Guy on Tiktok Reckons We Don't Have to Pay Compound Interest

So this came up in the discussion about the gloating never pay credit card lady

@KangaDrew and @rumblytangara mentioned it so I thought id make another thread

Original video (but not sure its the original account that posted it?):…

Scott Pape / the Barefoot Investor guy mentioned it in the same newsletter as credit card woman

The questions came in like a hurricane.
They were all asking about a viral TikTok video by an Aussie who had uncovered an ingenious ‘trick’ to beat the banks and stop paying interest on your home loan.
It quickly amassed 5.1 million views.
(That’s, like, 5 million more people than watch The Project each night.)
So I clicked on the link.
A bearded dude was sitting in front of an impressive bank of computer screens filled with stock market charts.
He began:
“Hey everyone. I don’t usually do these sorts of things. I’m not a big TikTok user, but what I am good at is finance and understanding how to beat the banks. So I’ve got a couple of people that I’ve given this advice to and everyone’s been telling me that I should make it public. So here we go.”
And then he went on to reveal his big secret:
You can ‘stop’ compound interest accruing on your loan completely by simply … paying your normal repayment plus $1 per day.
He continued:
“You will pay a big fat zero in interest, absolutely zero in interest, and you will end up cutting your mortgage from 25 years down to about five … and you can do this with credit cards, you can do this with car loans. Anything that has a variable interest rate, you can do it and you can beat the banks.”
And just in case you missed the point, here it is again:
“Just stop paying interest. Nobody out there needs to be paying interest.
I know what you’re thinking – surely the banks would HATE this knowledge being leaked, right? I mean they would go broke (or broker, in the case of Credit Suisse).
Don’t worry, he’s onto it:
“So the banks don’t like this. They don’t like this knowledge being out there, and they will try to stop you. They will send you ‘cease and desist’ letters. They will try to stop you from doing it, but at the end of the day, they can’t. If you get a cease and desist letter, once you start doing this $1 a day payment thing to your financial institution, ignore it. What are they going to do? Take you to court and say, ‘Oh, Your Honour, he’s paying too much’. It’ll get laughed out of court. So if you want to beat the banks, beat them by not paying compound interest.”
Okay, in our home, ‘stupid’ is a swear word, but I’m going to call it what it is:
This is STUPID!
You cannot stop interest by paying $1 a day on your home loan.
Still, that won’t stop people from trying. There are thousands of comments under the video saying things like: “Not sure if it works, but I’m giving it a go!”
Which reminds me of another viral ‘secret’ for glowing skin:
Some internet gurus suggest you stick coffee beans up your quoit.
(Seriously, google it … just maybe not at work.)
Does it work?
Erm, no!
Meanwhile, you’re walking around with a short black up your clacker.
Now the fact that this video got 5 million views tells me three things:
One, people are desperate for solutions to higher interest rates.
Two, just because a video goes viral doesn’t mean it’s true – it just means it’s riding the TikTok (AKA the Chinese babysitter) algorithm.
Finally, I have a hell of a lot more work to do when it comes to financial literacy in this country.
Look, the only way you can pay your home loan down quicker is to get a lower rate, and make extra repayments … preferably more than $1 a day.
And if you’re struggling to make extra repayments, give up the coffee – it’s no good for your skin anyway.
Tread Your Own Path!

It really doesn't make sense to me.


  • +2

    You can reduce exposure to compound idiocy by avoid platforms such as tik tok

  • Another idea is to just never make a monthly payment and tell the bank that you've to urgently go to the toilet each time they call you. If they come in person just loudly fart and run into the toilet.

    They will eventually just give you the property as needing to take a dump is a fundamental human right and banks cannot interrupt that (or the ombudsman will shut down the bank).

    May be I should start a TikTok channel.

  • Actually I like those videos, see which of my friends share it and immediately - ignore. Reality/stupidity check.

  • If only they made us pay a monthly sub for TikTok

  • It's about paying interest on top of interest when a loan is compounded daily.

    If a loan is compounded daily and you only pay it monthly then interest is calculated each day on the amount you owe, so you end up paying interest on the interest that you accrued the day before. His method doesn't stop you paying interest. It just stops you paying interest on interest.

    • +1

      A previous post explained that bank loans are compounded monthly

      • Yep. Which makes his whole video pointless in most circumstances.

        It might be more applicable in the US where predatory loan practises exist for super low income earners.

  • +1

    I pay ozbargain $1 a day and then i never have to post a bargain again, win win omg yay

  • No, the idea that paying an additional $1 per day on a home loan will stop compound interest from accruing is not true. Interest is calculated based on the principal amount of the loan and the interest rate, and it continues to accrue regardless of whether you pay an extra dollar or not. While making regular extra repayments can help reduce the overall interest paid and pay off the loan quicker, it's important to understand how interest works and not rely on "tricks" that are not based on sound financial principles.

    • You're never gonna be popular on tiktok with that attitude.

  • OMG, I'm being so stupid ! Why didn't i see this before.
    Instead only need to pay $1 extra/day for my mortgage, i've been paying $1000 extra per month.
    All the money i paid for the accountant to listened to his advises all these years not worth 60s watching on TT.

  • Don't warn the idiots who believe this. Don't save them from ruining themselves. We already saved way too many idiot antivaxxers during Covid. Let nature take its course this time.

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