This was posted 1 year 11 months 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Sofirn Q8 Pro $90.99, SP36 Pro $62.99 [EXPIRED], SC21 $30.54 Delivered & More @ Sofirn via Amazon AU

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Saw this on Facebook.

Sofirn AU Special Discount in March

Q8ProKIT 6500K
Present Price: AUD129.99
the deal price after 30%OFF code: AUD90.99
Q8 30%OFF code: EZKFGQHE…

SC21KIT 5000K
Present Price: AUD46.99,
the deal price after 10%OFF coupon+25%OFF code: AUD30.54
SC21 25%OFF code:T2WA4YAS…

Present Price: AUD54.99
the deal price after 35%OFF code: AUD35.74
SD05 35%OFF code: 33WRZ4FW…

Original Price: AUD89.99
the deal price after 20%OFF code+10%OFF Coupon: AUD62.99
SP36Pro 20%OFF code: R365QVYI…

Present Price: AUD76.99
the deal price after 10%OFF code+15%OFF Coupon: AUD57.74
LT1S 10%OFF code: 763VMBUH…

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Thanks for this. I grabbed a SP36.

  • +3

    Saw this on Facebook

    I wonder if it appeared in your Facebook feed after replying to this thread?

    • +2

      Sofirn torches are really good .. L platers should be encouraged to post them.

      • +1

        They are good because members on BLF put time and effort into helping develop them for free.

        • +1

          Apart from the LT1 (great) and Lt1 mini (mediocre), any others? Q8 according to comments below?
          Don't know what the business arrangements are but the Chinese torch group which makes sofirn also make other brands with a very large array of products. Pretty obviously they don't need BLF technically but they are happy to work with them on specific projects. Seems to be a good relationship.

          • +1

            @Igaf: Yea not really we designed the Q8 from the ground up and the LT1, BLF members play a part in build/design of the majority of Sofirn lights. Anduril and Narsil are both from BLF members. Things like drivers get designed by BLF members to use by Sofirn all the time.

            The SC21 is using Anduril, they are currently asking for input on upgrades to the SC21.

            SP36 sent to a member for feedback and input.

            Lots more if you want to look.

            • +1

              @aussieprepper: BLF and CPF have some excellent contributors, no doubt about that. I know there is close cooperation between Sofirn and BLF - esp wrt user requests/would likes (smart business that), and I followed the development of the LT1, and the updates and later reviews by its main BLF protagonist, but don't see evidence for your comment that the (only/main) reason they are good is BLF. Afaik Anduril is a product of Toykeeper Selene - go girl - who is a member. From what I've read that was a product of her experimenting, not a BLF project. What input did BLF have into that?

        • blf?

    • I sense a tension that I do not fully comprehend.

  • +4

    Size comparison between the Sofirn Q8 Pro and SP36 Pro

    • +1

      Seem to be some clip on diffusers for regular torches in the background of that shot, seem a more versatile approach than buying a light in purely lantern form

      • +2

        Sofirn sells Diffuser for their torch at their Aliexpress Store

      • That is true, there are probably less modes on the regular torches and the inability to change tints, but a diffuser on a torch is quite good as a light source for camping. You get a more even lighting when hanging the light as opposed to the lantern which casts a dark shadow below the light source.

  • +1

    Thanks, grabbed two of the SD05KIT to give as gifts - seem very good Lumens for the money and the controls may be more intuitive for my older relatives.

  • +1

    Is Sofirn SD05 USB-C ?

    • +3

      Appears to be an external battery charger that uses a Micro-USB (which makes sense since it a 'Diving' Flashlight)

      Credits to Zeroair

      • The kit version I bought from came with that very basic charger (see sofirn at AliEx for a pic), along with the larger 5000mah battery. A logical move to keep prices low given the waterproof requirement.


  • +1

    Related to this deal, are there any particular OzB recommended 18560 batteries that ship from Australia? Seems to be a lot of variation in quality and price so value for money is hard to judge

    • +4

      Years ago, I use to purchase my 18650 Batteries from Tech Around You (which are Australia Based) but these day I just harvest my own batteries from dead power tool/laptop batteries.

      • I just harvest my own batteries from dead power tool/laptop batteries.

        Noob question, but if they are no longer good enough for a tool/laptop, then how come they are good enough for a torch?

        • +3

          Lithium power tool/laptop batteries are usually made up of multiple cells (usually 18650 or 21000 battery). When 1 or more of those cells fail, the whole battery pack usually stops working or refuse to charge (even though some/most of those cells are still good).

        • +2

          Because in order to get to the required 18V, they will have a bunch of 3.6V 18650's series.

          So one of the cells may lose charge, meaning you won't get 18V. But the other 4 cells will be ok.

          • +2

            @ReqelinOz: They will have diminished capacity though, more so with the more charging cycles they've been through.
            Good way to save a few bucks, but I'd rather spring for brand new 3600mah cells.

        • Thanks all.. I might crack open an unused laptop pack i have lying around & try that. I have a charger that shows what condition a cell is in

      • these day I just harvest my own batteries from dead power tool/laptop batteries.

        Do you usually find those batteries are protected or unprotected? I opened up a an aftermarket battery pack for a Dyson, it had 6x18650 unprotected Samsung cells. But it seems unprotected cells can be pretty dangerous and not recommended in torches, which is what I would have used them in.

        • +1

          Generic Power pack usually use cheap cells, so I don't bother keeping them/opening then up.

          The last pack I opened up was a dead Ryobi One+ Battery which had protected LG 18650 batteries.

  • +4

    Ffs I bought the Lt1s for $65 just last week

    • Literally ordered it yesterday and arrived today too! Spoke to customer chat support and they gave me a $5 credit.

  • +1

    no SC32?

    • ~$A35 at sofirnlight,com with 20% coupon.

    • +1

      $31.96 is the 'standard' price for the Wuben C3.

      Just look at Camelx3; the weeks that they are $40, usually has '20% off coupon' (which isn't tracked by Camelx3).

  • +2

    I have the Q8 pro. It’s extremely bright at maximum power!

    • +1

      how is the beam? A lot of reviews say it is very spread out rather than a beam

      • +2

        Yes its a flood light. Multiple emitters.

        Convoy 4x18 would be a good alternative if you need good throw.

        • thanks….funnily enough when i look past the complaining, this is better off

        • with sbt90.2

    • Would this be good for self defense?

      I'm thinking if a robber breaks in and I shine the torch at their eyes

      • You are only allowed to use reasonable force, which means finding an weapon equivalent to what they have. If you damaged their eyesight when they were not equipped to damage yours, then they could sue you or you could go to prison.

      • Indeed that is in part how security pros use particular torches. You'll see regular comments by USA security workers to that effect.

  • +1

    I purchased 2 Sofirn IF22A torches on Amazon in the last year. The first one worked well consistently, and I was fully satisfied. That was why I bought the second torch.

    However, I found the second copy's battery could only last for a couple weeks after fully charged. I must have received an inferior copy. A quality control issue. Amazon immediately approved my return so I'm OK with it.

  • +1

    Purchased… Thank you

  • +1

    Cheers Op grabbed a SP36.

  • +1

    Please don't tempt me…

  • +1

    Still can't get my old BLF Q8 to work, it got green light but won't turn on.

    • Weird. Just so happened to use my BLF Q8 last night to check if it still works after 4 years. Mine still works though I do a full power lockout to minimise battery drain when not in use. What batteries you using? Think I’m running Samsung 35E’s

      Have to say the sp36 is tempting

      • Only generic batteries but they are OK with other torch and they worked before.

        I didn't leave batteries in there, when I put them back in and it did flashed a bit but stopped when fully locked and only green light.

  • +1

    SD05 is the only constant current driver equiped torch out of the list. Being a diving light it also has much thicker aluminium body. This increase in thermal mass and constant current driver gives higher consistent brightness for longer. Also has a nice creamy white tint, my guess is around 5400 - 5600K.

  • The code for the Q8plus kit isnt working for me?

    • +1

      sorry… Q8 plus is not on sale. sadly….

      • +1

        Sorry i meant the top option

      • +2

        The promotional code you entered is not valid.

  • +2…

    Found this for Q8 pro Kit with batteries $85 AUD with code SOFIRN1623

    • +1

      Is that incuding GST?

    • +1

      that code doesn't work for that model

  • +1

    Q8 code YZHCQ2WQ not valid 😟

    • +1

      There is a new code now… from the Sofirn Facebook group.

  • +1

    Code for sp36 is invalid

  • +1

    How do I get the advertised price for the LT1S? I can only get $69 with the 10% off code 763VMBUH, where is the "15% off coupon"??

    • +1

      If the Amazon coupon has been withdrawn you can get an LT1S with battery and body colour choice for ~$A60 (that's with zero bank fee, eg ING) from with the 20% off coupon SOFIRN1623. Takes about 10 days from China. Very reliable ime.

      Alternatively, orange colour ~$A55 (possibly less if you're new to AliEx and can get a new user coupon) from AliExpress seller GeForest Store which has featured here before. Usually low stock there so probably need to get in quick if you want to secure one:

      • +1

        Thanks, bought the AliExpress one. They had black for the same price as orange, $55 inc tax

  • +1

    My SP36Pro arrived and I was pleasantly surprised that it was the updated version with Anduril 2.0 and the power bank function, even though it wasn't advertised as such. I love it!

  • Ordered this one for $29 other day, its very powerful with big battery and best i liked was USB C charging…

    • +1

      Why would you post that rubbish on this deal? Sounds like an ad. 10,000 lumens. Not even vaguely possible. What battery did they send you? Read the comments here:

      • +1

        though i wouldnt believe in Lumens in Amazon titles, reviews weren't too bad. it turned out to be good one.
        it came with 3.7V 21700 5000mAh battery. it's one of these blue batteries most of entry level torches come with.

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