Stomach Bloating I Need Help Please

Every night during & after my evening meal my stomach bloats, I have tried eating more slowly, eating less but I still bloat & that bloating lasts all night until once again it happens at my evening meal. Does anyone else have this problem & how did you rectify it? Suggestions for over the counter medications that would help also please. Many thanks in advance.


      • -2

        I'm not sure a covidiot who doesn't believe in medicine is qualified to comment on doctors lol

        • -7

          Oh I believe in medicine alright - real/good/correct medicine. So follow your logic, you must be implying you believe all medicine is always infallible. Even when it's proven a huge mistake later, like babies born without limbs after doctors recommended pregnant women take thalidomide.

          Oh and that ignorant "covidiot" comment? Have you not been noticing the media, medicos, and government, now backpedaling on various things, admitting the same info your "covidiots" were pointing to, with evidence, from day 2, citing different medicos presenting real facts and evidence instead of just wild claims like the ones you listened to because you were too lazy to check if their fairy stories held water, all of which was being censored from mainstream media but STILL AVAILABLE in medical journals, expert medical sites, etc so it could be mocked by government, media, and their stringed puppets - but which they're NOW letting snippets of truth leak out, admitting your "covidiots" were right all along thus revealing who the REAL idiots were.

          • Masks were never effective at preventing the spread - FACT. Even the holy guru of fools Fauci said it. Then changed his mind.
          • Lockdowns didn't prevent the spread either - FACT.
          • Lockdowns also caused more harm in other areas than good - FACT.
          • Government said children weren't dying, they were correct, then they sent them home - FACT.
          • Hand sanitizer, spraying supermarkets with alcohol sprays, etc was 100% POINTLESS because even THEY… CONCURRENTLY admitted… there were NO recorded cases of surface transmission - FACT.
          • Even the NSW premier now recently admitted on live radio the jabs DON'T STOP TRANSMISSION - FACT.

          Yet the ignorant who automatically believed all the conspiracy theory tin foil hat cooker nonsense the government and media pumped out daily to save their dying empires (much like thalidomide), still maintain they were and are the "informed" ones - even though the nonsense they believed and followed has now been disproven, and even their heroes they got their stance from have now reversed their stance - people who did no fact checking, looked at no stats from other countries who didn't do the same things but got either the very same OR BETTER results by letting people walk around unmuzzled.

          It must be nice to believe you were correct when they told you you were for believing them, and were also correct even though they now admit they were wrong - so when the facts are now 180 degrees to yesterday TOO. LOL.

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: If COVID is not spread through the air and not spread from surfaces, how is it spread then?

            • -2

              @dazweeja: That's what GOVERNMENT and MEDICOS and MASS MEDIA said. So go ask them, not me!? I'm just pointing out things THEY said. Or are you admitting by your question they are the real idiots, since THEY said it, not me, as you assumed?

              THEY said there were no incidents of surface transmission. Then THEY closed and fumigated enter shopping centres anyway after someone who ducked in for 20 seconds to get 2L of milk and tapped their card came back positive on the same RAT(bag) test that has its cycles wound up so high that even a wipe of kiwi fruit and even UNUSED tests produced false positives.

              THEY said children were safe - keep sending them to school - it's important for socialization. Ooops, but now better move a boulder with a bulldozer so they don't ride their bikes in the park, and tomorrow lock them in the house instead anyway.

              THEY said masks were pointless, next day we'll fine you if you don't wear one, now wear TWO (so 2x zero = what number again?) But don't forget, you're a-OK to take it off on a sealed plane to chew.

              THEY banned funerals, church meetings, and mates coming over to watch the weekend footy game, but going to a HORSE RACE or FOOTBALL STADIUM with several thousand people, or a BROTHEL for the services of a PROSTITUTE who's servicing 30 random strangers per day from all across the city… well, that's just good and logical government health practice folks dontcha know.


          • @[Deactivated]: Yowzers. Always interesting seeing when they crawl out.

          • +1


            -Similarly, they are all tempted with ludicrous money to 'present' on new drugs by pharmaceuticals and recommend them to their peers.

            There's so much people are unaware of. I have one friend who took a job working for a few other doctors who joint-owned a private health clinic. All GPs/clinics/etc receive (or did receive at that time anyway) some bonus payment from government but only when a certain percentage of the patients on their books are up to date with their vaccination status, received each new flu shot, etc released. (This was several years ago long before covid.) They held a meeting and told all staff, doctors, receptionists… to "ask patients to find another clinic" if they refused to get every new jab released. He was so embarrassed and apologetic because a dozen of us had only just switched solely because he worked there. Now he was forced to "ask us to leave" so the owners didn't lose their government brib… uhm, I mean, financial bonus… or else HE would be "asked to leave"!

            -I even went back to both the original doctors who literally said "You cannot be cured of asthma", and absolutely smashed their tests, only to be told 'well you're the exception'.
            -When I showed them the industry leading research from other countries (as well as some Australian ones too!), they refused to acknowledge it and instead stuck with the more long term, costly and ultimately damaging nonsense that has been disproven since the 90s.

            LOL. I've seen this attitude so many times.

            e.g. You look up your newly-prescribed medication later at home (because printed inserts aren't included in the box anymore) and you find it's not to be used with another medication he also has you on due to the combination known to cause kidney failure or similar, or you research your own or your partner/child's diagnosed condition and find recent hopeful new breakthroughs or peer-reviewed studies from university medical departments, the USA Mayo clinic, etc… So at your next GP visit you ask, "I looked up medication abc and it warns not to use it together with xyz… or I saw new research and wanted to know if you'd seen it and if so get your opinion…"

            But you immediately receive this "hackles-up", "eye-roll" attitude and spluttering blanket statement: "[Sigh!] DON'T BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU READ ON THE INTERNET!!!…" When what they really mean is, "I have such a fragile ego, how dare you do your own research on your own health instead of just blindly doing everything I say without question…" The fragility, ignorance, and pompous attitude - flat out refusal to consider any new information whatsoever is astounding. They have no idea what the source is yet, which will probably be accepted as mainstream practice six months from today, but they immediately assume because you "read it online" (the same place they get their info TOO), as if everyone deliberately searches out the worst possible source like some random blog by the local hairdresser who also sells "crystal generators" on the side and is doing a tapping therapy certificate, when the entire search results list is nearly always all from their own just-as-highly or better-qualified professional peers!?

            So you realise your mistake by not mentioning the source FIRST (any normal person would think this would make a difference anyway - but it doesn't), begin to point out the source wasn't Shazza working part time at Just Cuts while giving my wife a perm… it was John Hopkins… but they continue blathering on indignantly with ruffled feathers like you just ran over his family cat multiple times on a dirt bike. Then six months later they change your treatment, drop that medication, saying "We now know…" Sigh and eye-roll is right!

            -None of these drugs solved the issue, and it wasn't until I was older and resorted to online research that someone offered the ground breaking advice: stop eating so much sugar and dairy. Literally solved the problem with that simple, common sense advice, but GPs refuse to entertain the idea of diet, even when I showed them proof afterwards.

            How familiar. I've noticed many things are solved by reducing or eliminating sugar, dairy, and flour/wheat too. I remember doctors rubbishing the Atkins diet calling it "dangerous", pushing the food triangle, saying don't eat more than 2 (or was it 1) eggs a week, eat margarine instead of butter, and the list goes on.

            Well the "dangerous" part of Atkins is done for TWO WEEKS only, isn't "only meat" as they portray anyway, then adds mushrooms, nuts, berries, leafy green vegetables, while avoiding sugar, wheat, and milk… The food triangle we now know is upside down… New info shows the panic over eggs was nonsense… And people who load up on butter and pork chops are dropping kgs per week, with less exercise, feeling better than they have since they were children, leaving their doctor scratching his head as he takes them off diabetes and statin medications after the third blood test shows ongoing normalized cholesterol levels.

      • +2

        So many bad takes.

        • -5

          So many dumb sheep.

  • See a doctor and get blood work done, you may have a bug that's causing it.

  • +1

    What are you eating at night? Maybe change that 1st.

  • +1

    Go to your local GP and ask for a poo sample kit so you can get it tested.

    • This. But they'll still need to guide on what they're testing for.

  • +2

    Go get tested for Helicobacter pylori.

  • +5

    why do so many posters start a thread and then never further participate in the thread?

    hard not to think it is trolling

  • +1

    I just buy charcoal capsules at the chemist. Works for me, but I only have problems maybe 2 or 3 times a year.

    Probably best to get it checked out by a doctor first to make sure there are no underlying problems. Since you suffer every night with it, getting to a doctor pronto would have been my first action, not asking OzBargain. If something is happening regularly, i.e., daily, that is telling you something is very wrong and it needs to be investigated.

  • +2

    Have you tried pooping?

  • If you need to drink water, then do before the meal, not during the meal, not during digestion.
    It will save you from a longer digestive process.

    Do not eat dessert/fruit.
    Sugar and extra fermentation is not something you need.

    Start your meal with something probiotic and acidic to get those digestive juices going: Think of a some raw veggies with EVO oil and vinegar, or pickles.

    Stay active after your meal, light walk. Do not lay down.

    After eating, try chewing a chewing gum. It facilitate digestion.

    • +1

      Who downvoted this? This is all good advice (except for raw veggies, better to cook them to aid digestion)

      • thanks m8!
        I meant some julienne/stick carrot, fennel, celery… They should be fine/better raw…
        Also, invest in a two stage water filter if you drink from the tap.
        Under the sink, amazing ones on ebay cost under $200

  • +2

    So I had mad bloating and stomach issues over the past two months. Something's to relieve the bloating from the chemist is iberogast. It really helps but I went to the doctor and got a stool sample and a blood test.

    The blood test showed I had this bacterial called h pylori that is cause of stomach ulcers.

    I took some antibiotics and boom no more pain.

    I thought I had a lactose intolerance, gluten intolerance, I tried removing those things plus coffee and sugar substitute and while all of those things helped a little the underlying pain was still there until I took the antibiotics.

    Go to a doctor, ask for a blood test and stool sample test. If it's not in those things they will put you on a low FODMAP diet.

    • +1

      Seconding a heliobacter test. You can also get a breath test rather than blood test - drink some stuff, wait a bit, blow into a tube.

      Fun fact: two Aussies won the 2005 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their work with h. pylori!

      • yeah - if I recall this stunned the world experts who never expected stomach ulcers to be caused by a bacteria !

      • -1

        No point treating it…you'll just get it again. Rarely it will be treated with ABs if there is something significant going on.

        Better to see a specialist and have a gastroscopy performed.

        Getting ABs for something very common, which is usually well managed with PPIs and antacids, is not a good idea because of rampant AB resistance.

        It's literally as common as mouth herpes and just as infectious. You can catch it almost anywhere, and from anyone else who has it. Normally lives peacefully in your stomach.

        • +1

          I very strongly disagree with this advice. Untreated helicobacter causes gastritis, stomach ulcers and stomach cancer. It is always treated once it’s identified and a further test is done after treatment to ensure it’s been eradicated.

          • +1

            @bobkin: Okay, i suggest getting a referral to a Gastroenterologist and having a chat.

            Honestly, just a read of the Wikipedia entry will enlighten you.

            • -1

              @Oofy Doofy: Ah yes good to see a fellow graduate of the Wikipedia school of medicine

              I would suggest not giving medical advice online unless you have a real qualification

              • @Save Medicare: I've been through all of this, for many years. Long story. I even had a GI surgery recently.

                I said bob should have a little chat with a specialist, and see what they say, in relation to my comment.

                There's no issue with the Wikipedia entry about h.pylori in relation to the conversation.

          • -1

            @bobkin: I strongly agree with bobkin. OP get tested for Helicobacter Pylori. Many find out they have it and treated successfully. No more stomach pains.

            Also get a full blood test while your are there.

            If nothing is found, get an endoscopy done with specialist.

            If all clear, then it's a passing bug. Clean up your food intake for 2-3mths. Get rid of oily, fried and spicy. Stick to plain foods for a while.

            Let your stomach heal naturally. You will come good. (But get tested first to rule out other things).

            Best wishes.

  • +1
  • +9

    As a doctor, I recommend that you see your doctor.

    • -2

      I see your doctor - and raise you a specialist gastroenterologist

  • +5

    As someone who has digestive issues and been through it all with GPs and naturopaths I would say this. You should see a GP and rule out anything obvious via screening tests, h. pylori breathe tests, etc. But GPs only go so far testing the gut and tbh they have 0 clue about diet and nutrition as they get next to no training in this. They'll likely refer you to a qualified dietician who will put you on an elimination diet, e.g. FODMAP.

    From what you're saying you may a) have an intolerance to something you are eating, b) have SIBO, which is a bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine where they should not be, causing gas as food ferments, c) Have candida overgrowth, or d) a number of other things that cause such reactions in your body.

    You should do a proper comprehensive microbiome test (done by providing a stool sample) generally through a naturopath. GPs do not provide these tests nor do they have much of a clue about the cause of anything apart from prescribing pharmaceuticals to ease the symptoms. Once you have this information you can see exactly what levels are high and what is low and formulate a plan of attack using natural remedies if needed. I will say the gut is very complex and it can take some time. tbh you may never get to the bottom of it entirely and you may have to manage your diet, etc to deal with this long term.

    • Comprehensive answer covering a fair bit. Atleast for c) almost immediate benefit can be noticed with the use of inner health candex sb. If it does help, only after a poo test can a specific course of action be recommended.

      • No worries, I'm always glad to help in this area because I know it's taken me years to understand what I know now. Don't try to "self diagnose" the problem and treat by using things like inner health. Those products aren't that great and first you need to know what to target. Get some facts first via stool tests. See a GP and a good naturopath who specialises in this area.

    • You did good sharing this. Thank you!

      100% valid and helps many out.

  • one thought is a course of antibiotics to kill your existing stomach bacteria and then slowly rebuild the 'good' bacteria by a careful choice of diet

    they reckon our digestive systems contain something like 2kg of bacteria - some good, some not so good

    the trick is to encourage the good bugs by eating healthier foods - oats, yoghurt, etc. - you can read up

    and avoiding unhealthier foods - dunno but let's say anything your grandmother wouldn't recognise as food

    if you don't go the antibiotics route, you could try an elimination diet, i.e. fast on a Sunday when you're relaxed, then slowly introduce only one food at a time - and see which ones cause more gas.

    that said - the average person farts 16 times a day - and some foods cause more gas than others, e.g.…

    • Nice theory, but try to avoid this. It will give bad bacteria a chance to overgrow and may cause other gut issues

  • Try iberogast and or mutaflor with gp guidance

  • +1

    I've very recently gone from doing 5 months of keto, losing 27kg to having a "normal" diet consiting of the major food groups and almost immediately noticed bloating became a problem. Not one day on keto (I set myself a 20g carb limit) did I notice bloating at any point of the day or night so can only attribute it to the carb rich foods that I'm eating now.

    I'm seriously considering going back to keto to overshoot my goal by a few kilos just to offset the almost immediate increase in weight and change in appearance as it's starting to feel like I've undone all my hard work.

    • +1

      Yeah I've had a similar experience on Keto. If followed strictly you will severely reduce your consumption of fructose, gluten and dairy (specifically lactose). Yes, you can eat cheese but typically cheese (especially hard cheeses) have a very low amount of lactose. These things are known to cause inflammation in the gut.

      Keto also completely eliminates things you may have previously consumed, such as sauces, additives and preservatives, etc. You may have unknowingly cut out a lot of things that were causing you intolerances previously.

      Apart from the above, when coming off keto, you should do so slowly as your gut needs to adjust back to a normal diet regardless.

  • I've known a few people to have severe reactions to artificial sweeteners which result in painful bloating. Personally for me, it's offset by 3 factors dairy, sugar, lack of sleep. If I have good dose with even just 1 or 2 of those 3 factors, I'll wake up in the middle of the night with painful bloating, gas, etc.

  • I'll add another possibility into the fray because hey, why not?

    I was recently reading an article regarding a condition where the sufferer is unable to physically burp.

    "In people with no-burp syndrome, the cricopharyngeus muscle never relaxes for burping. The condition’s medical name is retrograde cricopharyngeus dysfunction (R-CPD) and it wasn’t discovered until 2019. "…

  • If it was seldom I'd recommend po chai pills but since it's every night, you should go see a doctor or a pharmacist.

  • Try de gas. Then get onto probiotics daily.

  • -1

    OP is getting off on all these comments

    Everyone stop feeding the voyuer

  • post diet and exercise regime

  • -3

    Please search a homeopath doctor. There are many local homeopath doctors available.

    My experience with it is amazing. I had some problems with bloating, abdominal pain and others. So far it has been great.

    Highly recommend it.

    • -1

      Homoeopathy is unique, many 'natural' remedies have no evidence they work, Homoeopathy has been proven to be ineffective. It's also outright illogical and ignores the last 200 years of medical knowledge.

      Homoeopathic remedies are legally allowed to be sold by exception, due to 'grandfathering'. If these products were introduced to the market today they would be illegal because they make medical claims that cannot be supported.

      I cannot stress enough how much of a scam homoeopathy is. If you want to try natural remedies see a naturopath.

  • I occasionally have this problem but during the day. I'm fine at night. Too much bran makes it worse for me.
    Thanks for the suggestions.

  • +3

    I asked ChatGPT for you. You won't like the answer…let's just say, it suggests you either see a doctor or make sure you have a will.

  • -2

    You lunatics forget that this is OzBargain every day we get more crazy crap like this

    • -1

      Settle down, maybe you need to someone for that temper.

      • -1

        Maybe you should learn how to construct a sentence when trying to be smart…

  • I had a similar issue that lasted a few years.

    I instinctively decided to eat more vegies because vegies are healthy right? Was the worst thing for me. It jsut fed it. I switched to high protein, high carb, low fat. Helped.

    I also investigated foodmap diet for a while.

    Id also look at taking a proton pump inhibitor because it can sometimes be too much stomach acid and reflux related.

    As others said, fiber is not going to solve all your problems. Can either speed your bowels up or slow them down. If it slows them down, it will cause bloating. I'd recommend a water soluble fiber, not metamucle for instance.

  • First question op.

    Can you list down what you would normally eat and drink for breakfast lunch and dinner on a typical day or even a week if you have time?

    Are you on any other medication?

  • You really should see a doctor about it, there's alot of things that get lost in translation over the interwebs, and you don't want to miss out getting a diagnosis if it's a serious condition while you're trying all the layman remedies that people have suggested works for them anecdotally

  • Hi OP. I started suddenly experiencing similar symptoms late last year and they lasted for a very annoying 2 months - but my bloating was accompanied by often severe abdominal pain.

    If your symptoms are similar, I'm going to agree with everyone to go see your doctor. In my case, it took 4 visits to the doc where he had to rule out a bunch of things (bloods, xrays, stool tests, intolerance tests, etc) before he landed on the issue. In the end, I was put on antibiotics for suspected bug/parasite ('suspected' because they apparently often aren't picked up in tests) and the improvement was almost instant.

    I still have no idea what I had eaten to have copped that.

  • I was in similar situation. First and foremost get some tests done for gluten & dairy intolerence. If your body is not receptive of these things your stomach will bloat towards the end of the day.

  • +1

    I had the same problem for quite some time. Went to GP and dietician, but didn't help. Others have already given so much good advices in this blog. For me what's i have been doing to keep bloating after dinner under control are;
    -Do excerise, sports, yoga, walking, jogging etc that you sweat heavily for atleast 30minutes a day (1hr is better).
    -Taking psyllium husk half tea spoon 1 glass water empty stomach early morning
    -Include more vegetable in your food and reduce sugar intakes as possible.
    -Light dinner 3-4hrs before sleep.
    -Any good probiotic 1 capsule before sleep.

    This has worked for me so far. So, maybe you should start with GP and then try other things that worked for me.

    • 'Taking psyllium husk half tea spoon 1 glass water empty stomach early morning'

      I tried that - and found that stuff almost impossible to swallow - AFAIK it's ugly fibre with no food value

      I eat rolled oats for breakfast instead - high soluble fibre anti-inflammatory superfood - and costs me 6 cents per serve.

      • How do you have your rolled oats? Like porridge?

        • no I hate the gluggy stick to the roof of my mouth feel of porridge -

          I put 35gm rolled oats in a small rice bowl, top/level with 80cc boiling water from the electric jug, cover for 4-5 mins to let the water absorb so I don't see any liquid when I tilt the bowl, then add a dollop of yoghurt (I get this one from Colesworths -, a sprinkle of walnuts, and a splash of milk - 2 mins effort to prepare, eat in 2 mins, and I'm not hungry for 5 hours - works for me !

  • Been through this pain. Gaviscon is good and there are tricks with laying down and pulling knees to your chest to move the gas out, but these are just relief measures.

    I found going on keto stopped all my bloating and pain. It was a dramatic improvement.

  • Hands down the worst food for me is onions, and I think that's pretty common in people with FODMAP-type symptoms.

  • I literally experienced this exact same problem and it was because I ate wholemeal bread (I don't really eat bread unless I'm bulking because it's so easy to get calories). Once I started losing weight and didn't eat the bread I realised it was the problem.

  • OP I don't want to sound like an authority on this subject here however a lot of people are commenting misinformation.

    Pro-biotics are slowly becoming a 'controversial' subject due to not really knowing the effectiveness of the traditional methods.

    Also, your gut biome is probably the problem but as I said before it's difficult to alter. What you can do is REMOVE foods you are 'allergic' to, things that your gut can not deal with.

    Isolating foods was the thing that fixed it for me - As I stated in another comment, wholemeal bread (Which I thought was healthy) was the problem.

    **Edit: Also I forgot to mention that this is so subjective it's going to be really hard to discover what truly triggers you. And also, it may be things you really like :(

  • Maybe stomach cancer?

    Seek treatment or enjoy imminent death…

  • See a doctor.

    If you want to experiment, try finding food that causes more or less gas. I discovered I couldn't eat the seaweed you get with sushi. Getting plenty of dietary fiber is good, but too much is also a problem.

  • +1

    GP to rule out a bunch of allergies and intolerances — then, as you are in Sydney, a referral to the Centre of Digestive Diseases. If you've got any private health insurance they will be gap free for most procedures (but not for the specialist consultations). They will probably do a colonoscopy and and endoscopy as part of diagnosis (these will pick up any parasites, inflamation, or structural issue). They have a range of interventions ranging from knocking off parasites, antibiotics to change gut flora, or fecal transplant for more serious issues.

  • Have you gone to see a doctor? You shouldn't just "bloat" after dinner every night.

  • Consider seeing an accredited dietitian. I found one that helped me and also got to having more comfortable and regular bowel movements

  • see a doctor before you diagnose yourself with cancer

    on a serious note, wheres the update?

  • No comments from Op, I hope they are ok.

  • -2

    Im almost 100% keto carnivore. No stomach problems of any description on that diet. Eat heaps.
    However, if I'm at a social function and should I weaken and eat some chips or pasta or cakes …well instant karma, get bloated and finish on the loo multiple times the next day. Jeeeez - what do people think by eating any so called "healthy fibre" and
    "a balanced diet" is going to do to their guts ?. Its just bulk, like eating straw in reality, but unlike cows and horses we dont have the stomachs to digest it. Just be sensible, think about it, who the heck is telling you to eat such rubbish. Well its big food, big pharma and the whole "professional" industry who have a big $$$ vested interest in ensuring that they have plenty of customers for years to come. Oh yes, for those biased types who say meat and fats will kill you, well Im approaching age 73, and dont have anything much of anything health wise. Have a nice day

  • It's definitely cancer, and I recommend getting the entire stomach removed at your earliest convenience, and then start on a lengthy chemo and radiation treatment.

    Or if you're the cautious type and prefer evidence based treatment after expert consultation and informed consent, go see your bloody doctor mate!

  • +1

    OP, please provide an update.

  • Have you tried farting more?

  • Chances are it's just reflux. Go to your GP and they'll give you a script for Somac (Pantoprazole). Take it for a couple of weeks and then report back here.

  • +1

    When you eat food goes in stomach and stomach gets filled with the food you ate hence it gets bigger/bloats.

    It doesn't disappear when you eat, fyi

  • Op trying to get a free consultation now that Medicare doesn’t cover gp visits and don’t want to be out of pocket #ozbargainway

  • If you have IBS take probiotics and go low FODMAP diet

  • Prunes. More fibre. Get your bowel movements more regular.

    Bloating is often caused by poor diet.

    More healthy foods like fruit and vegetables.

  • Where's the OP. How dare they leave us in suspense like this. I want to know if they popped like Violet Beauregard.

  • Stop gassin'!

  • Kittykat with bloated stomach, almost always equates to a dozen ,to twenty, endangered fauna in the gut.

  • I understand how frustrating and uncomfortable bloating can be after meals. It sounds like you've already tried some strategies like eating more slowly and adjusting your portion sizes, but it persists.

    Regarding over-the-counter medications, you might consider trying digestive enzymes like Isotonix Digestive Enzymes (…). These can help support your body's natural digestive processes, potentially reducing bloating and discomfort after meals. It's always a good idea to consult with a pharmacist or your healthcare provider to ensure it's suitable for you and to discuss any potential interactions with other medications you might be taking.

    In addition to enzymes, some people find relief from bloating by avoiding foods that commonly cause gas and bloating, such as certain vegetables, beans, and carbonated drinks. Keeping a food diary might help identify triggers specific to you.

    If the bloating continues despite these measures, it may be beneficial to consult with a healthcare professional to rule out any underlying digestive issues or to explore other treatment options.

    I hope you find a solution that works well for you soon!

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