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UDIAG CR600 OBD2 Scanner Car Scan Check Engine Diagnostic Tool $17.99 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $39 Spend) @ UDIAG Amazon AU

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Does it diagnose all errors on the car or just engine?
All error codes thrown by the car. You'll probably still google the error codes and diagnose
May also be dependent on the car. I'm fully expecting this not to work with a couple of my niche car brands, but at this price it's worth the gamble
Reset all, or just report.?
A lot just diagnose engine and nothing else and only reset a very few codes.
I guess at this price it’s no biggy if it doesn’t.That's not really correct. This is a generic OBD2 scanner only, it's not going to report on anything but the engine and emissions systems. Not manufacturer specific module scanning at all.
This is a generic OBD2 scanner. It will only read and clear the standard DTC codes, which are really only going to be engine and emissions systems. You won't get many (if any) manufacturer specific info from it.
Thanks. That’s what I thought.
Can it read Tesla codes?
Has Tesla got an OBD-II port ?
On your Telsa you can see all the information on your gigantic ipad in the center console.
I'd be impressed if this has the ability to turn off the check engine light LED ;)
Yeah, interested to know if it can actually clear a code
Yes it can, but if you haven't fixed the issue it'll just come back on again.
It will, till it throws the code again and the light comes back
dammit, you tape-rolled me
Any advantage of this over a $6 ELM327 clone bluetooth dongle from ebay, and a free app?
Using a cable seems inconvenient.
Looks more official?
Most of those don’t do anything, and none reset errors.
One of my $6 eBay ELM327s reset codes. The other is unstable, but can reset codes after a few tries
One of my $6 eBay ELM327s reset codes. The other is unstable, but can reset codes after a few tries
The dongle doesn't reset codes. The app does.
@CurlCurl: That really should go without saying.. I would've thought that would be obvious to anyone in this thread
Mine works fine. Maybe your app is bad.
Was able to find the error code, and reset it. Can also read lots of cool engine statistics.My cheapy one does. Used it to get the code, I fixed the car, and then cleared the code. All with an eBay dongle and the free torque app.
My ELM resets codes via torque app.
However, I needed a Konwei ($12 eBay) dongle for my electric PHEV. Something to do with the ELM not refreshing fast enough.
Used on a Mitsi, Ford, Merc, Subaru. Didn't work on older VX commodore. Something to do with Golden using a different protocol.
Anyone know how to reset the ABS light on the old girl?
In one of the screenshots for this item: "Erase trouble codes! Ara you sure? YES NO". It also has a Dia9nostic menu.
These can all clear DTC codes. Doesn't mean they won't come back but clearing them is basic, generic OBD2 functionality.
In addition to the ~$10 eBay OBDII BT adapter, stump up $4.95 for the (Android only) Torque App and you'll get all the codes, and yes can clear them until they come back.
stump up $4.95 for the (Android only)
Better off paying a bit extra for the Pro version.
@willyroo: Weird, the app is unsupported on a s21 ultra. Saying it was made for an older version of android.
Speaking from someone who had to replace a lost bluetooth VCI dongle on a $2k diagnostic tool: cables are nice, cables work well.
It looks like the deal has expired? I don't see the 50% off option.
Ive still got one of those tiny Q nonda OBD bluetooth scanners
How's this compare?Likely the same.
Have reset any codes with Nonda?
i just found it and tried connecting it to new car. wouldnt even connect to my phone so i dont know if it even works
i'll get a better one with an actual screen - bluetooth is shht
Damnit, missed out! Anyone have alternatives?
Just get any cheap one from ebay.
Pretty good price for this. I copped it over the cheap ELM327 on eBay/AliExpress due to the fast Amazon delivery (not from China) + piece of mind both based on reviews and the ability to use Amazon support if needed.
I had a similar looking OBD scanner which doesn't read the codes properly…in fact it just clears the code when I try to read it and says "No codes" lol…I suppose these could a be a hit or miss depending on the type of code and the car make
Only shows 5% off
read above comments and opening post lol
This is a good price right? Got one, thanks OP. Buy now, think later..