Just got an email from JB spend $500+ on any coffee machine and get $50 off
- Live Roaster Online Demonstration
- BEANZ Member Discount – 3 months @50% off (limit of 12 x 250g bags"
Just got an email from JB spend $500+ on any coffee machine and get $50 off
My own business? Beanz is run by Breville
Beanz by Breville according to the site, included with the purchase of the machine.
I'm genuinely surprised at the range of coffee on there. I thought it was just gonna be some "Beanz" generic branded coffee blend or something.
So not a targetted offer?
Bought for $599 one week ago and my local store was happy to refund the difference
Very smart
Never used coffee machine, want to get one to make morning coffee, should I wait for barista pro?
How much do you want to spend and how involved in the process do you want to be?
I’ve owned the barista express, barista express impress, and barista pro. I highly recommend the impress, especially if you’re new to making coffee at home. It’s a fantastic machine.
'barista express impress'
at only $879 from the Good Guys ? - https://www.thegoodguys.com.au/breville-the-barista-express-…
puck - I'd want to be impressed if I paid $879 BEFORE I got my next coffee … !
Paid $750 on sale. Just keep your eyes on it.
What is the difference between them
What is the heat up time like on the express impress? I guess when you're turning it on to grind for 20 secs first it's not that important?
800 bucks for a home coffee machine with 54mm portafilter… don't think so.. terrible value
Agreed. I have pro and impress. Workflow for the impress is much more straight forward. The only downside is the steam power. But for beginner it won’t matter much at all.
Agreed. I'd take the Express Impress over the pro. The tamping assistance is worth the loss of LCD screen.
I havent owned a decent coffee machine until i got this one, i recommend it, its a Ozb favourite, its easÿ to use and clean up after
We had a commercial one but it was a pain in the ass to get it started in the morning. Now I use nescafe.
'Now I use nescafe'
in my tests, no-one has reported noticing a difference when given instant coffee that they thought was freshly-brewed
You, obviously, don’t come from Melbourne.
I'd love to see a detailed report on your undoubtedly scientific and thorough testing experiment
This is a bit of a jump the other way but tbh if it works for you that's great.
There's definitely a balance between convenience, cost and taste.
I got same machine off of marketplace for $300 with funnel, tamper and some cleaning agents. Works really well and saved almost $400 than. buying new. (i went with used as I’m not heavy user of coffee and surprisingly the coffee from this is better than the overpriced shit I get from local cafes 😂)
Grab the breville impress. Easier to work with.
Recommend this machine, daily use for 5 years still going strong
Any tips you can share? And yes I have watched lots of YouTube videos.
Advise on your beans, grind settings and yield, time etc
Best tip I have is to get the freshest beans you can as they tend to go stale the longer you leave them (like toast).
Personally I only buy 250g at a time. But when a good coffee deal comes up I put the extra beans in the freezer and defrost them slowly.
I've got a silvia with no grinder, and get the beans ground at the bean shop.
I've noticed the powder gets stale after a week, like toast as well.
My understanding was that if you don't grind the beans, they keep just fine?
Doesn't this Breville machine grind the beans each time you use it, therefor they shouldn't get stale?
@idonotknowwhy: May as well not bother having an espresso machine if you get ground coffee. It will be stale the next day if not earlier.
@idonotknowwhy: Invest in a grinder, don't get them ground. Even opening the packet of beans triggers them to go stale that's why it is recommended to freeze them if purchasing in larger quantities. I personally order 1kg at a time, pour half into an air tight coffee bean tin thing and keep the rest in the original bag clamped shut. Maybe after 2 weeks I start noticing the difference in the pour. I drink with milk so it's less noticeable but I'd imagine if you're drinking espresso you'd notice it much sooner
@idonotknowwhy: The rule of 3's. Green beans = 3 years, Roasted beans = 3 weeks, Ground beans = 3 minutes. Worth investing in a decent grinder and grind fresh. Its as important as the machine itself!
Yes got those fresh beans from Ozbargains. Before I was using the default Breville set up of 50+ ml yield for a double, which was quite bitter. Since, I have dialed it down to roughly 1:2 and it’s not bad.
Edit: also I kept my beans an airscape container.
Is that main reason for bitterness in beans? Asking cos I have a $5 1kg bag of 7-11 beans roasted sept-22 that I'm working through and one of these machines I paid $150 from marketplace.
@Jazza2400: No real value if you have stale beans. Just buy Aldi beans. The best value beans out there :)
@Jazza2400: So the freshness of the beans is one thing yes but a big part is setting up the machine. The out of the box settings aren't going to do the job you've got to figure out what grind settings and what amount of water is right for the coffee you buy.
That those were roasted that long ago they're done and each progressive cup you make from open will probably be worse than the last.
I'd recommend checking out Lance Hedricks and Emilee Bryants videos on youtube on how to dial in espresso shots and steam milk, they were both very helpful!
Get yourself a scale, that's going to be key to extracting good shots. Don't leave beans in the hopper, weigh them out for each shot. Use the single wall, double shot basket in your portafilter. A good starting point to aim for is 18g of coffee beans ground at a fine enough setting for you to obtain ~36g of espresso in about 25-35 seconds. If its too slow grind coarser, if its too fast grind finer. This is known as the “sweet zone”.
From here, you can then fine tune your shots. If the shot is too bitter, then it is “over-extracted”, and you need your shot to flow faster, so you grind coarser. If your shot is too sour, then it is under-extracted, and you need your shot to flow slower, so you grind finer. You do this with each set of new beans, until it is suited to your taste. You don’t have to throwaway shots, I enjoy tasting my way through the process.,
Always curious why overseas they aim for 18g whereas in Australia it's much more common to have 20-22g
@Jacko1235: Yeah, I'm not sure either - but it also varies by machine, I'm pretty sure the Barista Express comes with an 18g basket.
I'd recommend James Hoffman on YouTube, the guy has a great way of running through the ins and outs of coffee.
The sweet zone for this machine is the upper end (not middle) of the espresso range on the pressure gauge. Also when dialling in, if you can't get a good extract on any course/fine setting it means you have to adjust the inner burr (most likely need to do this only once).
My Sunbeam Em7000 is reaching its life end, is it worth to upgrading to this? I have a smart grinder that’s going to be useless
They will be similar. better wait for bes920 deal if you already have a grinder
Thanks! I’ll do some research on it
Does the code apply when paying with gift cards?
Buy the 500g Aldi beans. They’re only $8
Agreed, personally think the good beans deals posted here like Lime Blue are the true bang for buck kings but if you can't pick up on the subtleties of coffee then Aldi can't be beat
says 599 when you click link .. until i realised you have to put code in
i saw very similar price in costco today.
my barista max has failed after 18 months of infrequent use
Don't you get this bonus pack with this model, the more expensive models give you the cups and puck?