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[Prime, SUBS] Mulholland Drive (The Criterion Restoration) Added to Prime Video


Jumping on the dreaded [SUBS] bandwagon to promote a bit of a rarity as far as I'm aware

Mulholland Drive is David Lynch's magnum opus to many, but what makes this special is that it is the Criterion Restoration. Criterion are an American company that is "dedicated to gathering the greatest films from around the world and publishing them in editions of the highest technical quality"

With the exception of the 'Roma' blu ray a few years ago, Criterion blu rays and 4ks are not officially sold in Australia and their subscription service - The Criterion Channel - is also not available here without a VPN.

Given these details and the fact most of Ozbargain has a vendetta against physical media as if a DVD killed their dog, I thought I'd give some attention to a bonafide masterpiece (that I await all the criticism and claims of "overrated" that will inevitably crop up) available on one of the easily accessible services here.

I just loaded it up and, dare I say it, this version may almost look better at a glance than my physical blu ray copy.

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closed Comments

  • +19

    This is great OP, don't be apprehensive in the future! Thanks for sharing this!

  • +13

    I got excited for a Criterion deal here thinking it was a local 4K disk release. I didn’t know we had a vendetta against physical media here? Lol

    • +6

      Maybe it's just a vendetta against me owning physical media (if you check my post history)

      • +7

        Oof, yeah fair enough. Well I’m always here for your physical deal posts!

      • +4

        I am old school and love to get physical..physicall…errr anyway …thumbs up for you

    • +1

      I considered getting the US 4K Criterion of Mulholland Drive over the Australian 4K release, but it didn't make sense to me to pay double for nicer packaging and a booklet even though I have my own collection of Criterions. The Australian StudioCanal release of Mulholland Drive 4K is using the same transfer as the UK release, which is consistently superior to the US Criterion in its video quality (sharpness, clarity, grain presentation). On special features, it's almost equivalent to the Criterion, but missing one 3 minute deleted scene. But unfortunately doesn't look like the Australian 4K release is available anymore… so looks like the US or UK are your main options. I'd still probably get the UK one

      • Wow, is there that much difference between. 4k releases? I mainly focus on 3d bluray since 2d can be streamed

        • +1

          It depends on the release, but I think it definitely pays off to do a bit of research before picking up titles. Australian 4K releases tend to compare favourably with US in terms of video quality, but might be very lacking in special features (which I care about but others don't). A lot of US 4K releases do not have HDR when their UK or European counterparts do, which can be pretty frustrating. I'm mainly interested in niche 4K titles that are not streamable in 4K (or even HD) in Australia (or the US, UK etc)

          • +1

            @somejono: Yeah, I own a film scanning and restoration company, and we have clients come to us to do a region specific 4K restoration from the original camera negs, and then some other region 4K releases goes to some clowns with a cheap scanner restoring from an Interpositive or a Print. There can be a huge difference between 4K releases of the same movie, especially when various companies own the rights in different regions.

            • @Scrobo: What has your company produced out of curiosity?

              Anything major?

              • +2

                @Faro: Recently the films we have finished that are out on 4K disc now or in the next month few months, Picnic at Hanging Rock, Spotswood, Suspiria, The Piano, Shine, The Dundee movies, Going Down, Patrick, a lot of European films that most people here probably know, and upcoming another 12 Australian 70s and 80s horror films, and we also scan for other companies to restore from, like Bloodbath at the House of Death, Turkey Shoot, and a bunch of others I can't think of at the moment,.

  • +6

    Lost Highway is still my favourite.

    • +1

      Was hoping that may have been on there as well, but no luck. Still yet to see that and have my eye on its 4k on Amazon, but it just seems to be going up in price :/

      • +1

        4K immersion would be pretty unreal. I wonder if it adds a layer of surrealism to the Mystery Man intro.

        • +1

          Haven't seen the movie yet! But super interested in doing so!!

    • +1

      lost highway > mulholland drive IMO. much crisper and stronger

    • +1

      We've met before, haven't we?

    • +3

      Lost Highway has a bloody impressive soundtrack too.

      David Lynch might be working on something new too atm, he stopped doing his daily weather report on YT late last year.

    • Lost Highway? (profanity) that shit! Pabst Blue Ribbon!

  • +9

    Physical copies all the way!

  • +4

    That Naomi Watts scene…

    • +4

      She is in many scenes…

    • +2

      I know the one you mean.. when she changes from demure ingenue to sex siren in a second?

      • +1

        Yeh. That one on the couch.

  • +1


    • +1

      this is the girl

      • +2

        Oh, baby, I've told every little star
        Just how sweet I think you are
        Why haven't I told you?
        Da-dum, da-da-da-da-da-da-da

  • +1

    Eventhough I know the ending, this is still rewatcheable as it is both magical and tragic.

    • +2

      The film was originally intended as a Twin Peaks spin-off series, with Audrey Horne as the lead character.

      • +2

        Twin peaks, another Lynch classic.

        Would have been interesting to think what it could've been, but Mulholland Drive is a masterpiece.

    • It really is the most magical movie I've ever seen. Somehow Lynch nailed the runtime and editing to perfection.

      • Agree and the score is quite something… Haunting.

  • +1

    Speaking of physical media, this is an upgrade to my VHS version. Thanks.

    • VHS? Nice try, this movie came out in 2002.

  • WD U did better than the other sub Dude that has 1/2 ur votes over 4 days .
    32 votes in 43 mins :)

  • +1

    Yeah thanks so much for sharing this, OP - a genuinely haunting and striking masterpiece!

  • +1

    Thanks for the heads up @Ninternet.

    Looking forward to watching this again and it will be interesting to see the Criterion version.

  • +9

    Heads up for anyone in Brissy— GOMA's cinematheque is screening Blue Velvet on 35mm next week…and it's free!

  • +1

    I'd just added it to my watch list before seeing this post. It absolutely is worth the post about out how rare a release and yet accessible this is now, in the hope that interest could lead to more Criterion releases on the platform - which really would continue to elevate it beyond what Netflix offers.
    Streaming on a projector in a smoke filled room will be my screening method of choice.

  • Someone cc Alex Lahey to this deal

  • +6

    I just watched it and it was great and I'm so confused

    • +1

      yes, even with the restoration, I don't think I will understand this movie.

  • +3

    Though this is more an announcement than an actual bargain, it's a good post nonetheless for a great movie.

  • You interpretted this as a bargain. Very meta.

    • +3

      "Whether this is a bargain or not comes down to your experience with the post. I won't explain whether this is or isn't the case, so your interpretation is valid."
      - David Lynch (probably)

  • One 9f the strangest movies I've ever seen, still don't understand it!? 🤔

    • +1

      Yep, anyone who tells you that they have worked out what is going on in this movie is a liar!

      • +3

        Without spoilers, a dream inside a dream.

        • +2

          But also a re-authoring of a life that never quite lived up to expectations.

      • +1

        Literally one of three films I examined in my Honours thesis for its dream-logic narrative structure.

        Love it. Still don't get it. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    • +2

      That's a Lynch movie all over. You're not meant to understand it.

  • +1

    I have watched Twin Peaks (all the seasons), but not Mulholland Drive. Which series is stranger and/or scarier?

    • +1

      Mulholland Drive is scarier (although that first scene with Judy in the reboot is one of the most terrifying things I've ever seen).

    • +2

      Also worth noting Mulholland Drive is a film, not a series.

      If you loved Twin Peaks though, I highly recommend Mulholland and Blue Velvet

      • +1

        Also worth noting Mullholland Drive was originally shot as a pilot for a new series, which they then made into a feature.

  • Awesome, always been meaning to watch this movie, loved the twin peaks series

  • +1

    Why would it look better than your Blu-ray copy? If nothing else, this is compressed heavily to stream

    • +3

      Probably just the colour grading and contrast that criterion are known for.

      Hence I said "at a glance".

  • +3

    as a side note - Criterion & Lynch just did a restoration of Inland Empire. only out on Criterion Collection Blu Ray I believe at the moment. interesting as it was all shot on MiniDV I believe

    • +2

      An AI upscaled 4k. Definitely has me intrigued considering the original had a max resolution of 480p I'm pretty sure

  • +1

    I only watched this for the first time like 3 weeks ago and it probably became my favourite film ever. The entire thing even down to the chemistry between the two main actresses was just so enamouring. Also looking at theories after the film is even more fun :)

    • +1

      Had a very similar experience. My first watch was a few months ago and then made a bunch of friends watch it on my birthday last month. Their reactions were definitely a mixed bag.

      • I think a lot of people will come away with it at first with a "What just happened?" and then learn to love it as you unfold the movie through the hundreds of theories on the internet.

  • -1

    One of the greatest films of all time IMO.

  • -3

    Probably one of the worst films Ive ever watched. Absolute weird boring trash. Enjoy!

    • +9

      Lucky for you, Bullet Train and the latest Dave Hughes Stand-up special are also available for streaming!

      • +3


      • +2

        Bullet Train wasn't that bad, anyone going in expecting something different than they got may have been deluded

        • +2

          I'll amend that comment…

          Lucky for you, Bullet Train Kindergarten Cop and the latest Dave Hughes Stand-up special are also available for streaming!

        • So are you saying if I hated Bullet Train . Don't bother watching OPs movie ?

          • +2

            @lostgoat: Bullet Train is a lame action comedy. Mulholland Drive is an absurdist arthouse noir. They're not alike

            • -1

              @Faro: Well your movie on the link has a 7.9 rating .
              That is hard enough to get and worth giving it a go .

              • @lostgoat: If you use IMDb ratings to judge a movie's quality… stick with Bullet Train or Kindergarten Cop.

      • Yeah bullet Train was fun and fairly stylised, wouldn't say it's bad. Something different anyway.

        You guys should check out that series Warrior. It's got it all - martial arts, western, sex scenes.

    • I feel like I'm the only person that just thinks it's OK, everyone else loves or hates it

  • +2

    When I watched this I felt like the lower quality added to its charm, probably the best version would be VHS.

    • Nostalgic feelings ≠ factual truth

    • +2

      Yeah until you hear Llorando echoing through your speakers

  • +2

    Came here to say it is worth it just for Llorando! One of the most spellbinding musical performances in film I can remember seeing. Just listening to it stand alone is OK, but I think the impact came from seeing it in the context of the film.

  • Thanks I will watch over Easter.. I haven't watched since I owned it on DVD

  • -2

    I wonder how much more old media shows were fuelled with promotion items, propaganda and political views in the past?
    You can’t keep simping for everything old..

    Edit: definitely be cigarettes and religious advertising in most classics

    • -1

      What? What does that have to do with anything related to this post?

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