• expired

10% off All Gift Cards (Amazon, eBay, Apple, Bunnings, Catch, etc $100 Minimum Spend, Free Account Requ.) @ Gift Card Exchange


Full credit to @Skido for this ripper deal!

1 use per account.

Note an account is required.

Works on all gift cards! Minimum $100 spend.

Referral Links

Referral: random (42)

Referrer gets 500 GCX+ points after the referee makes their first purchase of $20 or more within 30 days of signing up.

Related Stores

Gift Card Exchange
Gift Card Exchange

closed Comments

  • +1

    It works with the Exchange eGift Card
    Great deal!

    • what would you use this gift card for ?

      • +6

        To exchange.

        • +1

          like you dont know what gift card you want now, so get one later?

          • @zerog101: Buy the Exchange gift card now, exchange it for any of the other gift cards they offer later when you want to buy something.

            • +6

              @Sqz66: What happens if they go broke in meantime?

              • @Tleyx: Same thing that happens if you buy any other gift card from any company?

  • +4

    Bought $500 Amazon arrived and redeemed already

  • -2

    Never used that. How does It work please?

  • +8

    I'll stick to the ozbargain classifieds for my gift cards.

    Thanks anyway.

  • +1

    No Coles or woollies :(

  • +12

    Website is getting OzBargained

    • been trying to open my giftcard for past 5min hahha

  • +4

    server jammed… thanks OZB … !

  • Site slow and getting error that I can't add more than one discount

    • And now payment error

      • haha I thought my internet connection got issue, why the hell the site is not loading !!!

  • just to confirm best restaurant is ANY restaurant?

    • +7


      Best Restaurant gift cards are only redeemable at ~400 participating restaurants across Australia.

      If you want to purchase a gift card redeemable at any merchant using a restaurant MCC, purchase an Amazon gift card, then use that to purchase a Restaurant Choice gift card on Amazon… assuming you can load the Gift Card Exchange website.

  • +2

    These are good guys. Have been using them for a while.

    • +1

      Good customer service too. Lodged a ticket with them and got a call back the next day

      • yeah they are good. I got a email back within minutes but that was within work hours.

      • +1

        Not anymore after this deal. They'll have a backlog for months

  • Any card which works on Coles/ Woolies?

  • +7

    site died lol

    • +5

      "Now, feel the power of the fully functioning Ozbargain!"

  • site doesn't load anymore lol

  • +3

    payment failed, tried again, now saying voucher usage limit reached.

    • me too, I even saw this deal when it was posted but took too much time thinking - time to research past deals and questioning whether CBA would treat as cash advance like it did for another provider in the past :/

      edit: I misunderstood, so seems website buggy and thinks I used the promo code already due to failed payment, since other OzB users still successful.

  • +3

    Somehow their logo reminds me of the special gift card brand.

  • +1

    Had all of it before. Don’t need the stress.

  • Site is getting hammered it seems.

  • Payment failed and now usage limit reached

  • Is it possible to buy 2 exchange cards with 2 accounts? Or are there some kind of smarts to detect duplicate accounts.

    Want an Amazon one, and if possible, an eBay one.

    • +1

      Just buy the exchange gift card and choose how you'd like to allocate the credit later.

    • You can't even buy one currently, but it verifies phone number so if you have two of those it should be okay

    • One exchange card can be exchanged to more than 1 brand (so you can exchange the value to amazon and ebay in same card itself)

      "With the Exchange Gift Card, the receiver can allocate their funds to one or multiple brands they choose. What's better than redeeming your gift card at your favourite store? Redeeming it at multiple of your favourite stores!"

      • Thanks all, good info for next time. :D

  • -1

    Can't even add to cart 😒

  • Site is crashing lmao

  • +2

    the two visitors they are getting crashing the site!

  • :( dosent look like site ll be restored anytime soon.

  • -56

    This is a fake post designed to take down the site. I work for GCX and there is no offer on our website to this amount.

    • +6

      BS, some got it successfully, I got to payment but it failed.

    • +4
    • +15

      Sorry. I don't agree with that. I was given a tip off from an anonymous source and I tested to ensure it worked and therefore published the deal. By no means did I intend to or want this to take down the site.

      • -7

        @HamBoi69 I'm sorry. I want to let you know that my intention was not to discredit you. The code did work but was not supposed to be public. In haste, I made the call to post the comment to stem the flow of people to our website. Congratulation to those of you who scored some cheap credits :) We are excited to see you spend them on our platform. For all those who missed out, I'll share a little secret, there will be a special AMAZON code on Tuesday next week!  

        • +7

          Interesting tactic to outwardly lie as a representative when so many other responses were available to you. You can properly manage traffic loads by implementing a queueing system. Wouldn't you think your behaviour would be a turnoff for future customers?

    • +3

      its a "bear" attack!

      • Yes

    • +8

      And yet the offer somehow works. Are you trying to say that you guys have been hacked or are you simply not aware of what your colleagues have setup?

    • +7

      Are store reps really just coming here and saying anything nowadays? Pretty bad look for the businesses they represent. Maybe speak to someone within the company to confirm first before saying stuff like this. Unless you're suggesting someone hacked into your company's system and added a 10% code? Ridiculous.

      With the amount of traffic your site is built to handle I reckon it's not that hard to hack into anyway.

    • +1

      Call of Duty Ozbargain Warfare?

    • +1

      Lets blame it on the Floptus hacker while we are at it

    • +3

      Mate bugger off, you had a promo and didn't plan for the amount of traffic you'd get from your website, don't blame you bloody customers just trying to buy some gift cards when in reality your IT infrastructure is lacking.

    • 🤡

      • +1

        Pennywise, is that you

        • It’s the Adelaide Clowns!

    • You aren't going to get a raise by lying for the company

      • +1

        Maybe that's the corporate culture. Not a good look.

  • Stuck at 'Processing payment…' page for over 5 minutes, what should I do?

    • +4

      Keep breathing

      • +1

        *breathing accessories sold separately

        • Commence CPR

          Someone page @Vancomycin 1000mg

  • This voucher is disabled…

    • Yup. Too late :(

  • "Voucher is disabled"

  • I'm assuming we can buy multiple quantities of the same giftcard?

    • Just buy exchange, its up to 2500
      Unless you want more than that

  • Can some1 PM me the backdoor ?

    • What do you mean?

    • +7

      Try Grindr?

    • Backdoor to the other goats?

  • Party's over - Promo code has been disabled

    • +1

      Haha, I'm still trying to create an account.

  • +1

    For those who are stuck in Payment processing, you probably shouldn't refresh the page as the coupon got disabled, you may be charged the full price.

    • Just took a screenshot in case I need to submit a chargeback. Thanks!

  • So is a fake post designed to take down the site?
    Or it’s work ?

    • Worked

      • Site is dead. Can’t loading

    • Or perhaps they were looking for people to perform load testing for free.

    • With ED

    • I think they stuffed up - maybe it was a code for a single customer.

      Like that time Virgin Australia had flights to Paris for like $600 AUD return back in 2016.

    • Free load testing of their site using OzBargainers.

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