This was posted 1 year 9 months 28 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS5, PS Plus] 19 Games Incl Uncharted 4, The Last of Us, God of War, Days Gone + More @ PlayStation


A timely reminder of this deal as there's only 2 days left to redeem these games.

If you own a PS5 and have a PlayStation Plus Sub, you've got access to 19 classic games, add them to your library before they go.

  • Mortal Kombat X
  • Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
  • God of War
  • Fallout 4
  • Final Fantasy XV
  • Monster Hunter: World
  • Resident Evil 7
  • Battlefield 1
  • The Last Guardian
  • Call of Duty: Blacks Ops III - Zombie
  • Days Gone
  • Detroit: Become Human
  • Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
  • Batman: Arkham Knight
  • inFAMOUS Second Son
  • Until Dawn
  • Bloodborne
  • The Last of Us Remastered
  • Ratchet & Clank

Once redeemed, they’re added to your library and you can download them when you’re ready to play. Available to keep with an active PS Plus subscription. Full terms:

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Say I planned buying a PS5 later this year, could I sign up via web browser and somehow buy/download these so I have them available in the future?

    • +6

      No, you have to access these through the PS5 Store app. You could log in on someone elses PS5 though and try it that way (though I haven't done this so I can't be sure it'll actually let you do it)

      • +5

        This method was achievable at launch, it should still be.

      • +3

        Yeah I did this with my brother's account on my Ps5 and he can play the games on his Ps4 Pro

      • +2

        I can confirm this works. Had my friend log in for me a few days ago on his PS5 and claim them, I can now download them on my PS4.

        It kind of goes against the point of the promotion to do this, but I'm going to get a PS5 eventually anyway - this method just means I can get the PS5 later in the year without missing out on the free stuff.

      • -4

        Incorrect. I don't even have a PlayStation but created an account, signed up for a month and claimed them all through the web browser.

        • +12

          You should provide details on how to claim PlayStation Plus Collection games without PS5. The general consensus is a PS5 is required to claim those games, unlike the monthly free games.

          If you figured out how to do it just using a Web browser, I am sure a lot of people, including OZBers will appreciate knowing how to do that.

          • @netsurfer: I just created an account, paid for a month and then went through and searched for each item. From memory there were about 3 that couldn't be done but I do have the rest ready for when I get a PlayStation and resubscribe. I did this back in February when I first saw this post:

            According to my email receipts, I paid for a month of PlayStation Plus Essential for $7 and ended up claiming 88 games. I then paid $21.95 for PlayStation Plus Deluxe to claim another 13 games including Horizon Forbidden West.

            • +1

              @ghoulie1: That doesn't make sense. It's pretty useless to subscribe to PS Plus Deluxe without a PlayStation console. All the games available only in Extra and Deluxe tiers cannot be collected. Extra and Deluxe are more like GamePass.

              PS Plus Essentials, in one month, is not possible to claim 88 "non-free" games. Anyway, it is simple, login to your PS store account, go to the following link:


              Take a screenshot and post it here.

              • @netsurfer: I understand that it was kind of stupid, but with these PS Plus Essentials going away I wanted to grab them. Here you go

                All these are in my account which it states will be playable once I reactivate the subscription (and get a console lol). God of War is in my account.

                • +1

                  @ghoulie1: You are avoiding to post the actual screenshot of the URL indicated by OP (and my previous link). The alternative screenshot is what you hoped to show that it worked. The problem is:

                  • Unless you have an active subscription, it might be harder, via browser, to determine you actually collected them. Without an active subscription. all of those games you check via the following link:…, could show the price of each one. I know this because I have a secondary account which doesn't have active PS Plus subscription currently (and it looks like I didn't claim PS Plus Collection correctly last time on that account).
                  • PS Plus Deluxe subscription you did gave you the impression that you have previously claimed them. However, that could be inaccurate.

                  So, to tell whether you claimed them successfully without an active PSN subscription, the only way is use this link after login:


                  If that list came up empty initially, switch to Played or Downloads tab and switch then back.

                  Every game in the PS Plus Collection must be in the purchased list. I found out that I failed to collect any of those games correctly on my secondary PSN account (Sony had the $5 for a month for PS Plus Deluxe and I thought I claimed PS Plus Collection, but turned out something went wrong).

                • +1

                  @ghoulie1: I can confirm that when done correctly (on a PS5), all those games appear in purchased list.

            • +1

              @ghoulie1: Also, FYI:

              This is your last chance to claim games like 'God of War' from the PS Plus Collection

              The article wrote:

              You'll need to claim them on a PS5 console, rather than on PS4 or the web version of the PlayStation Store.

  • Thanks for the reminder!

  • +1

    About half of these are not free anymore or not even available. I'm on PSP Delux tier too.

    • +2

      Have you tried accessing it through the PS Collection on the console? I find the app and website glitchy sometimes (it will show I need to buy something again when I have already redeemed it previously).

      • +1

        I tried it all through the app, maybe that's my problem. Will try again through the console.

    • +5

      Click the link. They’re all listed.

    • +1

      They all worked for me (except for Persona, I think). Try it on a PS5 and go to the PS Collection on the store. For some of them, you have to choose the right edition of the game to get it for free.

      • Persona was initially offered but removed at some point.

    • +2

      On your PS5, click on PlayStation Plus app icon, under Explore section, click on PS Plus Collection tile, you should see a screen with:

      The PlayStation Plus Collection - your last chance to redeem these games!

      Make sure every single one of them is either "In Library", "Installed" or "Purchased".

  • -6

    $79.95 a year for these old games - is it really worth it?

    • Imagine, someone could replay your life just like a video game or a movie lol

  • Thanks. Had all of then except “The Last Guardian” Add it too. 😂

  • +1

    I saw on Reddit that persona 5 was readded, but seems it's only in some regions.

  • Thanks Dan!

  • On the web PS Store I only have the option to "Download for library". Does that mean I've already added the games to my library?

    • +1


  • +5

    Anyone who doesn’t have a ps5, I can sign you in and hit purchase if you want. Depends how much you value these old games against trusting your account to a stranger, but thus far no one has been (profanity) over by me.

    • +2

      Be cautious with this, some people had their accounts banned for doing this multiple times early on.

      • Yeah, I heard that in the day. I did it for a couple IRL mates but not a million so I should be right. Would suck for anyone else to get stiffed over a handful of old bargain binners.

    • Thanks for this! If there's no risk of your account being banned (mine will be new so It's fine), can you add these for me?
      I still don't have a proper PSN account - I do have a sony Singapore account and trying to use that created me a SG linked account. So I'll have to create another one anyway. I'm thinking of buying a PS5 this year.
      Saw some posts about Turkey accounts here. Is it better to open one there?

      • +2

        Yeah dude, no worries. Shoot through the deets and I’ll get on it tonight or tomorrow after work at the latest. Got a couple other dudes ahead of you who PM’d but it doesn’t take long either way

  • +4

    Which tier do I need to redeem these? It’s about as clear as mud on the PS Store website

    • +3

      PS Plus Essential (the most basic / cheapest tier) will do.

      However, pretty much the games in PS Plus Collections are in the PS Plus Extra tier so for future PS5 owners, joining PS Plus Extra will let you play those games if for some reason you cannot find a friend to help you collect them now.

      You probably prefer not to use Extra tier for this because you need to make sure you claim them properly, rather than accidentally hit on the Extra tier option where you just play them via Extra tier (instead of collect them).

      This Sony decision to end PS Plus Collection for future Essential tier subscribers is a way to entice new PS5 players to join the Extra tier.

    • -4

      It's the middle tier, PS Plus Extra.

      • +1

        Nope. Any PS+ tier. These are different from the catalogue of games. They were an added standalone benefit for PS5 owners early on.

  • Rookie question. How do I download these games? PS+ essential member. I only see May monthly Games that I can add to my library.

    • +1

      You on PS5? I think they are under collections I believe within subscriptions.

      • +1

        Yup, thanks. I was trying it from the phone app. I guess needs to be done via the PS5 console

  • Thank you

  • What do you have to do exactly… I’ve played few of these games on ps+ before. Do i still need to go and add them again?
    When I go to the store page in ps app on iPhone all the titles are “purchased” 🤔

    • Since all of them show purchased, you are all set.

  • +1

    Thanks managed to get a PSN Turkey sub on essential and download these!

  • can you get these on a free trial?

    • +1

      Yes, if you still have unused free trial. Normally, most people prefer to claim these on their main account because when you want to play them, it seem a bit odd to activate / pay PS Plus on a secondary PSN account.

      • if its cheaper why not? some people just want to play the game and you can still play it on other accounts if your ps+ account is set as primary on console

        • When you want to play them later on, an active subscription on the account that collected these is required. That's what I was trying to point out. You don't actually get these games free. You add them to a subscription. Also, you still need to login and download from the account that collected the games.

          My reply message started with Yes (so yes, you can use a trial account). Also, honestly, regular OZBers should have collected them by now. Sony had the $1/month PS Plus Essentials recently (and $3 of PS Plus Extra 1 month special). Surely, for $1, collecting these on the main account wouldn't be that expensive. However, I get the OZB spirit that free is still free.

          • @netsurfer: Yeap fair enough. I used to do it as I said above because in part, US or EUR ps+ subscriptions used to have better game collections than the asian / au equivalent and was sometimes cheaper.

            • @kaleidoscope: Yeah, I used to do that too, but Sony closed the loophole. So I do have some games collected under US PSN and SEA PSN which I cannot play anymore.

              The PS Plus collection actually kinda helped since a few of those games I collected in the SEA store are in the collection.

  • Can't seem to find Uncharted 4. There's only the legacy collection which is not free. And Fallout 4 is not free either?

    • Are you doing it from the console? You might have to select a different edition by pressing the "…" button if you haven't already tried that. For example Fallout 4 GOTY edition is the default listing now but the older (free) one should still be redeemable.

      • Yes, from PS5 console. I did try other editions but no luck. I was able to claim everything else except for Uncharted 4 and Fallout 4.

        • +1

          For Fallout 4 when you select it from the collections, there is a dropdown called Game. Click that and select the other option then you can add it to your library :)

    • +1

      Shit, you're not wrong. I just did this for half a dozen or so people, but none of them got U4, I didn't remember the list, I just clicked on everything there for them. Oops. Hope no one was craving it too bad :/

      • It does appear Sony removed Uncharted 4 (PS4 version) out of list of games in PS Plus collection for some reason (for people yet to claim it). That said, for people who own a PS5, Uncharted Legacy of Thieves collection version is better (4K/60fps, quality of life improvement with proper SSD fast load support). No multiplayer mode in the PS5 version though.

  • +2

    can i confirm, if i get a ps5 today, pay for ps plus for a month, then add the games tonight, they'll stay in my account, but i wont be able to play them again once my month of ps plus ends… but once i restart my ps plus, all the previous games added will be available again for me to play?

    sorry in advance if its a little convoluted. I've got xb ulti right now, and although i'm keen for these ps titles, i wont likely get to play them for another 6-12 months

    • I think they should remain in your library regardless of an active membership. It just wont let you play them without one. Can someone confirm? I would be very surprised if they get removed.

    • Yes they will remain in the library and available to play when you re-activate the sub.

    • +2

      Once you've done that, double check with this link:

      Every game has to appear in the purchased list. Basically, you need to make sure you purchase the PS Plus version of those games.

    • +1

      If you do intend to get PS Plus for 1 month AND a PS5, you should try to play some of the games in the collection. As an OZBer, you still want to get your $11 worth (and PS5 isn't exactly cheap at the moment).

      As I mentioned in an earlier comment, this Sony move to stop PS Plus Collection is an attempt to move/entice future PS5 owners to PS Plus Extra or Deluxe tier. Games on PS Plus Collection are on PS Plus Extra tier (I doubt Sony will remove them from that tier). A lot of people are able to stay on Essentials tier because they had been on PS Plus for quite some time (so they collected quite a few games) + PS Plus Collection games. It was a stop gap solution when Sony didn't have PS Plus Extra to counter GamePass when PS5 first released. Now that it has, coupled with that fact (1) Microsoft does not include a GamePass voucher with a Series S or X and (2) Microsoft appears to stop the $1/month GamePass Ultimate new subscription deal mean Sony has no incentive to keep giving away PS Plus Collection.

      Both camps are starting to show their true colours in terms of subscriptions.

  • +1

    To ensure you collected them correctly, use the following link:
    Make sure you check "Purchased". PlayStation Plus list is unsafe (if you ever had PS Extra or PS Deluxe or you don't actually own a PS5).

    Below is an account that simply only claimed PS Plus Collection games, 19 of them and nothing else:
    1-8 of 19
    9-17 of 19
    18-19 of 19

    The list is normally in the reverse order you claimed them. The example above was done 1 month ago. If you had PS Plus for quite some time, you will need to manually go through the list and check you collected them.

    If you currently have an active PS Plus subscription, you could use the link provided by OP for this deal to check. Games should show "purchased" in that page. However, games which you purchased with your own money or games which you used to own the physical version could end up not showing "purchased" using the link provided by OP. The former makes sense (if you own a digital version of the game, there is no point claiming the PS Plus limited version), the latter is just a glitch (so you should still double check purchased list to be sure).

    • Thanks for this. I double checked my own account and The Last Guardian must’ve been added more recently as I hadn’t claimed it.

      Edit: Scrap that. Okay be booted my console and it’s showing as in my library. After clicking the link in the OP it opened my app and showed all as Purchased except for TLG which had a price next to it. Weird.

      • I have the same issue with TLG using the link OP posted. It doesn't show purchased for some reason. Had to check my purchased history and it's there.

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