Cheapest price that I could find for the new Sofirn SC02 Mini EDC Flashlight.
YouTube Review
Note: Title prices include GST & Shipping. Approximated AUD price, based on today's MasterCard rates, paying in USD.
Cheapest price that I could find for the new Sofirn SC02 Mini EDC Flashlight.
YouTube Review
Note: Title prices include GST & Shipping. Approximated AUD price, based on today's MasterCard rates, paying in USD.
I was thinking the same thing!
Me 3
Excellent, I've always wanted to be fined for impersonating an emergency vehicle.
Not sure you can be if you're walking or on a bicycle.
What if O15 makes a loud WEEEEWAAAAW sound, then can they be fined?
I run quite fast, though. At night, I might be mistaken for an emergency vehicle responding to a situation.
"Call me an ambulance!"
"OK, you're an ambulance!"
'USB-C charging is standard and universal nowadays, and so does this little guy.'
Because who care about grammars
I care about grammars, and the grandpas too.
The real question is: will it charge with a C-to-C cable?
Cost $10.11 Aud for me
Spot light angle: 19.2°
Damn, I was after a 19.3° light angle so no deal.
Is this legal?
3 failed attempts to order, charged 3 times, the bots excuse was due to "security concerns" because I used a random coupon the first time.
Wonder if I can stick one or two to the bottom of a drone..
Is there an even smaller one without the side LEDs but retains USBc charging?
Does it come with a clip-on fitting for bikes?