This was posted 1 year 10 months 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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Sailor Moon Complete Series (Seasons 1-5) (Blu-ray) (Limited Edition) $150.95 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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$279-$300 at other stores.

Usagi Tsukino is a cheerful 14-year-old schoolgirl who often finds herself in unwanted trouble. One day, she saves a talking cat named Luna from some mean kids, and her life is changed forever. Luna gives Usagi a magic brooch that transforms her into Sailor Moon, defender of love and justice! Now Usagi must work with Luna to find the other Sailor Guardians and the Moon Princess, whose Legendary Silver Crystal is Earth's only hope against the dark forces of the evil Queen Beryl!

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Awesome. Thanks OP

  • +39

    Is it weird that im a 40 year old man and i know how to sing the English version of the opening song?

    Bare in mind i grew up watching Agro Cartoon connection, Cheese TV and ABC

    • +22

      Fighting evil by moonlight

      • +15

        Winning Love by Daylight

        • +14

          Never running from a real fight.

          • +12

            @Drakster: She is the one named Sailor Moon!

            • +2

              @ju2au: She will never turn her back on her friends.

    • +10

      I'm the same except I can sing the song in Japanese. Lets go to karaoke together

      • +10

        Bwuahaha you're weird.

        I like it. Lets do it!

      • +1

        Gomen ne, sunao janakutte

        • Mirakuru Romaunsu!

      • +7

        Yeah, we're so old we can actually remember a time when $30 per season of a show on Blu-ray wasn't insane.

        Anime was never that cheap. Heck, non-anime seasons were never that cheap. For blurays, movies were $30 RRP on release and seasons were at least $35 on release.

        • +6


          Back in my days Anime on DVD was expensive as it was all imported. Madman only just started up and anything from overseas had high shipping charges.

          So i had to get low quality rips online in Real Player. MPEG or Flash format LOL

          Good old days.

      • +8

        Lol I remember when 3 episodes on VHS cost $30…

    • It would only be weird if you sang it while wearing a sailor moon costume…😅

    • +5

      Dude, who cares? Like what you want. My almost-30 wife has actually become interested in The Miraculous Ladybug (or w/e it's called) after watching it with our 5 year old.

      • +1

        Won't be long before you have to dress up as Cat-Noir. The bell is really hard to find. :-)

      • I'm 47 and I caught a couple episodes of that the other year by random chance. Its actually pretty well done!

        • 40's too. Started watching it because it looked ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous. And now I'm hooked.

        • +2

          Highly recommend the following Shojo anime series if you liked Sailor Moon.

          Fushigi Yûgi
          Fruits Basket
          Kareshi Kanojo No Jijou
          Cardcaptor Sakura
          Hana Yori Dango

          I watched these in my teens and 20s and highly recommend them.

    • +2

      It's not weird I'm in the same boat I know the song but didn't really get into when I was a kid.

      I still remember teknoman , samurai pizza cats bumpity boo. Cartoons in the 80's/90's beats all the ones made today unfortunately

    • +2

      I mean, I wouldn't drop that factoid in a job interview or first date or anything.

    • Shoutout to any bronys out there.

      • Evening out the neg. I didn't really get into Friendship is Magic or whatever, but it wasn't terrible.

    • was this on TV in australia ?

      • yep, maybe cheez tv? or agro cc….but it definitely was somewhere….

      • Yes it was

    • Bro I know what you mean completely. I'm 38 and lived through the same era. Used to go running late to school as I wanted to watch dragon ball z.
      Sailor moon was good but was much more favoured by my sister.. now her kids, my niece's are into anime and love sailor moon.. and funnily enough also love DBZ.
      I told them I'll take them to Japan .. they deserve to go to the magical akihabara and see how cool it is to embrace the Japanese culture.

  • +13


  • +6

    Tuxedo Mask: The whole universe is in danger!

    Sailor Moon [Vaguely]: even the moon?

    Tuxedo Mask: Especially the moon!

  • +3

    Back in primary school we would say

    Sailor penis
    Sailor Hercules
    Sailor bras
    Sailor stupider

    • +3

      Ours was:
      Sailor Penis
      Sailor Perkury
      Sailor Arse
      Sailor Poopiter

  • +1

    I used to have a big crush on sailor neptune.

    • +6

      I have a feeling it might not work out.

      • +2

        Hahaha yep. Figured out later. Well I was a horny 17yr old

    • +1

      We all know sailor mars was the only right answer

  • Is this like Tekkaman Blade? I love it due to nostalgia, but looking at it now, objectively I know it sucks

    PS: Someone find me cheap tekkaman blade blu-ray. I can't help but love it.

    • I was instantly enamoured when I tuned in Cheez TV in the early 90s and Teknoman was playing. I don't recall if it aired for long, but I think that may have been my first experience with anime.

      • How did I miss this? Must of rushed to school to miss Teknoman….

        • +1

          Don't think you woke up early enough, I remember it starting at 7am. I missed many eps when I was a kid because I hated waking up early 🤣

          • @Bretttick: Dude, I watched Aerobics Oz Style religiously….How early to I have to be…..


      It's not cheap any more, not long ago price was around $900. Don't know why it's dropped, I bought this for around $30 many years ago. The only thing I hate with this collection, intro music is not the same as the one aired on tv

      • Thanks. I need to go blu ray though

  • -8

    Feels like something that should be selling for $15 on the discount bin

    • +2

      Post it in a bargain when it is. This is generally around the $279 mark and even on special doesn't get below $200. It is a great deal. Thanks OP.

      • -8

        $15 would still be too much

        • +7

          84 hours and 35 minutes of entertainment and you think it is worth less than $15?

          While you are entitled to your own perception of value, it doesn't seem realistic.

          • -3

            @ajr5k: 84 hours and 35 minutes of hentai hell

            • @Budju: Keep out of my browser history!

              There is no prize for collecting the most negs, move on.

              • @ajr5k: I will die on this hill!

    • -2

      And to pre teens, not grown men

    • They're no different from you playing retro games on your hacked 3DS mate.

      • -3

        Ooohhh you got me, enjoy your hentai

        • Thanks, and you enjoy your yaoi visual novels on 3ds ;)

          • -1

            @idonotknowwhy: My 3DS sits on my shelf and gets played once every three years. You're a grown ass man thats about to watch 84 hours of Sailor Moon.

            • @Budju: Why are you so angry?

              He's not hurting anyone watching a animated series.

              The one with issues is you continuously arguing about a deal posted.

              If it's not for you then move on.

              You sound like you need some friends mate. Hit me up and i'll take you out for a drink instead of sitting in front of a PC and arguing with someone on OZB

              • -2

                @SpeedRunnerLink: Why are you writing me a short novel and inviting me to hang out with you?

                Keep walkin buddy.

                • @Budju: Sorry, didn't know anything more than a sentence is beyond your reading capacity.
                  I'll dumb it down to a primary school level for you to understand easier next time.

                  • -4

                    @SpeedRunnerLink: You've done a good job with the last comment actually. It was written exactly like a 10 year old wrote it, and it makes sense if you are 10 because I guess you're into Sailor Moon.

                    • @Budju: You're such a cutie.

                      Here have a cookie.

                      Now run along. Play time is over.

  • -3

    So… Usagi has a pussee that talks. Riiiggghhhttt.

  • 85hrs, is that like 25 discs?

    • +2

      It is 34 discs.

      • +1

        $4.44 per disc

        • I was wrong in my initial comment - It is 27 disks. Still worth

  • +7

    Tuxedo Mask: My job here is done

    Everyone: you didn’t do anything

    tuxedo mask: haha, didn’t I? disappears

  • fighting evil by moonlight

    • Winning love by daylight

      Never running from a 
  • +1

    Clicked in here expecting the whole thing including the original deal post to be satire…

    … looks around and quietly leaves.

  • And that's 50% off. Why should I get this boxset instead of Sailor Moon Crystal?

  • +1

    My friend from america sent me the first season on VHS back in the late 90s. It was recorded in long play, 12 episodes a tape. My local friend and I smashed through it in 1 day. You're only that hardcore when you're young. Now I wonder how I can fit in 30min in 1 day.

    • +1

      I stay up late past stupid o'clock to watch cartoons. I'm in my 40's. Help me.

      • +1

        lol, my other tab is crunchyroll :P

      • +1
        • +2

          Full Metal Alchemist and Death Note have spoilt me. I haven't found another anime that gave me the same feels.

          • +3

            @BadGiraffe: Try Attack on Titans

            • +2

              @SpeedRunnerLink: Ooh! I did! And it it's pretty high up there in my list of favourites. Fully Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood sits right in top.

              One Punch is high in list for one of the funniest anime I've seen.

              But yes, Full Metal and Death Note are classics. I think it's time to re-watch them again.

              • +1

                @BadGiraffe: My nephew made me watch Death Note, I gave him the number for Lifeline. That is some dark chocolate!

                Just finished the Adventure Time boxset. Probably my favourite cartoon series.

                • @Cheap Gamer: Oooh, yes! Adventure Time is AMAZING! It starts off looking like a kids show, but then there's a whole other layer that would probably go over most kids heads. The Marceline and Simon arc had me in tears. I didn't know about the box set. I think I might get it. Thanks!

                • @Cheap Gamer: Adventure time is good, but I think the best modern ones that aren't Japanese anime are Last Airbender (and Korra), Gumball, and Gravity Falls.

          • +1

            @BadGiraffe: Death note is 🔥🔥, fma also very good

      • +1

        I just did this a few weeks ago to watch dragon ball super on funimation before my trial finished. Watched 131 episodes in 8 days. Subsequent to this my 2 year old daughter is now a Goku fan… I even bought the new dragon ball super movie. Glad my daughter has moved on from Coco melon.

  • Sailor Venus and Mercury are the best scouts. Fight me.

    • From all the comments no one had love for sailor Jupiter. Well here's a shout out to her for being the coolest sailor scout.

  • +1

    hey, psst.
    if you want to just watch the show and don't care about the limited collectors value, the full complete Sailor Moon series is free to watch on youtube.
    Caveat is that you need a VPN to an american location.
    at "vizmedia" and they not only have Sailor Moon on their channel to watch

    you didn't hear this from here


  • +1

    OOS? coming up as 305.99

    • Yep. Cheapest now is $279 JB HiFi. I'd rather get Crystal anyway. Original series is way too long.

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