Gone are the days of 65c baked beans 420g cans. These are the closest it would get.
Although it was displayed as clearance in store, they were restocking empty shelves of these meaning they should have plenty
Gone are the days of 65c baked beans 420g cans. These are the closest it would get.
Although it was displayed as clearance in store, they were restocking empty shelves of these meaning they should have plenty
!Thanks a lot! cracked me up and spat my coffee out .
Or 'L' spelt 'V' would suffice.
That's what I do in the office (after I bulk bought years supply at $0.65).
I cross the L with a sharpie and write a V.
My colleagues are easily entertained.
They're the best baked bean around but…
That's what I do in the office
That's a cool job.
What qualifications did you need to get it…
You should see the other things we engineers do.
We have a nerdy enough but not too nerdy sense of humor.
@jv: She's actually stocked.
I'm one the most profitable employee and everybody loves a good laugh.
Win-win -is the only way things work.
@Hasbulla: Until someone makes an official, on the record complaint, and you find yourself without a job.
@jv: Complaint?
On which ground?
Are you assimilating this type of joke something to a sexual harassments episode?
This is not a kindergarten.
I can't think of any company that would lose its best employees for anything like this.
Jeez you must have had it hard at some stage mate, or your working environments must have been shit as/detached from reality…
@Hasbulla: There is a 100% chance that there would be at least a half a dozen complaints within 24 hours of someone doing that at my work.
These are no where as nice as Heinz
Bought 25 cans at around 65c a few weeks ago. Good deal though.
Stay away from the Spaghetti though as its small, thin pieces.
I prefer my Spag to be long and wide.
thats what she ..
I bought four cans when they were 75 cents a few months back. I now have three cans to give away. Tasted vile.
420 baked
Any "salt reduced" ?
Got these a while back at a similar price from woolies, it seemed like a lower clas of bean or something since there seemed to be "broken" bits of bean mixed in with full ones. Tasted fine though, I was happy to pay less to get a product that tasted better/the same as the homebrand.
I mean its baked beans, generally hard to mess up by any company, at worst you just need to add salt.
Price increase!
Bought these at Woolies for 65c weeks ago.
Was marked as clearance & most stores sold out quickly near me.
Beans were smaller than in usual varieties.
You sure it was these and not the homebrand because these are on clearance at half price of $1.50 which comes down to 75c. I know homebrand were def 65c before increasing to $1.10 now
Yes - have plenty of these tins bought cheaper weeks ago.
Not the only one to buy @65c
Wasn't happy when Homebrand regularly went OOS, then went up to $1.10. So stocked up on these @65c - same price Homebrand was.
These were 70c in January
Homebrand price had risen to $1.10 by then
So doubt Woolies $1.50 claim! It couldn't compete with Homebrand at that price! 65-75c seems right price.
Not a big eater of BB. Maybe 1 tin per week. I add herbs & spices to make it taste like much better home made BB. Gave up on making it from scratch. Plenty of recipes online.
My bad and thanks for pointing out. Now that makes this not really a deal unless inflation made its RRP go from $1.30 to $1.50. Its surprising to see a clearance price go up with time
@sub102: 75c is a good price! Happy eating them.
My guess is Woolies is bringing in shipments of stock to sell cheaper than other BB. Just goes in & out of stock between shipments & price bounces around.
Not really Clearance if that's the case.
Nope, they are right.
Baked Beans were not on clearance in my local store, but Spaghetti was. It was 75c.
Would have been 69 cents if the 'La' was spelt as 'Va'