This was posted 1 year 11 months 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Helium Tank Kits (Balloons/Helium/Ribbon): 50 Balloon $50 (Was $78), 30 Balloon $30 (Was $58) Delivered @ The Party People


Hey Guys,

We are overstocked on our Disposable Helium tanks; our loss is your gain!

So we are running an ozbargain special. Using Code 50TANK23

Our Smaller Kit is for 30 (9 inch balloons) has been reduced to $30 shipped (19+11 Shipping)…

Our Larger kit is for 50 (9 inch balloons) has been reduced to $50 Shipped (39+11 Shipping) (we also have it in two brands)

This link below is for gas only…

This is the cheapest we could find anywhere in oz even against inferior brands!

Please note you can only order one at a time, but you can add other products to the cart to take advantake of the free shipping.

Ps if you want another one, just place additional orders.

Pps the code will add a discount for the item and account for the $11 shipping, sorry but its the only way our system would let us do it

We have a limited quantity left and the sale ends Monday. UPDATE: We think we will run out by approx mid saturday

Cheers and I hope ive covered everything!

Happy shopping!

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The Party People
The Party People

closed Comments

  • +3

    I'm sure some youngsters going to buy a bunch of these and make it a trend on Tik Tok to suck up the helium or something.

    • A drop of cyanide in there would really boost views

      • might as well add jumping over a moving car.

  • price seems ok considering its shipped - I used to get the kmart 30 balloon kits for my kids, and my neice and nephews parties - but its since been discontinued.

  • +2

    Lol over stocked, ends with limited quantity. 😉

    • Haha, yeah its a tricky one, we are trying to clear about approx 40ish of each size to free up some space for a different style we have comming in.

    • Good find, instore only though! cant be delivered.

      • -2

        Instore is fine.

        Need to get some other stuff from there too.

        • +6

          also you could select instore pickup with us and youll get it for $19 and $39 respectively! all good if you need other stuff. Happy shopping

          • -2


            also you could select instore pickup with us

            the 12 hour drive might negate the savings though…

            • +10

              @jv: The 12 hour drive is fine.

              Need to get some other stuff from there too.

              • -1


                The 12 hour drive is fine.

                Hi Tarryn.

            • +1

              @jv: is your car electric? it might be come close!

              factor in self driving with the sensors during the night…. it could still be a bargain right? haha

            • @jv: consider moving?

    • Terrible reviews on this one
      We tried and its rubbish

    • +3

      This is why I don't use condoms anymore.

      • +1

        Not all heroes wear capes

    • -1

      Are any of them due to this brand of balloon kit?

  • I need the 39$ one, where is your store? LOL I don't have an EV

    • dang, in that case i hope your in sydney then! We are located in Drummoyne in sydneys inner west. Cheers

  • +1

    Buy a bunch and fill up a massive balloon, stick a Chinese flag on it and hopefully you’ll get to see a RAAF fighter jet flying around and shoot it down.

    • though we think this is a terrible idea, we do sell large white 3ft balloons you could add to your cart……

      not sure how it worked out for these guys:

    • They might visit Party People as well lol Not a bad idea to clear stock

  • +3

    Helium is a finite resource and the earth is running out of it.

    • +1

      So you're saying we should buy these as long term investments?

    • +1

      Agree… and there are medical uses as well. Mainly in liquid form for MRI machines.

      Currently only found in natural gas reserves and if tapped open it will just float off into space never to return again.

    • On the bright side, the sun is full of the gas, a by-product of nuclear fusion. I am sure Elon Musk (the He-Man) will send SpaceX to mine the gas. (All puns intended.)

      • Yes brilliant idea! Bring upon the red giant phase even sooner!

  • Hi rep how long do these tanks last unopened? My kids B-Day isnt for another month

    • I dont know an exact time, but they are sealed when closed. so will last for much longer than one month. even if opened.

      eg my mother has one at home for maybe 12months and she just inflates one balloon every now and then for the kids.

      • +1

        update! There’s no use by date.But the Supplier website says use within a year from initial use.

  • Is there a use by date on these cylinders? How long can we keep them?

    • i dont think so as they are sealed, but ill double check!

  • Thanks OP, great price, bought some ;)
    Hopefully Click&Collect will be quick.

    • Yeah! its usually a day, but we have quite a few orders comming though, so trying to clear them quickly and maybe even by this afternoon!

  • Shipping really kills this deal.

    $18,156.60 Courier [Next day]

    • Out of curiosity, where are you? Mars? 👽🤣

  • The pictures contradict the text on your website

    Please be aware disposable tanks have a higher percentage of oxygen than our hire tanks as such foil balloons will not float with tanks.

    So does the tank actually contain helium, or is it diluted "balloon gas"?
    The pictured tank says it contains just helium. I need purish helium for my DIY super-conducting NMR machine. OK, my remote-control clownfish

    • Hi Bargaino,

      let me look into that for you, i feel like its meant to say lower not higher (as that would be why the "foils wont float")

      My understanding also that Balloon gas is a helium mix (eg not the same stuff they use in medical situations or 100% helium)

      ps i know those clown balloons arent the best, we had massive issues back in the day when they were popular (to the point where we had to stop selling them, as they wouldnt float and were faulty alot, but ill check on that too….

      Anyway will get some more details on it all and let you know!

      • They float if you fill them with real helium, not adulterated gas.
        I think the problem is that helium prices rose, so suppliers started cutting the product.

        • Hi Bargaino,

          I had a chat with the team, and yeah its not good for those clown fish foils. The Helium we have instore is a better mix. Or if your after pure helium, you wont find it at balloon shops, youll need medical grade.


          • @thepartypeople: Thanks. Would you know the approx mix in store? or lifting power per volume? I don't need medical grade, but probably something like 80%.

            50% helium/nitrogen would be no better than methane from the pipes. I guess I should just make some hydrogen instead. Oh the humanity.

            • @bargaino: Yeah ill find out!,

              ps ment to mention, helium prices have gone through the roof recently. Increased by 200% since jan!

  • Hi All,

    quick update, we only have 23 of the 50kit left, and 14 of the 30kit left.

    please note the second link to the 50 is for gas only, ill update the details on it above.

    thanks for helping with the clear our, im a big ozbargain fan, you guys make me spend way too much money, but the deals are awesome.

    we are thinking we will be sold out by about midday tomorrow.


  • Hey Guys,

    all sold out now, the code will no longer work on both kits, thanks for all your help

    we do have a couple (15) left of the gas only whcih we can continue to offer…

    Thanks again!

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