Hey ozbargainers any theories on why UBank haven’t announced an interest rate increase
Why Have ubank Not Raised Their Interest Rates This Tme

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They will face a backlash if that’s why they think
any press is good press. you posting this is giving us free advertising. real users!
Why haven't you switched then?
Still waiting to see if they are raising,,I have contacted them by email and awaiting an answer
U want a better interest rate you need to work for it
On and off banks go on customer buying sprees.
Commbank bought me some years ago when Suncorp did a Gerry on me.
Macquarie went on a buying spree in Sydney's industrial belt. For a while they even kicked Westpac out of the big4. Then after the dust settled Ubank offered a better deal.
BOQ buys kide, Ubank offers convenience like payments direct from savings.
Both had a share price plunge. To me: Less can be more!You can tell which banks are desperate for cash (liquidity) by looking at who raises interest rates first and highest. Those are the banks likely to be killed first when something triggers.
NAB's coffers are full of cash and profits already so they do not need your filthy cash.
The $200 billion loan at 0.1% from RBA expires next year, so banks don't need your money.
You have a home loan? We have to raise it ASAP.
No wonder the banks had record profits recently.
There’s people upvoting the anz app high interest rate of 4.50 % so they are behind the eight ball
While I wouldn't count UBank out just yet, they are dreaming if they think Ozbargainers won't notice.
Since there is a high likelihood that the cash rate will be around 3.8% for a while, I'd encourage anyone reading this to ensure they're getting the best rate.
Here are some higher interest-rate accounts for you to consider:
- ING Savings Maximiser (5.25%)
- Virgin Money Boost Saver (5.10%)
- Great Southern Bank Homer Saver (5.00%)
- BoQ Smart Saver (4.85%), or 5.30% if you're under 35 (Future Saver)
- St George/BoM/BankSA Incentive Saver (4.75%, plus 0.10% for 3 months if you sign up online)Full list with conditions here.
Voting with your wallet works, especially when we're talking about a bank, which is effectively a corporate money manager.
Speaking of the devil, just got an email they're increasing the rates to 4.75% from June 1st.
Just got email full rate increase on home loan
we know our users are loyal so why bother?