Places You Avoid Working

Hello everyone,

I am currently wrapping up my contract role and actively searching for a replacement position. Initially, I had planned to take some time off (around 2 to 3 months), but due to the continuously rising interest rates, I have decided to postpone this idea.

I have been in touch with recruiters and have turned down offers from companies where I have previously worked, knowing the poor work culture, long hours, complicated processes, and redundant systems. I have over 15 years of experience in the financial services industry as a professionally qualified accountant and manager level.

I would like to hear from you about companies that you would never consider working for, either based on your personal experiences or opinions of your friends and colleagues.

Companies I refuse to work

AMP - Worse place to work, long hrs, lack of resources, convoluted processes
Custodian banks - Long hrs

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  • +7

    You're an accountant. How good can you expect your job to be? 😆

    • +15

      What do you mean? I watched The Accountant and it seems like a lot of fun!

      • +2

        OP is complaining about "convoluted process(es)" already!

        • convoluted process(es)

          I looked up accountant in the dictionary and this was in the definition :)

  • +1

    slave street sounds legit

  • This is pretty specific, there's hundreds of thousands of companies in Australia. I've worked for big box retail, banks, inusurance, healthcare, pharma etc and would probably go back to any of them if the job was right (minus retail).

    I guess it really depends how often you churn jobs and how fast those employers churn managers etc.

  • +1

    Westpac if you have a high yield investment

  • +1

    Avoid Banks and Financials
    Avoid Gambling, Alcohol and Cigarette
    Avoid Fossil fuels and petro chemical companies
    Avoid Weapons and Arms Companys

    • +2

      You didn't rule out organised crime though.

      • +5

        Sure but who can afford to run an election campaign?

        Oh, you said 'organised', my bad.

      • Isn't that already covered by the industries listed?

  • +1

    idk I just avoid working for supermarkets and anywhere that pushes insane KPIs

  • +1

    I've been pretty happy with everywhere I've worked. If I had to complain it appears that CBA underpays analysts, HSBC may have you stay back longer since you may need to cooredinate with other branches (e.g. India).

  • Home Affairs, but im a public servant though. Working for Border Force used to appeal to me but the horror stories I hear.. pass.

    • -4

      That's surprising, I thought public sector are cruisy job.

      • Admittedly, some are, some arent and some are hell.

        I have had my experience at all three. However I found that the more high performing agencies had the more toxic culture.

    • +1

      I'll add the ATO to that list. Unless you can adjust to their culture or navigate it, it's a hard pass.

  • +1

    If you have 15 years of experience, including managerial, it doesn't come off as such in the post. Quite the opposite, in fact.

    (I assume Slave Street is supposed to be State Street)

  • +11

    I try to avoid working everywhere - but especially at the office, and the place I work.

    • Best comment

  • *

  • +1

    Sounds like it might be time for you to change industries.

    • Which industry do you recommend? Friends suggested IT but I need upskill with the latest programming language

      • I reckon OP you would make a great prison guard.
        Very similar but in the prison they are chucking physical crap at you instead.

      • Cleaning.. Don't have to deal with anything really it's like being in a Disney film only the good parts.

        Pay will take a cut obviously but imho the mental health benefits are worth it.

  • Maybe work for Gerry the dog food beggar?
    Fire the weakest franchisee every week and go thru huge numbers of potential victims.
    Your choice……

  • Iron lung

  • -1

    AMP - Worse place to work

    Worse than what?

  • Without knowing which state youre in, cant give specifics. However, have you considered state agencies?
    Also, have you looked at roles in account management, or jumping to administration?

  • +1

    My favourite is be a picker at Amazon and you will learn how nice your job is :)

  • You should work for a company that generates tangible value for greater society

  • +3

    I've never worked anywhere that was consistent throughout the entire company, usually there are nice parts and shitty parts everywhere. Plus teams change over time, it can take one good/bad manager to change the entire team. I've seen people who are doing basically nothing because their manager doesn't want to lose the headcount in companies that are known for stressing their workers out, it's rarely consistent the whole way through.

    Some places are worse than others overall but I'd never take or turn down a role just based on the company alone.

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