This was posted 1 year 11 months 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] Up to 67% off: Diablo II: Resurrected $22.95, Starcraft II: Campaign Collection $44.95 and More @


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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered: Up to 25% off


Diablo II: Resurrected: Up to 67% off
Diablo Prime Evil Collection: Up to 67% off
Diablo III: Up to 50% off
Diablo III Reaper of Souls - Standard Edition: Up to 50% off
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closed Comments

  • have starcraft II already, what is the campaign modules if you just want to play against AI ?

    • Just for a walk through story.

    • I remember 20+ something years ago I spend literally days and hours using the built in Map and Campaign editor to make a whole new prequel story to star craft before the actual prequel came out. Then I adjusted my prequel story when I knew the actually story.

      The characters would talk and everything. Even found a way to use a 'farmer' character to be a playable spy who could walk between yours and opposing forces without being shot at.

      This was before digital backups, think floppy disk era, and I lost it all. Who knows what happened.

  • With Crash 4 and CoD on Steam, how long until we see the rest of these also?

    • You'll probably see them on Xbox Games for Windows and never on Steam

  • +3

    check the bundle as sometimes it's cheaper to get, for example Diablo Prime Evil collection (container Eternal Collection+D2 resurrected) is cheaper than Diablo3: Eternal collection

  • any recommendations on whether someone brand new to diablo should go for diablo 3 or diablo 2?

    • +5

      Play through D1(Can be finished in matter of hours), D2, then wait for D4.

    • +5

      Diablo 1, 2 and (arguably) Diablo 4 are all similar in tone and atmosphere. Diablo 3 is the odd one out, with a greatly simplified skill system and very different feeling to the movement. I would recommend Diablo 2 Resurrected. It's a fantastic remake and will be a great intro game before Diablo 4 launches in June. Others might prefer Diablo 3 specifically because it's so different but it wasn't to my taste.

    • +7

      I have strong nostalgia for 2 and would say it's a better game overall, however even the Resurrected version of 2 is true to the original, meaning that the game design is from the early 2000s. If you were around then and used to PC games of the time, it's fine, but modern gaming has introduced a lot of quality of life improvements. 3 is a better introduction for new players.

    • +4

      D2 resurrected will cost you AUD 22.95 and the prime evil collection is just an additional AUD 10 for D2 and D3 content, i suggest getting prime evil collection even if you dont like D3, it will only cost AUD 10 to try

    • i have been smashing D2 the last couple weeks. Highly recommend giving that a nudge first, then D3 if you feel up to it.

    • -3

      Diablo 2 requires you to grind.

      Diablo 3 is a casual game.

      I find the grind in Diablo 2 too obnoxious,the skill system is too restrictive, you need to follow a build guide, you can't experiment and play with different skills because skill points are very limited and permanent. Good items are genuinely rare and require a very deep investment in time to find.

      The original Diablo 3 was a response, however they went a bit too far in the other direction, your choices can be changed at any time and are effectively meaningless, so the only thing that matters is items. With the 2.0 patch they made rare items much easier to find. you can effectively complete the game in a few weeks of play.

      If you want a casual experience Diablo 3 is good fun.

      If you have more time and want to enjoy the RPG experience of designing your own character, forget Diablo 2 and play one of the more modern remakes like path of exile.

      I enjoyed Diablo 1 the most, it is similar to Diablo 2 but the map is much smaller, it also rewards skill, how you approach an enemy matters. It wasn't made by blizzard so you won't find it here.

      • D3 doesn't have to be a casual game. The grind is there if you choose to try to feature in the seasonal leaderboards etc.

      • +1

        It wasn't made by blizzard so you won't find it here.


    • +1

      I recommend D2. The soundtrack is 👌

    • If your intention is to play D4 then DIablo Immortal is the way to go, D4 seems to be an amalgamation of DIablo 3 and Immortal. Personally I'd recommend alternatives like Torchlight, PoE, Grim Dawn - avoid D4 until the first round of nerf's are released and Blizz introduce some of their more "controversial" changes.

      After playing through the beta, Diablo 4 will be the first of the series I don't pre-purchase a collecters Edition …… in fact it'll probably remain the only Diablo I won't play.

  • Would d4 go on sale before launching by any chance? XD XD XD

    • +2

      You have about as much chance of that happening as you do WC3 going on sale. ie. none. :(

  • +1

    I can't understand why WC3 has never gone on sale….

    • +5

      Because it is an embarrassment

      • More reason to sell it cheap.

        • They want as few people possible to remember that

      • +5

        Out of sight, out of mind. Such a shame they butchered that, so many fond memories playing that at school against friends

        • +2

          Cries in Sheep Tag

    • +1

      Been waiting and never does, might just pay full price at this point

  • Are people still playing sc2 online?

    • +4

      It's the best RTS available. Might be too intense for most but it's a lesser commitment than any MOBA. Games are shorter but you cant take a sip of water or you'll lose!

    • Still a massive community. Haven't had to wait for matches at all .

  • +2

    It a shame you can't find the SCII Battle Chest in stores anymore as that was a lot cheaper for a while.

    That's how I got a copy for $15 in 2020.

  • Playstation store also has diablo 2 resurrected at the same price.

    I purchased the bundle last night which has diablo 3 included for 32 dollars and change.

  • With Microsoft having a 70% chance of getting the acquisition of Activision/Blizzard approved, wont these all come to Game Pass?

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