford a home. If the economy crashes, your money will be worthless and there will be chaos and uprising.

              The distance between what people have in savings/wages vs the cost of a house will always remain stagnant and growing. Your wages' growth rate will increase or slow down but so is the price of property.

              What people can hope is investors overborrowed and cannot afford to pay off their loan due to the rising interest rates. This will lead them to dispose of their property at 'attractive' prices. But you will still need to navigate through this period of high interest rate. People can also hope for a credit crunch like the US. But if that happens, your ability to engage financing will also be limited so the distance to the dream of owning a hope will still remain the same.

              Apologies for the dark outlook but this seems to be my observation.

              • +1


                If the economy crashes, inflation will go up

                Pretty sure recessions reliably put downward pressure on inflation.

      • Haha I don't know why but you made me chuckle …thanks sir have a +

      • +6

        That makes no sense, pretty sure the media is the first to tell everyone that the world is ending, it sells more news..

      • +3

        Yeah, if there is one thing the media is renowned for, it’s not spreading doom & gloom.

      • +1

        You're one of the oldest accounts I've seen on Ozbargain so I'll take your word for it.

      • +1

        Apparently, "The Media" is "the enemy of people" …

    • No. Component market is coming back to normal (excess).

    • Earth is healing 😌

    • +3

      Nah. New console within 6 months

  • +2

    Good for a child’s birthday. Thanks.

    • +35

      Im really a kid at heart and my bday is coming up. Thanks.


    • At least after retirement you will get appreciation :)

  • +5

    Great price for disk version!

  • +6

    Finally. Some realistic pricing and availability. Huzzah!

  • +10

    This has to be the first discounted console price for ps5/XSX?

    • +8

      Cheapest I've seen without any discount codes or cashback for the PS5

    • Yep the first ones after pre order deals

  • +12

    Companies like sony/nvidia/soon nintendo now realise, milking covid stimmi checks are now over lol!

    They went from $750 to $800 back to $750 now $700 within a span of a few months!

    • +2

      But how much have they already pocketed….

    • +2

      They should probably have priced it in Aus from $850 to start and then bring it back down to $700 now. That would have been the actual capitalist way.

  • +13

    A real genuine PS5 bargain , it's about time

  • +22

    How can it fit 5 discs, is it a stacker?

    • +1

      Showing your age mate

      • +6

        Nah this is modern technology, it wirelessly streams from the boot of your car

    • +1

      Lolz good one. I'll ask my dad next time he comes around.

  • Thanks, finally pulled the trigger!

    • +1

      I'm considering it lol!!

      But funny thing I got my switch for $150, my ps4 for $160, and my series s for $300 last yr
      all second hand and really good condition besides the switch proabbly but legit same as if it was worn after a coupl months!

      I'm wondering if I can get a ps5 disc second hand for a good price or bite the bullet and buys this haha!

      • +6

        marketplace is flooded w scams n fakes and scalpers unfortunately

      • I think most of the ones I've sent are around the $600-$650 mark… You can probably find cheaper, it's just a matter of going through all the fake scam ads.

        Just depends on how much trolling you want to do and if you want it right now… 😉

  • +3

    About to sell my dust collecting ps5

    • -3

      Me too, such an overhyped console.

      • +5

        I found the hype came from Insta sheep, most dont even play, just buy to fit in

      • +6

        Happy to pay $350 for your overhyped console. Lm me.

        • +2

          Just cash traded to EB for $480 👍

      • I'd buy used if you folks want to message me pricing.

      • as opposed to what? xbox - no hype and no game console?

        • Weirdly enough, the best new console this gen was the Quest 2.

          Modern VR is the only thing currently delivering a mind-blowing new gaming experience, like we used to get whenever a new console released. Back when 2 or 3 times the horsepower enabled a totally new and amazing gaming experience, instead of exactly the same games as last gen, just with higher FPS or resolution, resulting in a nice but subtle visual upgrade.

      • I absolutely love my PS5, I have so many great games (mostly PS4) I’ve yet to play, many with PS4 Pro and PS5 upgrades, they all look amazing, controller is amazing, what more can you ask for?

        It’s currently in hibernation though while I play Zelda on my Switch. I love my Switch too.

        Only loser is my Xbox One X which is covered in dust, no good games for that thing, after I finished Red Dead in 2018 I never touched it again

    • I'm up to buy if you're in vic/melb

  • +6

    those who purchased a lot (trying to sell at higher price) must be crying now.

    • Are you kidding . The Smarties are OOS for $200-$500 profit per console.
      They won't buy $700 and the market won't support any profit . Only holding losses in play .

    • Good

  • wow they are finally droping the price now we will never see stock ever again lol

    • +5

      Isn't this the launch RRP? Haha

      $599 and we talk. Otherwise I don't care I'm waiting for pro/slim.

      • pretty sure they have stopped doing the pro series the next playstation will most likely be the PS6 since they started work on that.

  • +5

    imma wait for PS5 pro / slim model. will see in this Sep more detail

    • I wonder though if future gens will all be discless. Wouldn't surprise me.

      • +6

        I'd switch to discless if the price of digital games wasn't so high…

        • They’ll continue to be high whilst there’s only one market.

        • +5

          Digital games are pretty worthless once you have played them.

          At least physical games have some value even if you just leave it on the shelf as a consumer. Also nice to look at if you are a collector.

      • +1

        I really hope not. This would be terrible for the consumer :(

        • +3

          This is usually where some consumers ruin it for the majority.

          Supporting anti consumer behaviour. Like the removal of the fm radio, headphone jack, microsd card all because their reasoning. I don't use it there no one else should. Dit it really make your gadget cheaper? Ofcourse not. Now you just have less features.

          • @xoom: I agree, and it sucks that they have been removed. A discless console sucks even more due to the literal monopoly from which you can only buy and download games, no sharing games, and things which may disappear after support has ended. At least with my old PS2, for example, I'll always have the games to play if I choose

            • +1

              @DiscountForThee: Im with you there. Discless consoles spell the end for game sharing. What do consumers who support these anticonsumer behaviour really get out of it?

          • +1

            @xoom: I miss FM radio on my phone so much - used to be amazing to plug in a pair of headphones at the footy for the commentary, internet radio is slightly delayed and isn't the same. Had to buy an extra portable radio to take along now.

      • There were publications about making the default console a digital only, but with an attachable disc reader purchasable separately.

      • +1

        I don't mind discless if they allow us yo purchase from multiple digital stores just like PC where the price is competitive

      • New PS5 model is rumoured to be discless, but have an optional drive which integrates into the main unit somehow (not just a separate box that connects via a cable).

        I think that's a pretty good compromise if it's true.

    • Yep, and after being revealed in Sep, it will launch in 2024 with 5 consoles to australia, you can't get one until 2025 at full RRP.

  • +1

    Now this is a bargain.

    2.5 years after release this is the first decent drop from the original $749 price and the current RRP$799.

    • Amazonn pre order was $670 :-)

  • +1

    Love ours. Highly recommend the PSVR2 too, surprised how good it is.

    Yeah, expensive as hell, I know.

    • Waiting on a sale for that one.

      It looks like it would be awesome (thinking mainly for GT7 here), but I'm prone to motion sickness so don't really want to pay the full whack for this only to find I can only use it for 10 minutes. The original PSVR saw some decent discounting after release, so hopefully PSVR2 will see the same in a year or two.

      • +1

        You can ease into vr and 'train' yourself. Start with low intensity vr games in small bursts before moving onto the more hardcore experiences like gt7 and horizon.

        And it is game changing for gt7

      • +1

        GT7 is insane with it. I never played GT7 'normal' because I only bought GT7 since they added VR.

        It's insane, just crazy good, especially since I started the game fresh, put up with all this 2D videos, long splash screen 10 minutes then suddenly finally you're in the cockpit and I was like NO WAY.

        Also, surprisingly, it's not a gimmick, it's 100% easier to drive better in the game, in VR, for sure. Had a really difficult license test (I played whole game in VR) and I thought "ok it must be dumb VR gimmick, time to try 2D" - nope, 3D is def easier.

        I love it's a single cable, good fidelity. I reckon we bought 30+ games now…

  • +6

    Should be the normal price, I don't want to see any BS RRP Ps5 deals at 750 anymore.

    • +3

      to be fair $700 for a gaming station that can play 4k is amazing value, you cant get a GPU for similar price that will do the same

      • +1

        I know, no doubt, hence I bit the bullet now and got it via sony price match and amex $100 off, got it for 597.

  • +1

    and there's still stock available after 2.5 hours. !! unreal!!!

    • +3

      Because scalpers are staying away, not much money in reselling these now

  • +1

    so looks like only the car industry is thriving.

  • Ps5 has been selling well I wonder why it's been discontinued for like 6 months in Australia.

  • +1

    this means next gen is coming soon

  • -3

    Ps6 coming 2024

  • +1

    i thought Sony put up prices on this :)
    guess its achieved the reverse

  • +4

    Stacks with the Amex $100 off from Sony store offer as well. Takes it down to under $600.

  • +2

    I still have more than a dozen unplayed PS4 titles so I have time to wait until the PS5 goes below 500 dollars.

    • +1

      If you're gaming a lot then you'd definitely benefit from getting the PS5. The loading times are drastically shorter, and plenty of games allow better FPS and / or quality than what you'd get on the base PS4.

      • +1

        Can play ps4 games on ps5?

        • +1

          Yeah, straight from the disc even! I've bought a few PS4 versions of games in recent times where the PS5 versions weren't worth the money.

          Another game I play, Don't Starve Together loads considerably quicker on PS5 than it does on PS4 (even one with an SSD). Takes some actions from like, 20 seconds to about 2 or 3.

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