I seem to be bombarded with sponsored adverts on Facebook re adjustable glasses. These glasses can be altered from close-up to long range vision by turning small knurled knobs that are built in to the frame. There are all sorts of claims made as to their worth and versatility.
They are advertised generally around $20 to $50 from N. America.
Are these glasses worth a second look?
Comments please.
Adjustable Glasses - Are They Worth It?

Username should be “askchatgpt”
Sounds like the big bulky ones the optometrist uses to test your eyes.
I only read the post because I thought that it'd be about adjustable drinking glasses, and I really wanted to know how that would work…
High tech beer goggles?
Facebook wants to sell product.
Try are find glasses that block ads or use an AdBlocker.
(I'm glad we talked). :+)
I would advise checking AliExpress for any products you see advertised on Facebook or Instagram, 9 times out of 10 you can find it for 1/5 of the price.
Optometrists hate this one new product disrupting the industry
Facebook products are usually Wish quality. Any comments by people saying they bought and enjoyed it are either fake or fools.
fake or fools
99% of Facebook users in general…
I couldn't imagine using these. No way you'd be able to dial it in accurately for what you need, even if they did work.
Go get an eye test, get the results and buy some cheap, real glasses online. And while you're at it, find a course about critical thinking, because trusting ads on Facebook is a terrible, terrible idea and you need to stop doing that straight away.
I got a pair of adjustable glasses like these when I had cataract surgery.
In the few days and weeks after each eye was operated on, my eyesight changed quite a bit, and they were very useful to let me read comfortably.
But I found them a little cumbersome and difficult to adjust, so I didn't use them on a long-term basis.
I believe that some restaurants have them to give to customers who've forgotten their glasses and can't read the menu.
PS If you are getting pestered by Facebook ads and "suggested for you", try an add-on called FB Purity https://www.fbpurity.com/
Or open the ad in a private window if you don't want to get tracked and bombarded with more ads...bombarded with sponsored adverts on Facebook re adjustable glasses
Pretty impressive! 75+ and on Facebook! I'm not saying it as a bad thing, but I think you must be one of the oldest people I've heard of that uses it! haha
As a general rule, 95% of products advertised on facebook is just rubbish and it's best to avoid. They often price things low because they know what most people can't be bothered chasing up refunds for smaller amounts.
sounds like a scam for old people who need glasses. if you need a good prescription i'd recommend UNSW Optometry clinic.
Or just bulk billed anywhere
Although At unsw you can also get free access to a specialist if you need it.
But pay a lot more in travel time from Scone where they live to Kensington.
Oh didn't know this, pretty cool. Sounds like a deal imho
what did chatgpt say?