YouTube Premium India Crackdown

Hi All,

After following the instructions from all of you I have been happily enjoying YouTube premium on a monthly rate of Rs 129. However, today I got an email that my payment got declined.

I went to my YouTube profile used Cyber Ghost VPN from my iPhone and tried updating my credit card and after it processed the payment through let’s say BankWest portal the message I got was “Unable to process my payment”

I have two days to sort it out. Recently my existing card got expired and I updated my new card. I went to my India profile tried using entering the card with Australian address and a generic Indian address the results are the same.

Can you guys help me please?

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    • +57

      They said to ask at OzB.

    • +8

      they even have a phone number ??

  • Used two different cards one in Australia the other in Bangladesh both got authorised charges through RazorPay but at the end the payment was not processed as the card is outside India. I didn’t get this message before.
    Does it mean we can no longer use the hack of India or Turkey to gain access to Google One or YouTube?

  • +1

    Mine updates in 2 days, my exp date has passed. Just tried to add a backup card and it didn't allow it.

    Oh well, see what happens in a a couole days.

    • +33

      my exp date has passed.

      My sincere condolences…

    • What do we do mate?
      I’m sure someone here got this Pandora’s box cracked.

      • -8

        What do we do mate?

        Call and complain….

        • +28

          The call centers for Indian youtube premium are based in Australia strangely enough

        • +37

          Call with Indian accent

      • +8

        install ublock origin.

        • Sorry what’s that and how will this detect my credit card is in India and not in Australia?

          • +9

            @justanick: it remove ads from youtube, as well as just about every website that exists. it's a free extension for firefox / chrome

            • +7

              @[Deactivated]: I'm sure I'm late to the party but I installed unlock origin and just watch YouTube through the browser instead of app. No ads!
              Amazing what a difference it makes.

              Must be getting older, have moved into the late adopter class for tech hacks…

              • +9

                @Adredocto: I've known about it for years but don't use it, because 99% of the videos I watch on youtube are from people I genuinely like and want to support and ensure they can keep making them. Some of them are small channels which give amazing Blender tips, others review hardware, others make entertaining Let's Play series, and Auralnauts made a better star wars story than the originals by dubbing over a new story where Obi Wan is dealing with an addiction to drugs and partying.

                • @CodeExplode: So if someone watches a YouTube clip with Premium, the content provider doesn't get revenue from that view?

                  • @Tomcruise: They get paid a bit if a premium user watches their vid, I think it's usually better than what they get from ads.

                    It's just things like adblockers that I don't use, because it means that nobody gets paid for what they put up on the web and it's just an entitled taking mindset.

                    • +6

                      @CodeExplode: Have you tried watching youtube on a nintendo switch? the ads are ridiculous and deserve to be blocked.

                    • +1

                      @CodeExplode: But is an Indian premium user worth more than an Australian advertisement viewer?
                      Probably not.

                • +7


                  I genuinely like…

                  That's what the like and subscribe buttons are for.

                  …and want to support

                  There are many ways to support creators other than watching ads for Big Macs or other useless things you'll never buy.

                  Patreon for example, or buying their merch. You mentioned Auralnauts. The have Patreon.

                  No need to waste your life watching ads. Advertising is toxic when there's too much. YouTube opened the floodgates, and creators double down. Often expecting people to watch long pre-roll ads for mediocre content. That's why people block ads, because YouTube has filled their platform with too many ads.

                  • +6


                    There are many ways to support creators.

                    Patreon for example, or buying their merch.

                    People said this about Skyrim modders when they were outraged about Bethesda offering modders a way to charge a fee, claiming that donations were thriving and that they were all going to donate themselves. Then the top modders claimed they'd received single digit donations ever total and it was all just talk by entitled people who want to take and talk up their noble intentions while taking, with no follow through.

                    How many content creators and website hosts do you donate to for covering the costs after using ad blockers on their websites or videos?

                    You mentioned Auralnauts. The have Patreon

                    I've already donated to them multiple times on their videos using the youtube tip jar system, using google rewards credit, and don't use adblockers on their content.

                    • +5

                      @CodeExplode: modding is a hobby, not a job. if they're in it for the money, they should be spending their time elsewhere.

                      same goes for youtube, in my opinion. i remember when most people didn't make money from it, they just did it for fun, and the platform was better for it. now you have all these view whores padding out their videos until they hit the minimum required for 2 ads (is it 10 minutes still or did they change it to 8?) and just making clickbait garbage. if someone wants to make youtube their job, i don't really see it as such, i'm there for entertainment, not to waste my time watching ads.

                      the videos were better when the goal was to make an entertaining video, without any money or other bullshit incentive. there are still people that genuinely want to make good videos without any other motivation, but they are few and far between.

                    • -3


                      I've already donated to them multiple times

                      Why? They're not that good.

                      The problem with your approach is that you have NO IDEA if those creators simply want a bigger house or bigger mortgage etc. Unless you have full transparency into their finances, you have no clue whether your donations are going to their essential needs, or towards their exotic aquariums and other luxuries.

                      I support tip jar systems that go directly to the artist. I wish Spotify had this. But I will never sit there watching the same KFC pre-roll ad for the 5th time because I want to watch a few hardware reviews.

                      • +2


                        The problem with your approach is that you have NO IDEA if those creators simply want a bigger house or bigger mortgage etc. Unless you have full transparency into their finances, you have no clue whether your donations are going to their essential needs, or towards their exotic aquariums and other luxuries.

                        I’m struggling to understand why it’s anyone business what content creators are using received money for?

                        • -3

                          @Randolph Duke:

                          I’m struggling to understand why it’s anyone business what content creators are using received money for?

                          Because the person I replied to said they donated money "multiple times" to the same content creator. If, as a regular donator to anyone, you found out the money was blown on booze, drugs and parties that you weren't invited to, maybe it would influence how much you donate next time they prompt you.

                          • @cerealJay: I don’t expect my employer to ask what I do with my salary and I don’t see why a non-charity or non-specific purpose donation is any different.

                            • -1

                              @Randolph Duke: Economic transparency is better in all situations, not just charities. Your employer has full transparency of the work you are obliged to do, and the time with which you do it. Nobody else is paying you for that work, so your employer knows exactly how much you earn.

                              Not so with content creators. Donators have absolutely no idea if the combined sum of all donations exceeds the amount needed to make the content. Might be zero dollars, might be a million dollars.

                              This topic was about ads anyway. If you think YouTube has just the right amount of ads, and there's no clickbait culture of greed and over-advertising, then I'm sorry but you're covering your ears in denial.

                              • @cerealJay: You don’t own content creators and you are under no obligation to donate to them. I don’t see why it should be expected they make no money from their endeavours either. You’ve completely missed the point about employers to. Really strange point of view overall.

                                I made no comment about YouTube ads or clickbait either.

                                • @Randolph Duke: Likewise, your point is odd and naive. Do you even have a point? You tried to make a point about employers and employees, which has nothing to do with content creators and donating viewers.

                                  You arrived mid-way through a discussion about something else (youtube ads), and have taken issue with part of something I said. Are you a youtube creator asking people to donate? What exactly is your issue? I suggest you take the time to think before posting. Only then can we hope to have an intelligent discussion.

                                  Look. If a busker on the street is playing guitar and collecting money from people passing by, we can safely assume this busker is who he says he is, and is motivated by playing live music and earning a few coins. People happily throw coins in his hat, and you can see the coins in there, you can watch him perform in real time. There is very little room for fake content, misleading information or misrepresentation.

                                  YouTube is different. Online is different. You have no idea who the creator really is, or how many are involved or how many channels they have. They could use bots, or be part of an organised network of mass-produced meme-generating rubbish made to look authentic or home made. We can't verify their integrity just because a donation button blinks under the video, or some teenager keeps donating because they think that will result in more silly animated comics.

                    • @CodeExplode: YouTube tip jar? Is that only for channels which enabled it?

                      • @Fobsessive: I think it's called Super Thanks or something, and yeah they probably need to have enabled it because it would require banking details etc

                  • +3

                    @cerealJay: Completely agree… The smart ones have sponsors built directly into the video, beneficial way of doing it because 1 I can skip them if I want, but 2 I find usually the content provider actually pairs with sponsors/advertisers that make sense for the channel and has a better chance of showing something I might genuinely buy. And you get relx between sponsors and content providers that actually make the video even better. Take the Linus tech tips and dbrand relx.

                    • +1


                      The smart ones have sponsors built directly into the video,

                      Yep, exactly. Those ads are fine. Often I watch those because can't be bothered skipping… and like you say, they are more relevant to the content.

                      Linus was doing these kinds of ads very early on for his Tech Tips channel. No doubt it works well for them, since they've recently moved into a huge new facility and office space.

                      TV shows are doing this more too. The Cheap Seats on channel 10, are advertising things in the show. I can understand why. Normal ads are toxic and more annoying than ever before in history.

                  • -1


                    That's why people block ads, because YouTube has filled their platform with too many ads.

                    YouTube doesn't cost zero dollars to run. Ads also pay for the massive infrastructure and huge number of staff who run the platform.

                    • +3


                      YouTube doesn't cost zero dollars to run.

                      Lame argument because you can use it to justify ANY number of ads.

                      Not only that, but "poor Google needs help with expenses" doesn't pass the pub test.

                      This is nothing like covering the running costs of a local community market. This is about how much extra profit Google can make on top of the billions they already rake in via their shady practices and monopolies.

                      • -1


                        Lame argument because you can use it to justify ANY number of ads.

                        If I don't like the product, I don't use it.

                        Not only that, but "poor Google needs help with expenses" doesn't pass the pub test.

                        So it's OK to effectively pirate content if the company is big enough?

                        • -3

                          @eug: yes, its perfectly fine if they are big enough. one less billion in their pockets isn't going to keep me up at night…

                          • +1


                            yes, its perfectly fine if they are big enough. one less billion in their pockets isn't going to keep me up at night…

                            Would you steal a pack of gum from Woolworths? Their market cap is $46 billion.
                            What about a washer from Bunnings?

                    • +1

                      @eug: YouTube was built on piracy so stuff 'em.

                      • @prodrome: either people here are too young, or conveniently forget that youtube was basically free netflix when it started until google bought them

                        • @belongsinforums: What does that have to do with YouTube now?

                          • @eug: You're right. Who cares if the British invades Australia? That was years ago. Get over it.

            • @[Deactivated]: And how about watching from mobile app? I heard there is separate app, correct? But in the past its not always working

              • +3

                @CyberMurning: Get NewPipe app if you have Android.

              • @CyberMurning:

                I heard there is separate app, correct?

                It used to be YouTube Vanced
                But they got cease and deceased letter from the google

              • +1

                @CyberMurning: YouTube Vanced still works just sideload the app from a trusted source.

              • @CyberMurning: firefox mobile browser. you can install the extension on android version of firefox, if you're on iOS, sorry but apple don't care about you enough.

                the good thing about firefox mobile browser on android is that when you install ublock, it blocks most, if not all, of those incredibly irritating ads on websites that have tiny X's to close, so tiny that you almost always end up missing it and clicking on the ad.

                • @[Deactivated]: Wow never use Firefox always chrome (both laptop and android phone) but maybe good time to try

        • Adblockers are essential. Nothing I enjoy more than preventing greedy capitalists from making money off me by blocking their advertisements and their tracking.

        • Doesn't work for Apple TV unfortunately.

  • +9

    My card expired too. I went to the link in the email from youtube and added the new card. No VPN. After the last step where I added the SMS code for bank verification, a popup on the screen mentioned that the transaction could not go through. The screen stayed at the stage of adding my card in again. But in fact, it did go through and it all works again. FYI, Youtube Premium family plan @ 189 INR.

    • +2

      ^ I concur with OldBugger, I had a payment fail today due to expired card; had the error message like above (reentered twice just incase) and later when I checked payment went thru no issues.
      OP try again and check if payment went thru later.

  • My card expired maybe a year ago and it was fairly straight forward to add a new one - I don't think I even used a VPN. But maybe they have cracked down now…

  • +18

    You should travel to India and challenge this decision at once

  • +3

    Have you tried paying with iTunes gift cards?

  • +3

    Youtube vanced for Android
    And ublock for desktop

    • Vanced has been discontinued

      • +5

        it still works fully fine for the users who have it already installed it.

        Until that app stops for everyone I'd stick to it.

        Afterwards I might have to move to New pipe or something like that

        • ReVanced

        • The manager now defaults to a backup server.

      • there is a new version on Mobilism

  • +2

    Had a card expire too, just go to Google account and add in a secondary card. May say error when you try to move it to primary but ignore it.

    Ended up charging the new card and everything is still working.

  • +1

    I just tried updating the card it goes to a page and Google circle keeps spinning without any confirmation.
    Once I use vpn it connects to BankWest portal takes the card SMS code to pay then lands on Google pay to say the card couldn’t be added.

    I should have paid for a year instead of monthly and not sure how to upgrade.

    It looks like they are looking for Indian credit card not overseas. I’m not sure how you guys got it to work.

    Paying by iTunes gift cards- I can’t see that option except credit card.

    I’m getting this error in Google
    “ Unable to make this update
    Check your payment method information, try another payment method, or contact Google Support.”

  • For every card you've tried so far, do they support foreign transaction?

    like can you swipe your card at india to pay Indian Rupee out of your AUD bank card?

    • Yep they support foreign currency. BankWest credit card waives all foreign currency and tried buying few things from overseas it worked.
      I used Standard Chartered Credit card and Citi bank as well.
      When I get taken to a portal “razor pay” I get a notification that if I want to pay in AUD or Rs as the card is out of India.

      I basically have one day remaining before I lose my YouTube premium account.

      Anything else I can try?

        • Cause when I enter my credit card it takes me to razorpay portal. This is weird as I authenticate my card through BankWest portal first get SMS code and then takes me to razorpay.

  • +6

    Try YT premium argentina, that's what I use. About $1.50 a month or so.

    • +1 to this. I have been on Argentina YT Prem for a couple of years now with no issues.

      • +11

        Might be time for me to move from the 'Palace of Pappadums' in Mumbai, to 'Empanada Factory' Buenes Aires

        • kinda racist tbh

  • ING / Argentina combination still works fine.

  • +13

    Not really a crack down if you're the only one having issues

  • +1

    My mum got an email that she had to confirm her address as she is on my family plan. I forget where we live so she is obviously going to be kicked out of the family. It was nice while it lasted.

    • You can find the address on your Google account.

  • +7

    Looks like YT is only cracking down on the op.

  • +5

    laughs in argentinian accent

    • shh amigo

  • +1

    Watch a youtube video on how to get around beating youtube.

  • Use Argentina / Brazil.

  • Payment went through on 11th Aug….might be the last ome I guess

  • Ok so my options are to let the Indian YouTube expire and then sign on using the Argentina method?

    What about Turkish YouTube as I already created the profile and using Google One without any issues?

  • +1

    I believe this has to do with new RBI rules for auto debit which they call standing instructions.…

    I use an INR debit card and still had issues updating the expiry date. I had to delete and readd the card. You now receive an sms before the amount is charged every month.

    I tried ING and Citibank issued here and both didn't work.

  • Jai Hind

  • -3

    Why do people even use youtube premium? Tons of free ad blocker plugins available.

    • +1

      does that work in your mobile or TV?

      • If u have android tv or phone then yes

    • +4

      Some people want to support the creators they watch and the platform that hosts their videos.

      • +2

        Pretty sure youtube premium wont give extra cash to content creators. If you want to do that, use patreon instead …or onlyfans…

        • +4

          Pretty sure youtube premium wont give extra cash to content creators.

          They do. Plenty of creators say YT Premium pays a lot more per view compared to ads.

          If you want to do that, use patreon instead

          Not everyone has Patreon, and YouTube themselves aren't on Patreon.

          • @eug: No creator is getting rich off my $1.50 per month subscription.

            • +1

              @capslock: Fortunately those creators have more than 1 viewer. :)

    • Do they open up YouTube music?

  • I had the same issue with my YT account..Since, none if the VPN providers have Indian server/IP, I ended up using my brother’s PC via Remote Desktop app to update new credit card details on my YT payment page.

    • Hey mate could you inbox me to give some detailed instructions on how to do this? Did you mean your brother is in India? I have no one in India to do this. Yes none of the vpn providers have Indian servers. I signed up with few and they don’t work as they use servers in Singapore.

      • +1

        Yes, I could do it only because my brother is in India.
        Sadly, I don’t have any other trick in my bag..

        • No worries mate. Looks like I’m not the only one who got impacted by this non Indian credit card issue. I just checked again it shows my account will expire in 2 days if payment is not processed.

          I give up on india now.

          How do I subscribe through Turkey as I already have a payment profile? Or should I create one for Argentina?

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