Hey guys, I just a message today saying "Payment declined. Please update your payment details to renew your YouTube Premium membership." I've been on YouTube premium Indian membership for several years with no issues and it is a family membership however in March my credit card expired and I updated the details and everything seem to be going through okay but now I'm getting this issue, I tried with at least six different credit cards and also reactivated the Indian VPN through ExpressVPN but nothing seems to go through it keeps asking me to put in the CVV number but when I do it takes awhile to process and eventually fails, has anyone else had a similar issue and any idea how to get this resolved?
YouTube Premium Membership Payment Declined India (How to Fix?)

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Thanks I'll give it a try, how recently did they make these changes? And does annual payment work for Family as well or just individual?
Annual payment was only available for Individual plan. Family plan only has the monthly option.
I had to switch to Türkiye from Indian subscription because of the payment issue.
I changed my location in my profile settings to Turkey, set VPN to Turkey and when I go on youtube premium it says :
We couldn't verify your country. Please visit the Help Centre for more information.
can someone help pls?
Pay for 1 year
yeah it was really annoying, i had to sell my house in India and bought a new apartment in Turkey.
how much you sell for?
how much you buy for?
Been happening for a while now
I think there was some law or similar in India where they won't accept cards not issued in India - hence why your payment is being refused.
Youtube make so much money from Ad Revenue. It annoys me that they're closing this loop hole even when you're still paying them
Your best bet is to opt in for Annual Subsription. Due to recent changes you cannot use an international credit cards for recurring payments to subscribe for You Tube premium in India.