• out of stock

30% off R.M. Williams Comfort Craftsman Boots - Mid-Brown $454.30 Delivered (Was $649) @ The Iconic


30% off thousands of items. I was particularly interested in the RM Williams Mid Brown Comfort Craftsman model, which is down to $454.30 from $649. Great bargain. I don't think it has gone below $454.30 on discount.

*Ends 24.04.23. 11.59pm AEST. Selected styles and colours listed. Discount applied at checkout. Subject to terms and conditions.

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Lame. Wanted to get another pair of Black Comfort Craftsman but excluded :(

    • T12VIPCJQUPK 15 % off , works on black cc as per my last deal post

      • +8

        yeah but that's not 30% off :P

  • +4

    Any way to get the wide version discounted?

    • +1

      Haha got the same problem

      • +8

        Thicc boys unite.

  • +44

    Stack with HEYICONIC75 on a new account to get it for $379.30 :)

    • Deserves a post of it's own. Please post.

        • +4

          I will leave it to you guys. I think $379.30 for a pair of R.M Williams it's a bargain. I start work in 10 minutes , so hopefully someone posts it.

          • @Scrooge McDeal: Definitely. If the 30% off also applied to either the tan/caramel I think I would have taken a punt on what my size would be

            • -1

              @NedStark102: Mid brown is much more corporate than tan or caramel and is more versatile

          • @Scrooge McDeal: Absolutely, I wear them at work & for formal events. Best money spent on a pair of nice shoes that fit almost any situation.

      • Wait until 3pm when 10% off celebration gc gets released on ShopBack :)

    • Thank you, I finally caved and bought a pair thanks to that discount

    • Too good to resist. Now I can see why they have such a following on ozb

    • Thank you, grabbed my first pair too.
      Wish they had black available for this deal, but this is good enough especially with this code.

  • +1

    Nothing on the wide fits

  • Anyone tried the Mongrel riding boots and compared them to the RMW??

    • +2

      Have owned probably 5-6 pairs of RMs over the years (still own 4) and bought a pair of the Mongrel riding boots. Felt probably 80% as good, but very stiff – Im a dynamic flex comfort craftsman person so couldn’t stand the stiffness of the shoe or the time to wear it in. Sizing is slightly different too – would recommend you at least try them on somewhere to get the sizing spot on which might have been my issue. Mind you I would recommend that for the RMs as well, but I was not the same size in RMs as in the Mongrels. My issue could have also been the difference between a rubber sole boot (Mongrel) and the RMs I have (all generally dynamic flex, one leather). I used to have a suede pair of rubber RMs which I don’t remember being as stiff as the Mongrels either.

      Bit disappointed I guess as I used to love my Mongrel steel caps. I think while I worked on site in construction I went through probably 3 pairs over 10 years. Preferred them over nearly every other boot I had or was given (Olivers, CAT boots, Mack boots).

      • -2

        why on earth do you own 5-6 pairs ?

        • +1

          Different colours, leather, styles. I have about 7-8. My favourite is the chinchilla

          • +1

            @rosebank: Good god, here i am thinking my black pair is enough for the last 10 years :P

            • @tomleonhart: My first pair was a regular black Craftsman, no dynamic flex, bought over 20 years ago. I think you're good

            • @tomleonhart: I have managed to get ten years out of each of mine. I replace them on each 10 birthday as a present for myself. This year I will get my fourth pair.

        • +1

          As above, colours and styles. All basically bought from the outlet at Harbour Town except the newest pair which are the only new pair I own. Currently:
          - Black Dynamic Flex = Work shoes (we don’t all work in IT and can wear sneakers to work)
          - Black Leather sole = Formal shoes for weddings, etc. Would fall on my arse wearing these daily.
          - Black spare Dynamic Flex = Bought these for rotation with the work ones when they went in to get resoled during COVID (took a few months)
          - Light Brown Dynamic Flex = Work/Casual shoes
          - Dark Brown (chestnut) Dynamic Flex = Wasn’t looking but these came up for sale for $300 new at the podiatrist. Will replace the black work ones when they fail.
          The original black pair I have are 17 years old from the outlet at Harbour Town, and have been resoled once by RM themselves. Pretty good value.

    • +5

      I thought the whole point of RMW is that you fit in with the project managers/ accountants/ engies/ other bag fiends at the pub on Friday arvo?

      • +2

        dont forget the black puffy jacket

      • +1

        Generally that’s what poor people do think so it’s a logical faux pas.

      • +2

        You're prob joking, but here's my comment from a different thread:

        RMs are great because they are probably the one of very few shoemakers in the world that still makes one-cut chelsea boots, with full grain leather (iirc), and goodyear welts. And they're still made in SA and survived the LVMH takeover. They were legit farmer boots before the Young Liberals hopped on the wagon in the past couple decades.

        I bought my first pair of Craftsmans in the late 90s, early 00s and got a free oilskin jacket for $300. I flipped the jacket on ebay for $150 so essentially I got the boots for $150. I polish them and look after them. They're still good as new and the leather sole still has some life in them.

        Shoe nerds all over the world froth over these boots, and these boots, despite the jokes, have an exceptional reputation for quality internationally.

        So yeah the prices have gone up, due to many factors, but are well worth the price.

        • I am joking yes

          • +1

            @Jimothy Wongingtons: Yeah, but still good info for the people who don't understand why good boots cost money

            • +2

              @rosebank: Also I can not confirm or disprove that those groups also are fans of a cheeky early Friday arvo knock off and a penchant for bags, zinger boxes, rolex/omega watches, bad multis, loose women, stone and wood beer, and fast cars.

              • +3

                @Jimothy Wongingtons: Reality:
                * Some office pleb who thinks they are more than bottom rung in corporate; probably about to be made to attend emotional intelligence training for the 3rd time
                * Owns a 36mm SMP or an old Air King because they can say that they own the brand
                * Pathetically single; probably about to become cellmates with Jarryd Hayne (also see point 1)
                * Pfft to CUB, all I drink is craft beer
                * 86 bro

                • +1


                  Owns a 36mm SMP or an old Air King

                  Or worse, a yacht master ii 🤡

                  • +1

                    @Jimothy Wongingtons: LOL

                    Bought because it is the biggest watch in Rolex's lineup with multiple dials.

                    You know what they say more subdials = more money!

      • it's also a must-have if you're going to be a commentator/panel member on any footy show.

    • +1

      Something something vimes …. terry pratchett

    • +5

      Yup. Everyone should spend $100+ on a pair of shoes that falls apart every year then go buy a new one. Looking at you Julius Marlow….

    • +7

      What about people who drop $1k on make-game-go-faster-card-thing?

      Or speaker-put-on-head-sound-good for $500+?

      How about a $1k computer-but-put-in-pocket-get-internet-phone?

    • +1

      Yeah man, a true OzBargainer buys Aldi shoes every 6 months.
      That idiot with the $450 shoes that he's worn for 10 years is so stupid lol!

      I can't believe people are so flagrant with their spending. I am a true bargain lord, I bought a pair of Aldi shoes from the clearance bin for $17.97 and I put that $436.33 in ETFs (40% VGS & 60% VAS).

      The returns I made on my ETF's I put towards treatment of my corns and bunions (AHHH my bunions!!!) and for physio but all the while I saved money and looked super stylish in my bootleg Skechers.

      • +2

        Yeah man, a true OzBargainer buys Aldi shoes every 6 months.
        That idiot with the $450 shoes that he's worn for 10 years is so stupid lol!

        This sort of comment is no better than his comment, just on the opposite end of the scale.

        You can tell the difference between someone who simply talks good stuff about expensive products and those who also throw that extra snobbery in about other products in the process 😉

      • I'm sure you dont have only one pair of boots.

    • +2

      3 deals in 9 years but 10,000 comments and you call yourself one? What a leech

    • +4

      The irony that you recently posted about designer stuff like Gucci going on sale https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/750326

      At least with RM they are worth the price. Gucci is just cheap made crap that is the same quality as Kmart.

      Your logic is hilarious.

      • -2

        The Gucci bag isn't for me, it's for my partner.

        • +2

          No-one should be called an ozbargainer if you are buying that stuff, regardless of who it's for.

          But anyway, the other replies to your post stand. RM williams is worth the money and actually IS an ozbargainable thing.

    • This is a bargain website for the rich. This is quite illogical but it is what it is.

  • A moment of silence for wide-footed Tambo wearers

  • +1

    Fairly regularly go below that price when discounted. $380ish is the buy zone.

  • Is there any option to select wider fits?

  • +9

    I wish my income rose at the same rate as the rrp of these shoes do.

    • +5

      My first pair cost about $300 over 20 years ago. We should just pay the skilled workers in Adelaide less, and use bonded leather, and forget about whole-cut, just make the boot using 5 different pieces of leather stitched together, also no Goodyear welt, just glue the sole on which is now made with foam for more comfort. Shit, get rid of the box, just ship them in a plastic bag.

      • +1

        That escalated quickly

      • +5

        Why not just send 2 plastic bags and wear those instead

      • +1

        This is what Apple does afterall. And Samsung followed suit, removing their chargers and making the box smaller.

  • Ask for advice please!

    If I am 7 with wide fit, what is the right size for regular fit? 7.5/8?

    Wide fit seems never have discount on my size :(

    Thanks in advance.

    • +1

      If you are wide 7, go regular 7.5. But in all honesty if you need the wide fit I wouldn’t go regular it won’t feel right (depending how legitimately you need wide - sometimes people take the wide for comfort sake and get used to it over the years).

      • +1

        Thanks mate, appreciate your advice. Stocks are going quick!!!!

  • I’m a narrow fit (Size F). Are non-standard widths ever discounted or should I just cop paying full price?

    • Iconic don't carry F unfortunately. I'm also a narrow fit =(

    • I was an F too but went with G and cant tell the difference. Missed out on this deam though. I would have bought another pair

  • +1

    Thanks OP, almost purchased new black ones over the weekend, but brown ones for 380 is cheaper than I purchased my last pair for 5 years ago.

  • -1

    Anyone know how are the sizing on these?

    • +4

      In my experience, the stores will swap sizing on shoes from (authorised) resellers.
      I swapped a pair from a previous sale for a pair of wides and had no issues.

      • +1

        Just to confirm, are you returning iconic bought shoes to flagship rm stores and getting the swap? If so, that's awesome.

        • +1


          No guarantees of course, but I didn't hide where they were purchased from. I just said they were too small, and we sized up a new pair and did the return/swap.

          EDIT: Worth noting that they were actually super helpful from the start. Went to one store, they were awesome but didn't have the size I needed. They called around for me, found a store that had the wides, they put them aside, and I went in and picked them up and that second store (Brisbane CBD) were equally awesome about it.

        • Yeah, they'll swap if you bought it from a legit store. I've done it a couple times

        • I swapped a pair of RM Williams I bought from the Iconic for a different size some six months ago, but I went to the same store yesterday and asked if they still did that and was told that they're no longer allowed to do it. Not even for a wide/narrow size exchange and that you’ll have to exchange via the retailer

          • @Bargin8or: Bummer! My return was probably 6 months ago as well, although it was just a wide in the same size.
            Maybe a few too many people gamed the system with non-genuine returns ("Hey, these size 7's are a little small. Can I swap them for a 13?") and they pulled the plug on it.

            • +1

              @henno: Tried a few weeks ago, and supposedly the new policy is that it has to be exactly the same boot. But they can look at moving half size up or down. Won't do wider or narrower fits.

              • @catboss888: Thanks, that's really helpful for me. I wasn't sure if I was a size 9 or 10. And ordered 9.5. At least I know I'll be able to adjust a little bit.

        • A work colleague (agriculture so compulsory) had a problem with the stitching on the elastic after he had a pair after ten months. RMW replaced them. That was about twelve years ago though.

  • i thought RRP was 549 or 599

    649? sheesh

  • Did they change their colour names?
    Is Dark Brown = Chestnut?

    • +3

      no Chestnut is chestnut and dark brown is dark brown :P

      • time for my morning coffee hahaha

  • If i get the wrong size. Can i just swap it with another size after the sale ends?

    Online or instore?

    • You can swap it at an RMs store if you have one near you

  • Damn, just missed out on the last in (I think) my size. hopefully they restock.

  • +2

    I suspect these are these https://www.rmwilliams.com.au/comfort-craftsman-boot-mid-bro… which says they are pull up leather so will age differently than the usual ones.

    • "Vesta leather is known as a pull-up leather. It is designed to develop a vintage patina over time. It’s water-repellent and highly durable, with a matte finish."
      Learnt something new today!

  • +1

    Only size 6 left

  • +1

    This is the sale that's not really a sale, cos they have no sizes or range available for this price. Move on.

    • +2

      They did have stock of the link posted by the OP. When the deal was first published I saw stock of most sizes. Everytime I refreshed the page sizes were saying Out Of Stock. I suppose you just needed to be quick. Quicker than me, I missed out, there were some left of the size I wanted and when I researched my size and came back they were gone.

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