Long story short a hotel threw out some socks and undies of mine.
They have promised to reimburse me so I can splash out a little..
Does anyone have a pair they swear by?
Long story short a hotel threw out some socks and undies of mine.
They have promised to reimburse me so I can splash out a little..
Does anyone have a pair they swear by?
I’d like to hear the story.
Was housekeeping trying to be helpful or was it accidental?
Sold to a Tokyo vending machine company.
@DashCam AKA Rolts: The Tokyo vending machine got reincarnated and your undies are now living the good life with several waifus.
Because it sounds like a cool story.
My recommendation is bonds and tradies. Probably not the "best" quality but by time they wear out from normal rotation I've definitely got my moneys worth. You never pay more than 50% off RRP for the best ROI.
They had some issues with checking people in on the night I checked in because some systems were down. They had to literally let every person into their room with the master card.
The next day I came back (drunk) and couldn't work out why my stuff wasn't in my room anymore.
Turns out no one told housekeeping the room they put me in was to be occupied for two days… And housekeeping being really weird packed all my stuff and put it in lost property.
Hotel manager agreed it wasn't something that should have happened so agreed to reimburse and promised me a comp upgrade on next visit. I go fairly often and have elite status.
Oh one more thing. We found my stuff but my socks and undies were gone.. presumably got turfed? Super annoying cos the next day I had to wear my worn undies. Gross.
@capslock janitor: I know. What a rookie. Pros get 4 days out of a pair of undies! Inside, outside, front and back.
@Niko123456: I was hoping to read that they were so bad that the hotel had decided to burn 'em for the greater good.
Is this your first time on OzBargain?
Hotel in Japan??
He is just trolling. Nothing relevant to add, it's like OzBargain SPAM.
I agree with you Niko
The how, what and why matters not as the hotel has agreed to compensate already
OP just wants some good, long lasting brands recommendations
Even 1 neg is ridiculous and just demonstrates how ridiculous OB has become.
All they want to do is argue the point
Not get to the point
And Muzeeb needs to learn to mind his own business.
Seems to have nothing better to do than annoy people
Unfortunately now that most are made in china they dont last very long
Combination of "cheap" low quality cotton and poor quality manufacturing
wow 58 downvotes….. new record maybe
Nah -> https://www.ozbargain.com.au/comment/10862236/redir
That's the benchmark, although you'll lose brain cells reading
Mitchdowd good value for $ on sale and generally last a while unlike bonds. Can run slightly small
How to win friends and influence people by Niko123456.
This is OzBargain, we trade useful information for juicy stories.
Don't believe us? Ask Pam.
Long story short a hotel threw out some socks and undies of mine.
OP was wearing them at the time.
Actually, I'm fairly sure most of us are here for the banter.
Sounds like Amayzingone has got an embarrassing undies story or similar and this is dredging up PTSD or something..
If Niko123456 didn't want us to know the backstory, then why throw the teaser about "long story short…." - in many situations this is an opening for someone with the time to ask for the long version.
OP could have just said
"Mens Undies Recommendations - Better Quality"
Not concerned with price. What do you suggest?"
This is a discussion forum… people shouldn't facilitate if they don't want to discuss.
@MrFrugalSpend: OP has kept thier post short and sweet - straight to the point
Thank you OP!
The how and why and please explain matters not.
@Dr Phil: Well that's my whole point - OP didn't do that… as I said, short and sweet would be:
Mens Undies Recommendations - Better Quality
Not concerned with price. What do you suggest?",
The unnecessary superfluous information "Long story short a hotel threw out some socks and undies of mine." suggests there is a story, if you've got time for the long version. As if something like that could ever get posted on a discussion forum without at least one person asking about it! Not going to happen.
So really, the inclusion of superfluous information is the only reason this perpetuated.
Been happy with Tradie brand… they seem to last several dozen toxic fart sessions without skiddies.
I always seem to have a problem with the waist band section? It's always kind of scratchy and thin and tight
Aussiebum waistband is the best. It never gets loosen and I only had to throw mine when the front get loosened.
jokes aside …
100% go with tradie brand.
Really liking the bamboo socks ATM … last soo much longer + comfy.
yeah Bonds are now made in China and quality has gone as well
What are these magical shart deterrent properties you speak of?
never had an issue.
Why would hotel staff be handling your smalls?
Look. If you don't have a recommendation then please don't waste the OP's time.
But I reckon there may be a tragic backstory to the loss of the smalls so much like reality TV - I need to feel pity or sadness in order to vote offer exxy smalls recs
Why would hotel staff be handling your smalls?
some of us are born that way
ahhhhh …. I've got no recs on small smalls as I'm an OzB member but not of the 'sausagefest' tier so I cannot assist in relation to your issue.
Some people pay extra for this.
Especially if you are still wearing them.
No need to pay extra …. just book an o/s trip & airport pat-down is included for free!
Japan can tell you why
I love Calvin Klein underwear.
They feel good, look good and nothing rides up.
Most gay guys I know prefer CK, so it must be good.
Can also be helpful if you get yourself in a Back to the Future situation.
Microfibre Calvin Klein is my SO’s go to
Right, plastic underwear that sheds microplastics must be great.
They are good initially buy they fall apart rapidly.
I'm fairly heavy set and can get 2 - 3 years out of a pair easily. I do buy mine from the US when I travel there, so the quality might differ to Aus supplied ones.
Nice humblebrag… heavy set ;)
Hey Wiz, what specific model did you get? I am built the same thinking of at least giving one of these a go.
@IslandBreeze: @IslandBreeze - I have an assortment, due to wearing it for years. Currently, most are the microfibre model.
Depends if you like support for your business.
I used to like them until I went and got some bonds one with the extra U shape stitching. I’ve also found that the CK’s start to go see through quicker than others.
agree they easily last 3-5 years, elastic never fails, the only way they ever die for me is eventually the fabric rips near the elastic
I pay approx between 10-15 bucks a pair, my last order was in 2019 and I haven't even opened 80% of the box
+1 Tradies for everyday. Mitch Dowd classics for sleep.
Seems like OP freed a housekeeping elf
Commando for sleep!
Mundo Unico. High quality cotton an last ages
Did you read the title ?
Any opportunity to go all woke. Ozbargain is such a wokefest. RTFT.
Regardless, you don't think the typical OZB is mostly men? I know JV is famously female, but they are pretty atypical.
I know JV is famously female
Depends on how JV feels on the day
you don't think the typical OZB is mostly men?
The stats are published each month so I don't need to think.
Male 71.9% Female: 28.1%
Statistics never lie. Sorry, what was your point again?
@MS Paint: I just hadn't said "sausagefest" for a while and was looking for an excuse to use it again.
TBH I find men far more interesting than women, so bring on the sausagefest.
"Mens" clothes are generally made for comfort and functionality while "womens" are generally made for looks. I wear "mens" undies for everyday use and only wear "womens" undies for special occasions. I'm interested in the recommendations being made even though I don't have a sausage.
What brand of men's undies do you wear?
Just bonds at the moment. They have good elastic, are comfortable enough and last for years, just wondering if there's better and I'm missing out.
@Miss B: Bonds and CK are good but sometimes at a premium… got to get them at discounts
but I find these to be good too https://www.kmart.com.au/product/7-pack-briefs-s139975/?sele…
@Poor Ass: I'd feel weird about wearing the wrong undies on the wrong day. I don't like that kind of waistband either as I find them a bit scratchy, but maybe I could try these.
I got my bonds in 5-7 packs in this style always at least 50% off and nowhere near that price. I think it's been 5 years or so since I bought any as they just keep going. I assume at some point they will disintegrate.
I travel with one pair of undies: ExOfficio Give-N-Go® travel underwear tagline: 17 countries, six weeks, one pair of underwear
For socks, anything merino - doesn't smell so you can re-wear for days before refreshing
Username checks out
$30 for a pair of undies are they having a laugh?
Mate that is disgusting.
Under Armour Mens Tech have been game changers for me. Super light material and very comfortable.
Came to say the same. These undies are the best and can survive serious wear n tear, including multiple sharts.
What game did they change exactly?
Just wanted to come back here and say thanks for the tip, bought a couple of pairs of these and they are brilliant! Just hope they last
Glad to hear. Bought myself two more pairs a few weeks ago.
Aussiebum ;-)
I like merino undies. The Aldi ones are fine but you can get icebreaker or other options. Light, cool, hold their shape, do not hold the sweat (not the thermal undies, just normal ones). They are great for exercising/jogging; also I believe you can wear them for several days before they smell and hence great for travel…(have never tested).
Absolutely more expensive than Bonds of course
Lol what.
Serves them right for the massive inconvenience. They can eat dirt.
Lightspeed Briefs, came to me in a dream
I was waiting for this.
I generally go Haines but if someone else is paying then definitely CK would be the way to go. They're the only expensive brand that are actually worth the money IMO (except Mack Weldon, but those don't sell here)
I think we need the full version here.