This was posted 12 years 6 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

75% off Simulator Games at GreenmanGaming. BAAAHAHAHAHA, Does Anyone Actually Play These??

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75% off Simulator ga…BAAAHAHAHAHA, does anyone actually play these??
(wipes tears away from face)
Oh gawd… anyway, here is the link.
I dare say it is only available for the next 24 hours.

Can probably get another 20/25% off using other voucher codes.

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Green Man Gaming
Green Man Gaming

closed Comments

  • +3

    PCGMR-ALLIN-GREEN might still work.
    (20% off voucher)

    • +3

      I guess we'll never know :)

    • +4

      PCGMR-ALLIN-GREEN expired now.

      PCGMR-GREEN-SUMMR still works 20% off till the 16th

      • Thank you!

  • +15…
    Bungee jumping simulator.


    • +9

      watching others undertake simulated acts of enjoyment… yep, sounds like that other part of the internet

    • +8

      I'm sorry, but Street Cleaner Simulator 2011 HD is here to blow every other Street Cleaning Simulator out of the water.

      • +5

        Jeez, you could at least warn us before we watch this. There's only so much action a guy can take… and I didn't have my heart pills within reach!

      • +2

        god damn it, i cant believe i just watched 4 minutes of that

    • +3

      Ever since Goldeneye on N64 I've been hanging out for a bungee jumping game!

  • +1

    Strong OP/10. repping.

    • +14

      but does he lift?

  • +36

    Train Simulator is a goliath of a game. I'm pretty sure it has a Metascore of above 100. It is hands-down, the best game in the past 10 years. I mean like, where else can you drive a damn train without any training and without it being illegal!

    This video will show a short demonstration of what can be accomplished by purchasing this fine game: .

    • +38

      Here's a similar video for the Farming Simulator:

      • +4

        Just spent the last 10 minutes watching a simulator gameplay.

      • +3

        Can't believe you posted the no scope cornshot video dude… sick bugger! ;)

        • -2

          No scope cornshot.
          Am i the only one who doesn't get this?

      • +5

        LMAO hahaha just video is epic.

      • +4

        bahhaha all those youtube videos are fkn hilarious

      • +4


      • +5

        Absolutely hilarious! Watching the train and farm videos back to back had me in tears.

      • +5

        That is actually the most hilarious video in the known universe.

      • Farming Simulator is also available on the 3DS, for when 8 hours of playing Farming Simulator a day is not enough.

    • +4

      Haha Forklift Truck Simulator - hardcore

    • +2

      I could die a happy man right now…

    • +2

      The train simulator was so awesome, it took my mate and I 30 minutes just to figure out to move the train on expert difficulty!!

    • +3

      absolute gold

  • +4

    Hard to decide between Road Works Simulator and Airport Simulator. I've always wanted to do jobs like these without being paid for it.

  • +4

    Looks like you haven't played Street Cleaning Simulator

    There is a GOTC(Game of the Century) edition coming soon.

  • +3
  • +1

    I'm glad that the smash hit Bus Simulator was rewarded with a sequel:…

  • +3

    Poker Simulator. In other words, poker.

    I'm hanging out for Cookie Cutter Game Developer Simulator.

    • +4

      Get game dev story on IOS

      (jokes aside its actually an awesome game)

  • +8

    Someone needs to make OzBargain Simulator (jv DLC included).

    • +5

      It was available for free but the site crashed from being Ozbargained.

  • +7

    They should make a game called Meta Simulator. All it would be about is you, playing a simulator in which your simulated self would be playing a simulator.

    • +2

      if you want to go even more meta, the simulator your simulated self will be playing is also a meta simulator.

      I'M SO META, Even This Acronym

    • +2

      "Take the controls of a person taking the controls of a simulator game!"

    • +1

      But that's what my life feels like already.

    • +1

      you already are playing it. welcome to life 1.0

      • +3

        welcome to life 1.0

        Wish it had save points and adjustable difficulty levels. And maybe some cheats, like infinite lives and money. That'll make it rad.

  • +1

    The thing that impresses me is that a game like Woodcutter Simulator managed to sell enough copies for them to decide they should create Woodcutter Simulation 2012.

    • +2

      It's a true testament to virtual sustainable logging! :p

  • +8

    I think you are all missing the point of these games and being unduly harsh.

    if games like this didn't happen the player base would be out in the general populace practicing non-consensual taxidermy on small animals or even worse, they would add to the already tremendous number of sociopathic trolls playing your chosen multiplayer game.

    these games should be promoted and cheered for what they are, another thing for people to do on their PC other than take part in games I play.

    I kind of want to play them now though :(

    • <3 burger paul

    • I figure these games are played by the same people that play Deer Hunter. George W Bush likes to play that game, reportedly. He is probably playing Farming Simulator now.

  • Wrong thread.

    • +1

      It's not that bad ;)

  • +4

    Live the excitement of unboxing Bus Simulator 2 here -

    • why the #%$ did I just watch that whole video :(

  • +1

    Street sweeper simulator is fantastic.

  • Personally I found Train Simulator 2012 oddly stimulating. Paid about half of what it is listed here during the Steam Summer Sale and definitely got my money's worth. Still weird though.

    • Stimulating? In what way? Hmmmm

    • +3

      I keep trying to close the doors on people, again, it is a strangely addictive game once you kind of get into that trance state. :(

  • +5

    Agricultural simulator?
    Farming simulator?

    And here i was, thinking computer games couldn't get any more boring.

    …holy crap, just watched the farming simulator video above ref'd by leonheart1.
    I take it all back.
    I'm sorry.
    Forgive me.

  • +1
  • +1 for the BAHAHA.

  • .

  • +4
    • +2

      haha that guy is awesome

  • +2

    Farming Simulator 2011

  • +6

    Where's the adult section?

    • +12

      You mean mortgage simulator? Office-work simulator? Doing-the-dishes simulator? You're right, the adult section is missing.

      • +1

        You can get that for free, the ATO released e-tax 2012 in June! I think I'd rather play Train Simulator than that though.

  • +8

    Farming simulator would be worthwhile if you could grow something like coca leaves in the remote hills of Bolivia and would then have to find ways to avoid getting caught, all the while controlling a worldwide cocaine trafficking syndicate. Naturally, every game ends with one of the drug mules getting caught on Australia's Border Security which leads to your ultimate downfall - reminding us that crime never pays…

  • +1

    Where's the ants simulator?

    • +1

      its available as DLC from the anteater simulator only

    • +3

      It's called SimAnt

      It did come out in 1990 though. But it was, (and still is) awesome.

  • +4

    There's Train simulator but no Connex simulator? Levels included waiting for trains that never showed up, avoiding fares, etc. Those Myki levels were the hardest to figure out though.

    • Yeah, get the Myki Simulator 2010 DLC. Struggle to implement an utterly useless ticketing system while facing severe budget cutbacks and inept software developers. Try the hardcore mode as well.

  • +1

    Anyone played Stroker on the Commodore 64? Now THAT was a simulator..

    • +5

      Lol stroker simulation?

      • +3

        I always thought it was about stimulation! ;)

  • +2

    Nah guys, you're all missing out on the real McCoy:

    STREET CLEANING SIMULATOR by German developer Astragon!

    • +1

      OMG… That's so funny.

  • +2

    Pity MS dropped their old BAE designed Space Simulator…now that sucker was a great sim that would be spectacular with modern GFX!

  • +3

    "The sequel of the successful Agricultural Simulator 2011 with over 50.00 sold copies enters the next round"


    • Make that 51.00 copies.

  • Missing Garbage Truck Simulator;

  • How did they get the money to make these games?

    • well i think they'd be pretty easy to make once you build the engine. Then you just substitute the vehicle in there.

      I wouldnt be surprised if they're paid by governments to produce them

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