After being ever reliant on phone payments lately and ditching my wallet, i was wondering if anyone still frequently uses cash for most payments and still carrys a wallet.
An acquaintance of mine who is in transaction data analytics said that if you can use cash to use cash. Their reason being that you are being tracked for all your purchases and this allows banks to make decisions on loans, particularly home loan applications where you state your expenses. As cash can be used to a degree of anonymity and also can be stored for use later, cash withdrawals don't register as an expense the same way a purchase through card or mobile NFC payments do and the expense cannot be tracked by the banks create a profile of your spending. This can potentially enable great loan values to be acquired.
This has lead me to think cash might be worth going back to, as well as physical nature of tracking your spending and feeling your wallet thin out makes you want to spend less.
Do you still carry a wallet and pay with cash, or have you embraced the wallet free life?
I live in Western Sydney. We love cash!