OzBargain's favourite Ice Cream brand is half-price at Coles this week, but they seem to rocking some new flavours, which sound very tantalising for my tastebuds.
OzBargain's favourite Ice Cream brand is half-price at Coles this week, but they seem to rocking some new flavours, which sound very tantalising for my tastebuds.
I hate all the free advertising that Coles and Woolworths get on OzBargain, all they have done is increase the list price of products so they can have half price "specials". The halved price is what the item should sell for everyday.
There is something to this.. I reckon my Woolworths bill has doubled in the past 12 months.
It's the standard FMCG model.
Connoisseur ice cream is $12 per tub at IGA and other independents.
The price has risen from $10 in recent years but I'd say the manufacturer is increasing the prices due to inflation.
Personally, I'm grateful that Colesworth sell them half price sometimes.
Direct your ire at Peters Ice Cream, the manufacturer, it you think it's expensive.
I prefer Aldi as they don't play the same stupid game, them doing you a favour is exactly what the marketing department at Coles and Woolworths wants you to think
I like Aldi for some things too. But I recommend comparing Connoisseur with Aldi's ice cream. I know which one I find better value.
@realJuliusCaesar: The Connoisseur Belgian Chocolate is the best supermarket ice cream on the market. I’m yet to taste the Aldi equivalent.
I did get Cremorne Creamery ice cream from colesworth, it was awful.
The peanut butter flavour on special isn’t much chop either. Too sweat, too much like candy.
@BargainMe What year/how long ago was the ice cream $6 normal price?
$6 for 1l of ice cream…? And that's half price? Wowsers.
You should see some of those companies that sell in the little pint sized containers. I was grocery shopping yesterday and saw a New sticker for Ben & Jerry's and it was $14.50 RRP. $14.50 for 429mL. That's $33.79 for 1L.
Id definitely cry like a child if I dropped that…. Haha
Yeah. halo top and similar skim milk/low cal type brands are basically triple this price
The baked choc chip cookie is top tier
Why bother calling it baked? Can a cookie be anything other than baked?
Cookie dough is one of the most popular flavours for Ben and Jerry’s, so I guess they want to distinguish.
Some people do not like raw cookie dough. I assume the texture of the baked cookie one is crunchy so will possibly appeal to a new demographic.
Yes, it can be RAWW
I remember when these used to be $9 full price :(
To put that into perspective: minimum wage has increased from $17.70 to $21.38. Back in 2016 you had to work for 33 minutes for a tub at full price, now for 34 minutes. Much of a muchness.
yea, i was in uni back then. would dip to woolies during lunch and get a tub when it was half off.
Where I live the laneways are gross. Remember kids: Don’t eat the yellow ice cream.
is half-price at Coles this week
Nope. It just got back and it was full price…
It will be half price this week, in 2 days like the OP deal states.
That is only part of this week.
This week is this week. Coles and Woolies introduce their specials mid-week, nothing we can do to change that.
I like Connoisseur Ice Cream. I refuse to buy it at Colesworths (and IGA) UNLESS it is half price or less.
I would hope that most people realise that Colesworths play silly games pretending that they're doing us a favour.
My taste buds think the Aldi equivalent is pretty close in quality to Connoisseur, which means that at Aldi prices it's always a good buy if you're looking for nice ice cream.
Some of the brands selling smaller tubs at higher prices are taking the p*ss. No ice-cream could ever be worth the RRP they seek. It's hard to imagine that anyone buys it except when it's half price or on clearance.
This listing should be make it clear that only two flavours are on special, not the whole Connoisseur range.
Two flavours only…..that's good to know
Some of the brands selling smaller tubs at higher prices are taking the p*ss. No ice-cream could ever be worth the RRP they seek. It's hard to imagine that anyone buys it except when it's half price or on clearance.
Literally the only time I've paid full price for Ben & Jerry's was one time for my birthday. And that was only because it hadn't gone on special in the weeks leading up.
We will find out in 2 hours, but most of the time they only show a couple of flavours it still includes the full range. To me it says all Connoisseur icecreams are half-priced, and here are our two new flavours.
The supermarkets make large losses on half price specials. I personally appreciate that. I know that they hope I'll pay full price on other items, but I don't often do.
Part of the reason Connoisseur and other brands are more expensive is they spend money on building and advertising their brand. Then Aldi comes along and copies it visually. They reap the gain at low cost.
The supermarkets make large losses on half price specials
Source? My understanding is that the supplier shares the cost reduction, pays for more space and better shelf positions, pays for prominently featuring in the catalogue etc. End of the day I have no idea who's making money or how much. Probably depends on the product category?
Yes, true. I think it's fair to consider them as loss leaders though. Very unlikely to make any money for the retailer.
I think these half price specials are legit deals and should keep being posted on OzBargain.
@realJuliusCaesar: I'm not sure that's true in most cases (say instore bakery products maybe?) but I'd be very interested to read any actual case studies or related explanations.
I gather suppliers work with the retailers on multiple fronts to negotiate and manage their margins and production capacity in an incredibly complex web.
An example of something I think seems plausible for this Connoisseur:
Party | Price |
Supplier cost of production and delivery | $4 |
Coles cost price | $8 |
Customer price | $12 |
Party | Price |
Supplier cost of production and delivery | $4 |
Coles cost price | $5 |
Customer price | $6 |
I hate you.
The two new flavours that will be half price are Durian Custard and Dingleberry Chunk. So exciting!
link to durian plz
Think it's just those 2 flavors, happy to be corrected though
Connoisseur sadly changed their formula on their ice cream a few years ago. Its not as good as it once was. Cost cutting i guess, a good way to increase profit without changing price or size. Its not as creamy as it once was and hence freezes quicker / harder / forms icicles as well as when you take it out of the freezer, it isnt as soft straight away as it once was. But the biggest downfall is of course the flavour and texture isnt as good when you reduce the cream. Still a good ice cream, but i am not sure its the best anymore. I tried a Magnum tub (overseas) and i found their vanilla better. I dont know if Magnum tubs are in australia. Sara lee has dropped massive in quality of ice cream as well sadly.
online only for the regular flavors
Poor mans Messina I'm surprised they haven't got a cease and desist cause the banding looks like messina.
Thanks OP. I'll be gravitating towards those new flavours 👊