This was posted 1 year 11 months 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Schick Double Edge Razor $24.95 (Was $30) + $7.95 Delivery @ Shaver Shop

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I grabbed this razor years back after wanting something cheap to use for travel, and it's been good enough that I keep my antique gillette in the case. It's not a huge discount, but for those starting out in traditional wet shaving, a decent razor is a must.

Here's an example of my current kit to illustrate that you don't have to break the bank for a decent shave.
Proraso Shaving Brush, $30 delivered from Beard and Blade - the only other item I wouldn't skimp out on.

Kmart Speckled Small Bowl - $1.75 - honestly any small ceramic bowl works.

Jack the Barber Sandlewood Shaving Cream is currently on sale for 6 dollars, check out the ozbargain post here for more info/deals.

As for blades, I would reccomend getting a sample pack to see which kind you like, then buying a bulk lot of your favourite brand, for example amazon has 100 Blades, 16 different brands here (I'm not sure if this is a good deal, maybe someone can link a decent sampler pack in the comments?)
My preference for razors are the ASTRA Platinum Double Edge Safety Razor Blades, 100 Blades for $15.77 here

And that's been my basic kit for years now, and hopefully years in the future. Fingers crossed this long winded post is helpful, feel free to ask any questions.

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closed Comments

  • Why use this when you can get those cartridge with 5 blades?

    • +17

      For me, price was the big factor starting out. 100 blades for 16 dollars can last a lot longer than the replaceable cartridges.

      Also comfort. I find with my sensitive skin, shaving with a single blade can be less painful than 5 blades at once.

      And waste. A tin full of blades is much easier to deal with than plastic cartridges.

      • +2

        Thank you for the blades. I ordered some, loves Astra!!

        • +1 for Astra. Feather were too sharp for me as a newb.

      • How do you get rid of the blades?

        • +3

          I use an cleaned empty coke can. Chuck all used blades into it. Will take years for it be full at my rate.

        • Store them in a metal tin (I use one of those cheap metal money boxes) and once that's full, take them to the local scrap/recycling facility. Most councils have their own way of doing it, so check beforehand.

        • +1

          For those unaware, the plastic case which holds the new blades usually has a slot on the back you can place the used blades…

    • +5

      This takes a little more time, effort and skill but produces a better outcome and costs significantly less.

        • +2

          My personal experience is that these razers give a much smoother finish. That may be because I replace the blades more often though but i made the switch and havent made the change back

        • +3

          You may have been doing it wrong

        • +2

          I get a lot less ingrown hairs with a safety razor. They pick up and cut the hair differently. Anecdotally, the cut feels closer too.

        • +2

          It depends on the individual. I used a variety of multi-blade cartridge razors over the course of twenty years, and had constant ingrown hairs. My face was a constant painful mess, but I figured that was just part and parcel of shaving.

          A few times, I tried electric razors instead (I ended up buying four different models in the end). That fixed the problem, but the shave wasn't very close, and I'd have visible stubble by lunch time.

          So I switched back to a cartridge razor system, and the ingrown hairs came back.

          Then a work colleague suggested I switch to a safety razor, because they're less likely to cause ingrown hairs. I did, and the problem went away, while still giving me a close shave.

          If that's not a better outcome, I don't know what is.

    • +2

      These overall would work out cheaper , check it out yourself !

    • +4

      Not sure if this is a joke @ca6leguy but double edge razors are:
      Miles cheaper to replace the blades than cartridge style
      Use less blades
      Give a close shave with no tugging
      Easy to clean
      No plastic waste
      Cause less razor burn

      I used to use cartridge blades from Gillette and thought they were good. Double edge Shaving took a bit of getting used to and trialling different blades but now I wouldn't look back. Only real positive with cartridge blades is that you can't really cut yourself with them so they might be good for a quick rushed shave if you have short stubble. Just my $0.02.

      • What about men with Asian stubbie and weak chin hairs? Are they suitable for safety razor?

        • +1

          Any type of hair on a face is suitable for a safety razor.

    • Once again, not sure if a joke, but I get far better shaves from a double edge razor than I ever did with any of the cartridge ones.

    • Multi-blade shavers are a gimmick.

    • For me I just wanted an old timey blade that people were using 100 years ago. The kind you see everyone use in I Love Lucy or even early seasons of The Simpsons.

  • +3

    Thanks for sharing all the extra info about your kit. It's really helpful

    • +2

      No worries. If you google about decent shaving gear online I find there's a number of people that treat like an expensive hobby, which is fine if you can afford it. I would call my kit the minimum price for decent shaving. Cheap razors are painful to use.

    • /r/wickededge is a great resource if needing moooore

      • +1

        Agree, it can be a very bad influence sometimes (7 razors and 40+ soaps later)
        There is also "TAWSE - The Aussie Wet Shaving Enablement" group on facebook

  • +1

    Since i have started using Qshave adjustable razor, i have put all the vintage razor to the side.
    You can choose from an aggressive setting to a mild one and the price tag is affordable.…

    • There's also some Merkur Futur clones floating around on the usual dodgy chinese tat websites

      • I have one a genuine Futur, and it is by far the best ive used.

        • +1

          My Merkur Futur is awesome, good weight and once I'd worked out the best setting for me, superb shave. I've also a 37C and 39C - the slant edge is a whole new game, can literally feel it slicing rather than cutting, if that makes sense.

    • +2

      Thoroughly recommend this style. Makes adjusting to double edge Shaving much easier

    • +1

      Ahh you just need a Slim or a Fatboy…. 😊

    • I've no idea why the morons who made these (and the original Futur) decided that rather than having a grippy, knurled grip - they'd zig rather than zagging and have a slick finish on the handle instead????

      As when handing a razor sharp object with shaving lather dripping down it - thats exactly what you want. :-/

      The Futur's and their clones have whopping big heads on them - can making shaving under your nose and jawline tricky. Adjustable's are a great choice - the Gillette Slim is the standard in this area but expensive.

  • Thanks for the info, may I ask how long does it take for you to do a shave? How often do you need to do it? I'd like to try the double razor but always doubt if I have time to shave with it so I am using the electronic one, it does the job tho, but not very good.

    • Takes me about 10 minutes to do full face and head. I think. Never really timed it. And I never hurry it. I maybe shave 4 times a week. New blade each Thursday (at just a few cents each could probably do a new blade more often).
      Reminds me I need to order some new cream.

    • Once you've got the hang of it, 10 minutes, I think, every other day? It's definetly more effort than an electric shave, once you've put in the hot water, lathered up the soap in the bowl, brushed your face then you can start shaving. If you want to speed up the process there's always canned shaving cream.

    • how long does it take for you to do a shave

      under 10 mins. Could do it in 5 if I was in a rush.

      How often do you need to do it?

      over 12 hours later, it's still far closer than an electric - if that helps.

      I'd like to try the double razor but always doubt if I have time to shave with it so I am using the electronic one

      It's slow when you start, but fast once you get the hang of it. If you don't get a mild razor, you will be slow trying to avoid cutting yourself. With a mild razor you can race around quickly once you have good technique.

      • under 2 if I am in a super rush. apply face wash and zip zap zup.

  • +4

    Switched to double edge safety razors in mid 2020 and will not be going back. Highly recommend!

  • +1

    Is there a higher risk of cutting badly compared to the normal 5 blade ones?

    Always looked at it at face value and made me worried about doing my nether regions with it…

    • +2

      They should only cut if the blade is moved sideways like a knife, or wielded hard at a crazy angle. Learning the best angle and pressure to use on each part of your face (or wherever) will take a few goes for each razor. But you're more likely to get burn (where you scrape too hard) rather than a cut.

      • +1

        Alright thanks for that! Maybe I'll give it a shot, starting with my face lol

        • Do bear in mind that finding the right routine, cream/gel/soap, blade for you may take a while. But well worth it imo. It's like a little skill you can be proud of each time.

          • +1

            @hotphil: Bought about 100 blades from this deal so I've got time to learn before fully switching!

            • @snoopydoop: Aren't those Schick cartridges?

              • @hotphil: Yes, sorry I mean I've gotta get through those before completely switching over to a double edge razor, so I've got time to learn.

    • You might get away with it on your pelvis (flat stretched out skin) with a double edge razor, but you'll end up like Norman Gunston with the basketballs best case scenario. If you want to really live life dangerously use a straight razor.

      • +1

        I just get one of my handmaidens to do it.

      • Mmm this reinforces my fears!

    • I was afraid the same thing could happen when i switched about 1 month ago. I had few tiny tiny cut the 2nd time, but after that everything is fine. It feels better and heaps cheaper

  • +1

    also easer to rinse, find cartridges tend to clog up, de blades , i just loosen 1/2 turn and rinses easily under the tap …..

  • Does anyone use this on their head?

    I shave once a week head and face and I go through one disposable a week doing that, I'm also very unko so I'm very worried I will cut myself using one of these

    • I use a variety of different double-edge razors on my full head. YOLO.
      But yeah, you will cut yourself to begin with. Have some styptic ready. But a good challenge.

    • I use electric clippers with 0 gap …. not as close as a razor but very quick and just looks like 2nd day after a razor …. do 2-3 times per week.

  • +4

    Still loving my Rockwell 6s and Simpson Trafalgar T2 3 years on.. came from Gillette Proglide 5 due to cost and the shave is far better but takes a bit more skill.

    It pays itself off extremely quickly compared to buying Gillette products. Using astra/feather blades.

    For those serious about DE shaving look into a murker 34c with a kit like this:…

    It's a much better deal than going in blind buying a de separately

    • +1

      Yeah, I've probably got half a dozen razors and the Rockwell 6C/S is my number 1. It's basically all I use now. I use the 4/2 head only. I usually keep to 4, but will flip it over when I need it a little less aggressive on an ATG pass.

      • +1

        Same here, I love my 6S and have found that the 4 Plate with an Astra blade works the best for me (after a lot of trial and error).

        I was using creams for a while but found they would clog my 6S too much. I changed over to soap and haven't looked back.

        • +1

          Bloody good razor and there is no reason why they won't last 10+ years

      • +1

        Have been using my Rockwell for years with astras and it's fantastic.

    • +1

      also used code EASTER15 for 15% off and free shipping. Way better deal than buying everything separate! cheers mate

  • -1

    Cheaper brands at Woolworths, $10 for the same thing basically

    • +1

      That's like saying all headphones are the same

      • When there's a measurable difference it's a little different….

    • +1

      You want a little bit of heft to these things. Ideally it will use its own weight to apply a cutting force, not requiring you to drag the blade across your skin and cause razor burn.

      More than likely the Woolies one is really light and requires you to manually apply force.

      • Never had an issue with it, not the chunkiest weight but enough that it does the job

      • I can't compare with the one from this deal, but that Jack The Barber Double Edge Razor at Woolies feels pretty heavy and I've always wondered what could be the difference between it (a $10 one) and more expensive ones eg. the one from this deal. To be clear - I don't have much experience with such razors.

        • +1

          I like twisting the bottom of the razor to open the top. Makes switching razors easier. Also the weight and angle on these things make a difference. Having tested cheap ones like the jack razor, a slightly more expensive one just feels better personally. Having said that, if it works and you like it, go for it!

  • How's this compare to the Gillette version

    • vintage gillete were made of brass so heavier and more durable …. modern gillete I think have a lot of die cast ….. I got a stainless butterfly open one off AliExpress for about $25 a few years. haven't been able to find the seller again ….. good weight …… you can get blade disposal containers for about $6 if worried about sharps in garbage bag , can also use for utility knife blades ….

    • -1

      How's this compare to the Gillette version

      They work exactly the same except they don't hate their target market like Gillette does…

  • Get a Muhle!

  • Is a classic single bladed razer used in a wet shave meant to cause less shaving rash? I've read that the multi-bladed razers give such a close shave that it makes shaving rash worse. Atm I use a crappy electric razor that doesn't cut close to avoid the rash…

    • +1

      I have found that it's a nicer shave using the king gillette double edge than when using the Mach 3 or whatever the recent multi blade is from them. Using a proraso soap.

      I have a sample pack of blades from beard and blade to try

    • +1

      The multi bladed razors achieve a close shave by pulling the hair out from the skin and into the blade, resulting in the hair being cut below the skin line. This causes more ingrown hairs and irritation. Shaving with a DE razor, once you've experimented a bit, gives a much more comfortable and personal shave. It is also massively cheaper to buy blades.

      If you have skin that is quite sensitive, you can apply pre-shaves that help with the irritation, and there are a lot of soaps and blades that are better for sensitive skin, you just have to try different blades with different levels of blade aggressiveness to find what works for you. I'd also recommend using something like a soothing aftershave/toner that contains witch hazel, which helps heaps with irritation and soothing any burning. I use this

      It will also take a little while for your face to get used to it when you are getting started

      • Thanks GloveM8! Good insights.

    • also heard the best shaving libricant is actually just water.

      • +1

        A good soap is a hundred times more comfortable than just using water.
        I wouldnt dare shave my face with just water

        • If it's anything like just after you scraped off the soap. It's horrible

  • +1

    Anyone got/used a henson? Overhyped or what?

    • They look amazing. Maybe one day…

  • +4

    Also on Ebay
    Free delivery for plus members
    $23.20 with ebay discount…

  • Been using straight blades for years now. Still on my first variety pack. Saved a bucket load of money and I recycle the blades, paper they come in, shaving cream containers so much better than 5 blades in plastic.

    Can't remember which brand I purchased but wasn't this one. For the price, excellent value.

  • For blades, you can't beat Feather. Hands down the best.

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