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Free Milkshakes to Celebrate National Healthy Bones Week (Melb, Syd, Bris)


What better way to celebrate National Healthy Bones Week than with the time-honoured, classic calcium booster – the milkshake! Throughout NHBW a number of cute, quirky and calcium-loving cafes around Austtralia are helping the public get their daily serve of calcium with free milkshakes and smoothies. During NHBW, milkshake-lovers can head down to participating cafés and pick up a delicious free shake and calcium boost. National Healthy Bones Week Free Shake Days will be held at the following cafes on the dates below.

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closed Comments

  • +12


    Jerry’s Milk Bar
    345 Barkley St, Elwood
    Sunday 19th August
    2pm – 5pm

    Rowena Parade Corner Store
    44 Rowena Parade, Richmond
    Tuesday 21st August
    1pm – 4pm

    Café No. 12
    12 Commercial Rd, Prahran
    Thursday 23rd August
    1pm – 3:30pm


    Annex Espresso Bar
    56 Clarence St, Sydney
    Every day of NHBW!
    10am – 4pm

    Café Giulia
    92 Abercrombie St, Chippendale
    Every day of NHBW!
    6:30am – 4pm


    Milk Café
    Shop 9/16 Ashgrove Ave, Ashgrove
    Every day of NHBW
    2pm – 3pm Monday – Friday
    4pm – 5pm Saturday & Sunda

  • +1

    Oh no it's going to get ozbargained! Shortages of milkshake flavouring across Australia!

    • +5

      Germany, America & New-Zealand are some of the largest consumers of DAIRY products in the world.

      They have the highest level of osteoporosis and lowest bone density per capita on earth.

      Japan, Korea are the smallest consumers of DAIRY in the world but have the lowest level of osteoporosis and highest bone density on earth.

      NO dairy = strong bones. Too much dairy = weak bones

      To break down Lactose (the acid found in Dairy products) your body must use "calcium"…The richest source of calcium in the human body is your bones!

      The reason no one talks about milk being a negative food product is because so many people's lively hoods rely on the continued consumption of dairy products.

      Its a multibillion dollar industry that can stomp out any negative press and discredit any reports on the health impact of consuming dairy products.

      Human beings are not BABY cows with 3 stomach's we were never meant to correctly digest Cow milk.

      Cow milk does have Vitamin D, b12 and other valuable minerals that are good for us but your much better off getting them from other foods and your calcium from sardines & broccoli ext.. ( in moderation always applies to any food )

      • +2

        Very well said. Thank you.

      • Thank you!

      • Can you link me to a study that talks about this, I'm intrigued to read it.

        • few online hard to find .. also watch a movie named - Forks over knives

  • +1

    Any milk that has been pasteurised no longer contains the enzyme that lets you absorb calcium.

    In fact, it is probably more beneficial to NOT drink (pasteurised) milk for bone strength.

    • got a scientific study to back that one up..
      it may be reduced but to say it has negative benefits would be misleading (unless the person is lactose intolerant)
      e.g http://www.jbc.org/content/79/1/283.short (shows conclusion of reduced absorption from raw to pasteurised, but better than dried milk powder for example)

      • +2

        OMG you've got to be JOKING? That study is from 1928!!

        • was the first one i found on google scholar…

          perhaps i should have read the date rather than just skimming it for conclusions..

          feel free to share more up-to-date studies supporting MdMa7's claims

        • -2

          Strange, I didn't realise science changes with time. I guess we should ditch Galileo's theory, then. That whole round-earth concept is almost 500 years old - how old fashioned.

        • +5

          So following your logic, radium is still safe to drink, lead and mercury have no harmful effects and asbestos should be fine too.

    • +2

      why was this negged ? explain.

      • +11

        carbon tax…

    • +5

      you can also get pregnant in public swimming pools

      • +1

        even guys?

        • +21

          especially guys

    • I read a book called The China Study http://www.amazon.com/The-China-Study-Comprehensive-Implicat… it's full of hard nosed data on this topic. It made me smile about this campaign…

    • -2

      Mmm, that bovine tuberculosis really helps you absorb that calcium too.

    • +1

      I would love to find a dairy farmer in Brisbane that would be willing to sell raw (unprocessed) milk in small quantities to the public. I thought they "weren't meant to" although apparently they exist.

      • +4

        just buy a cow and put it in the backyard

      • i thought it was illegal to sell raw milk.
        i've google that the only way to get it is if you own the cow and the farmer milks it for u!

        • +2

          you can by unpasteurized milk from the farmer but they must sell it specifically for "cosmetic" reasons and explicitly state it is "not for drinking" once you have purchased it, it is your choice to do whatever you want with it. But if you drink it and something goes wrong then the onus is on you!

        • pasteurizing is the process of heating the milk to kill bacteria. some people have died from e.coli from unpasteurized products like apple juice and milk. I have tried fresh milk (still warm from the cow) the farmer told me once it cools then its not safe to drink. I didn't like it, way too creamy and rich. The experts have their reasons for the process though I don't know Im not an expert.

        • dup

        • i prefer fresh milk, thats why we need to cook that milk, still miss the creamy cream taste of old milk

      • Mrs Flannerys health food stores used to sell raw milk as a beauty product. Haven't been there for a few years so unsure if they still do.

      • What you want is Cleopatra’s Bath Milk - places to buy it in Brisbane: http://www.angelfire.com/folk/rawmilk/page3.html

  • when they sad Every day of NHBW.. what is the time period? and also what is the process? Do i just walk up and say I'd like a Free Milkshake?

    • +1

      Read carefully, it's in the original posting: 19/08/2012 - 25/08/2012 (Starts in 4 days). And yes, the outlets are fully aware they will be inundated at these times. Good luck.

      • Thanks Mate, apologies for not reading the attributes bit. I just read your description and then clicked through the link and didn't see any dates there.

  • Excellent, there's one near Wynyard. Will try to get there Sunday.

    • +1

      Sorry greenpossum, I used to work in the building that Annex is located in and it's not open on weekends.
      Not sure about the chippendale one though.

      I wonder how big they are, I'm imagining a smallish plastic cup :(

      • Aw, that's no fun, they claimed Everyday of the NHBW. Thanks for the info.

  • +1

    i am shaking my fists for this milkshake flavoured milkshake deal… because i am not working in the Sydney CBD….

  • dammit, 1pm-4pm at Rowena Parade Corner Store…that's a great little cafe right around the corner from my house, but i'll be at work then!!! should have done it in the morning!!!

    • +2

      Perhaps you can suddenly get a really bad headache at 3.45pm and have to go home from work. ;)

  • -2

    Milkshakes? How irresponsible in one of the worlds fattest nations. The morbidly obese now have an excuse to call themselves big-boned.

    • +5

      ask for a low-fat one then… and jog to and from the milk bar…

      • +5

        You've been misled by the animosity towards fat. It is not fat consumption that is making people fat. If consuming large amounts of fat leads to obesity, the Inuits would be the fattest people on the planet but they're not. http://discovermagazine.com/2004/oct/inuit-paradox/

        Low fat is not the issue. Rather, it is sugar content, in particular, the high levels of sugar (especially glucose/fructose) present in milkshakes that is the problem.

        I'm not saying that people should not get their free milkshakes but keep in mind that a typical milkshake has 300 calories (usually more) and is actually a complete meal by itself (if you go by calorific content).

        Bottom line: A milkshake is not a healthy replacement for a balanced meal. You'd be far better off just drinking milk from a carton if you want to have healthy bones. http://www.fitday.com/fitness-articles/nutrition/healthy-eat…

        That is not to say that you cannot enjoy your milkshake. Just be aware of what you're consuming.

        • Technically it's calories and lack of exercise, or an imbalance of intake and activity, not fat or sugar.

          There are more calories per gram of fat than sugar (9 vs 4), but whichever you eat, if energy consumed > energy burned, then you put on weight.

    • +2

      They are offering you one free milkshake, not forcing you to drink a milkshake every day of the year. I don't think one milkshake alone will make you obese.

    • +4

      More OZB retardedness on show! Just take the deal for what it is rather than over analyse it for FFS!

      • i like the word 'retardedness'

  • what day is it for sydney?

    • +5

      it's a secret

    • see first comment, halfway down

      • Nowhere is it actually listed when NHB Week is!
        Not on this page, not in the link.

        You can however deduce from the other city's dates, that it's 19th - 25th of August.

        • +1

          It's in the validity period, just under Freebie. But I think it should also have been mentioned in the text or title, even at the expense of duplication.

      • what is everyday of nhbw mean?


        Annex Espresso Bar
        56 Clarence St, Sydney
        Every day of NHBW!
        10am – 4pm

        Café Giulia
        92 Abercrombie St, Chippendale
        Every day of NHBW!
        6:30am – 4pm

        • National Healthy Bones Week

        • what day is it?

        • +2

          There's a reason it's not called National Healthy Bones Day…

  • +9

    My milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard, and damn right its better than yours.

  • +4

    Does anyone know whether these will bring all the boys to the yard?

    edit: nevermind, rodripa answered my question.

    • +23

      I can teach you, but I'll have to charge.

      • -6

        click '+' if you like "Milkshakes"

  • Got Milk?

  • -1

    You get a +1 from me for 2 reasons. Anything for free is always good and your username sums up ozbargain perfectly.

  • +1


    Street view of the cafe in Chippendale…. I guess they do brings all the boys to the yard ;)

  • Can't redeem at Olympia Milk Bar in Stanmore :(

  • +1

    How weird. That's my wife sitting in the chair in the photo on the website for the Annex bar location.
    Should get a free milkshake for royalties dammit.

  • Got one today and there wasn't a long line as I was expecting.. it was just poured from a milk carton.

  • i got a free milkshake from the clarence st one. no queue. very happy. thank you.

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