A Hisense 65” oled tv for less than $1600 seems like a great deal to me!
Kudos to the original coupon poster
A Hisense 65” oled tv for less than $1600 seems like a great deal to me!
Kudos to the original coupon poster
What do you mean? Replace it with a cheap model? I guess they go by the price . Spend $1000 and if faulty you can only choose a $1000 model?
Bought mine at 2k after 6 months usage they offered sub $1k model. I pushed and got refund
@PVA: Hisense used to make a good tv if you can put up with the GUI. Quality seems to have gone way downhill in the last couple of years
@Mikinoz: My old Dad just had his Samsung replaced, 13month old.
Samsung ended up giving him the credit on what he paid (repair guy said that’s what they would do, they would repair or replace).
He ended up buying another Samsung.
When picking it up at HN warehouse I asked about TVs and faults, they showed me the rack of faulty TVs going back to the manufacturers, 90% were Samsung, the others were a mix of LG Sony And Hisense.
@dec1an: Same. My 50" from 4 years ago failed. Fixed it once. 12 months later failed again. Never again with Hisense.
LOL did you ask them was it because their shitty TVs were not worth the $2k to begin with?
yeah these have
Bad upscaling chips…
Feed it 4k material…Great..
Anything less like you know 96 percen of free to air..looks rather 2016ish.
also does not handle motion really well
Plus they have some serious ABL going on
Well free to air still looks like garbage on a relatives S95B imo. So I can't imagine how bad the Hisense would look.
Mind you the last OLED they made (which was really average) was discontinued so they technically didn't have an OLED to replace it with.
How's this compare to the mini led Hisense?
Having owned a 65inch Hisense Q8 then a hisense mini led, I would say it was poor in sound and light bleed or Blooming, I sold mine. Won't touch Hisense again because of the inferior models we get compared to the US.
I am not quite sure if 85 inch Q8 got a better pannel (as its VA in 85 inch compared to IPS in 75 inch and below), but my 85 inch hisense Q8 is quite good. I also have 85 inch version of samsung miniled qn90b.. I still watch both these TVs equally (samsung is little better, but not that far) just based on my mood to sit which part of the house. I use nvidia shield tv pro.
Out of all the Hisense TVs I've owned the worst was the Mini Led, the Q8 was better in most ways but not perfect, I still own a Hisense M7000 which is a nice tv but HDR is just to low in Nits. Both TCL and Hisense I had have failed within the year. I'm trying a Samsung next, but if there support is anything to go by god help me if anything goes wrong they are shocking.
@arsenal1: Ive got the m7000 also and its been a brilliant TV. It must be 6yo now and still works flawless with what I consider to be great PQ.
I read glowing reviews of the Q8 65” from here and Whirlpool, exclaiming how good the picture was and reasonable motion handling… must be watching different TV’s. The blooming/backlight bleed is terrible.
I'm on the contrary, my 65inch Q8 does superbly (upgraded from a Panasonic OLED). Yes there's minor blooming but it handles everything really well (including motion).
The H9 is on the only worthwhile model.
The rest are really shit compared to what the US gets
The hisense H8 in the US is one of the best sub 1500 dollar tvs.
Here it's a piece of shit..it's not the same
In what way is the H9 better?
Looking at the specs for each:
They look basically identical except for one having a silver bezel and better inbuilt speakers that no one will use…
I'm just after a 120hz VRR screen to connect to my media pc, so if it's image processing ect, I'll have all of that switched off and it permanently in game mode.
Probably worth looking at the mini-LED TCL instead, as they have Google TV and use a VA panel with way better contrast. Recently bought one and am happy for the price (c835). Colour is not as well calibrated as our B8 LG OLED by default, but overall for the price it is really nice.
I'm eyeing on that c835 as well. But for some reasons TGG online doesn't deliver to my area(but for other brands tv, they do). I still got a gift card left and would like to use it for that.
I have a 2019 55 inch Hisense Oled tv that I use mainly as a computer monitor. Have the Xbox and PlayStation connected as well and its been good.
Standing in front of 2/4 dead hisenses.
Warranty with them is a nightmare and they don't support any product after launch.
Sounds like it makes Losense to buy Hisense now? Lol
A few weeks ago The good guys had a similar TV sale but the base prices were much lower. A bit dodgy that the prices suddenly jumped.
Yeah they tried to talk my mother into buying one. Luckily she called me first and i told her not to touch it with a 40 foot poll.
Ive got top of the line Sony, LG TVs and Hisense Dual Cell. Hisense is as good as those for 4K content (sometimes better) and even upscales really well, the only problem is their motion is horrible, even with a bit of SOE its still poor for panning camera shots. Plus there is a bit of colour banding on some content. I dont use OS, Ive got a shield so cant talk about VIDAA. If they can improve their motion then I would buy their TVs, as its just gets too blurry with all current and past models
I think you're burying the lead. If the motion is horrible, that's a pretty major reason why the Hisense is NOT as good as the alternatives. It isn't as though looking at moving pictures is an edge use case.
In what cases would it be better than the alternatives?
burying the lede*, just fyi
TIL - thanks!
With panning shots its bad. But that doesnt happen often in content. Most of the time its passable, if you are sensitive to motion then it can be an issue. Dual cell having OLED blacks and high brightness it can give a better picture than OLEDs at times. Im just saying, that if Hisense can improve a bit on certain areas they can really compete with the best
So you have a Sony Master Series (I assume A95K) and you're comparing it with a Hisense?
Can we trust the Hisense quality ?? I'd go for TCL personally..
luck of the draw my 2 week old c835 75 has a dead/stuck pixel. gonna replace it with the cs 77 and wash my hands with it all
I've got 65inch C835, I really like and no problems so far.
Yeah that’s very fair mate. I don’t all the research and thought it was what I was after. But tbh the qn85b shits all over it and I’m sure oled is even better
Just my view though I’ve ised both for decent periods of time
Never again will I buy a Hisense.
Just adding to the Hisense hate, I'm in the market for a new TV because (surprise surprise) my 4 year old Hisense just died.
Hisense were all the hype a couple of years ago. Based on comments here they seem to have really dropped in quality. Maybe a bit of market discrimination and them preferencing the US market?
Buy another Hisense 🤣🤣
Hisense N7 still going strong 10/10
My 4k Hisense kept turning itself on whilst on the net.
3 firmware's later that was fixed but channel sensitivity suffered. Lost some stations.
Literally 5 minutes out of warranty it totally died, GG staff just pulling shoulders!
My 4k Hisense kept turning itself on whilst on the net.
Sounds like most men lol
the level also depends on the channel!
Still waiting for my Sony Bravia from 2011 to cark it, been seeing such good TV deals last few weeks but can't buy if TV still alive lol…
Are these using an LG oled panel?
As a product hisense are a good brand, as for a company honouring returns goodluck.
Morale of story don't buy oleds unless branded and LG is no exception.
Believe the hate comments, Hisense is equivalent to trash.
Wow of all TV on promo, Hisense gets a page on its own, only to be bashed by everyone in the comments lol. In saying that I don’t trust Hisense still. I had a friend who worked at Hisense customer service and she gets calls almost 30-40 times a day for complaints only!
Who would ever call Hisense customer service to congratulate them on a TV that's still working fine?
selection bias
On a positive note, I've had my Hisense Q8 for 2yrs now and love it everytime I power it up.
+1. Love my Q8 also.
Judging by the comments it seems like it all went downhill from there lol
+1 my Q8 is phenomenal.
This was the last good model worthy of owning.
Got a 55" Q8 off FB Marketplace for $300.
Pretty impressed with it! Super bright and dimming is surprisingly good too. Better than my x900H.
Wow, good buy.
Good price - but that's a different model.
OLED (X8HAU) vs mini-led (U8HAU)
That's the one I had before selling it after two weeks, very poor TV in all respects don't be fooled by the Mini Led tech or reviews on this one. It's the crap AU version
Australia is one of Hisense dump markets, so not surprising seeing people complain about them.
How's the U9HAU comparatively? On good sale for around $1400 for 65" and looking to upgrade my old Hisense (which, despite the hisense negativity here, has performed really well)
Went to a store to look at one.
You just about get what you pay for. It is Oled plus backlight.
LG use pure Oled (self lighting) and of course they get more for them.
It does except Hisense oled are really unreliable, speaking from experience. When it faults they will try and replace it for with cheapest screen they sell