Help! My life is in ruins! I can't play the new season in WoW and I'm getting behind my guildies
My router thinks it's OK to break right on release day so I need a new one but I don't see any deals around any suggestions?
Help! My life is in ruins! I can't play the new season in WoW and I'm getting behind my guildies
My router thinks it's OK to break right on release day so I need a new one but I don't see any deals around any suggestions?
Good idea.
Take the word "gaming" out of the title and the router gets considerably cheaper.
But you lose the flashing RGB lights, and enormous plastic "antennae"!
Gaming Router ASPA
Never heard of ASPA, stick with CISCO
Get Flint:
next day shipping from amazon:ā¦
Nighthawk off marketplace does the job.
Buy one from with next-day shipping, then research the optimal / bargain router and if it's much cheaper/better, return the amazon one.