Midnight Suns Legendary Edition going for A$74.97 (50% off) on Humble Bundle, A$63.72 with Humble Choice.
You can save another US$40 (welcome bonus) + US$6.38 cashback (15% cashback ending at 5pm AEST) if you join Rakuten's cashback program, which is approximately A$69.22 so potentially getting the game for free but please do your own research. Once signed up to Rakuten, you have 90 days to spend $40 to be eligible for the bonus.
My purchase has tracked the 15% cashback but still awaiting confirmation of the US$40.
Hope this helps.
EDIT - A friend pointed out that the referral program does not apply to us as we are outside the US and Canada. Apologies for not spotting it sooner.
Will there be any more characters/content added or is that it?