Herman Miller Mirra1- for sale in Lime Backing we offer delivery service- fee depends on your postcode if you contact store they will give delivery fee.
We encourage customers to inspect chairs from our showroom as each Chair has different wear, our location & trading hours are:
52 North View Drive, Sunshine West Vic 3020 - Mon-Fri: 7:30am - 4pm, Sat: 10am - 3pm
[VIC, Pre Owned] Herman Miller Mirra - Lime/Light Grey Chairs $299 Pickup @ Sustainable Office Furniture, Sunshine West 3020

Last edited 12/04/2023 - 11:43 by 1 other user
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looks like it has survived the WW2
Hi Op, the price went up because the condition is better than the last batch. or just put the price up?
Good Morning, these are a different batch they are in better condition than the last batch we had in stock.
All our pricing is according to our cost price, you are welcome to inspect if you would like photo's sent i can send directly to mobile numbers.
Once you go Herman Miller you never go back, they are built to last.
I bought mine in 2017—a used one that was built in 2005—and it's still going strong in 2023. It reduced my lower back pain by 90%, too.
You shouldn't skimp out on something you spend 1/3 of your life on.
Which model did u go for?
Herman Miller
I went for the chair model myself
Herman Miller Aeron, with armrests.
Does it count as skimping to buy a model without arms? Looking at HMs for a chair upgrade, but all these cheap deals are armless
Does it count as skimping to buy a model without arms?
Having no armrests allow for being a better distance to the desk in my experience.
Occupational therapists recommend using office chairs without armrests. Armrests tend to encourage the user to lean left or right, curving the spine. If you can keep perfect posture then armrests can be beneficial, but most people can't/don't. First thing I do with a new office chair is remove the armrests if possible, coz I know I'm a sloucher.
This is completely false and an outdated theory. There's a reason why 90% of European offices buy chairs with arm rests. This was an old theory that saved money and was around when chairs weren't as ergonomic.
Armrests (adjustable ones only, not fixed) allow you to put your arms weight on something rather than slouching on the table taking you away from the seat back (where all the ergonomics are). If you think of how heavy your arms are, the gravity drag from those arms if you don't have support is a huge strain on your neck and back. Arms can also help counter text neck. The best armrests are the 4D (directional) ones that can really help support the way you sit and work - and the ergonomic backs on modern ergonomic chairs helps adapt your spine as well.
Source: worked in the office furniture industry in Australia and overseas for 10 years with 3 office furniture companies.
@jaygee: Sorry, this isn't directly relevant to your post, but I'd love to get your unbiased opinion on good budget office chairs or manufacturers. Most of the people who make recommendations on the internet tend to have tried only a few, so it's hard to get good information.
And while I'm sure Herman Miller chairs are great and all, they cost a pretty penny at retail prices. I've been buying the cheapest AFRDI certified chairs I could find, because from the little I've researched, I thought that was probably a better way to get a decent chair than finding recommendations on reddit or ozb etc.
Any recommendations you could offer would, I'm sure, be of immense interest.
@grumblerain: I'm sure I've got some bias as well but the best brands I've tried are Steelcase, Haworth, and some Herman Miller ones, Humanscale is also good with the right chair, though most of their chairs don't have a back lock which annoys me for home use.
For SC - Gesture, Leap, and possibly Think (Gesture probably has the best arms in the market).
For Haworth - Fern and Zody, possibly Soji. If you can get your hands on a Very, it's the same chair as Zody with cheaper components.
For HM- Embody only. I didn't love their other chairs (including Aeron which I gave to my mom but she seems to love it so YMMV). Some people love the Mirra, but everyone seems to hate the Cosm.
I think Haworth Fern offers the best bang for your buck with the low $1k chairs, but it's not perfect. It's the one I'm using now, and the benefit of their chair is that is had inbuilt lumbar so you don't need an adjustable lumbar (the inbuilt lumbar is too aggressive). Some people also don't like the gap between bum and back when you slide the seat out, but I got used to it. The Zody is probably the most discounted chair on the market as loads of companies have had them and then sell when they move offices, and the Mirra also seems to have okay pricing when offices are moving. As an example, NAB had a bad experience with their Mirra chairs and upgraded them to Zody chairs, so Mirra chairs went on discount.
I personally don't love headrests either, so I never opt for it. 4D arms is a must for my chairs though.
I haven't had any experience with lower branded furniture companies and their ergonomic so I can't comment - but from experience I know there's a reason these office chairs cost so much - they're built for comfort, support and to last - and they've spent millions on ergonomic research where other companies haven't had the money to do so. All the chairs above have a 10-15 year warranty so you can't go wrong either way.
People often lean on the arms, which is bad for the posture. Better for the core to be armless.
How did you count that back pain percentage?
9/10 herman millers
Herman Miller you never go back, they are built to last.
I hate them. Each to their own.
I'd tend to agree, I've had an aeron before and it was never for me. Gave it to my mun who loves it so def each to their own.
Oztree, what's your best price? I've only got one fiddy.
And remember , if the item was beloved or a regretful sale , the price is double.
one fiddy but admin fee is $297.50
Despite the frankly horrid colour scheme, this should be the answer any of the recent "what <shitty> gaming chair should I buy for $500" questions.
I've got a couple of Mirra 1s and an Aeron and they are so much better than rickety gaming chairs. All the positive comments on gaming chairs are like "I've had mine for 2 years and it hasn't fallen apart yet, it must be great!"
I'm curious about how to figure out the date on a chair given the comments here, I'll have to look for a printed manufacturing date on them. Edit: that was easy, the Aeron is 2011.
The colour looks eewwww
Can't tell if its rotten or actual Lime color
Probably smells like ass
yeah definitely give those 2nd hand chairs the sniff test, mine had been injected with so many office farts I had an explosive waft the first time I sat on it.
These let all farts pass through and nothing stays within the chair. There's a mesh instead of cusion on the seat.
Hope that helps.
Do you think it's easy to (spray) paint that backrest without going from "preloved for long time" to a poor makeshift look?
Aeron? Yes. Mirra? No.
One day… these things will actually include arms. And all of OzB will rejoice.
any discount on these?
Understandable for a 16 year old chair..