• expired

Microsoft Office Family 6 Users 1 Year Licence $94 + Surcharge @ SaveOnIT


2% surcharge for PayPal & card payments.

Microsoft says, "As of April 03,2023, the subscription fee for Microsoft 365 Family will change from AUD 129 to AUD 139 to address changing market conditions."

I couldn't find a better deal than this one.

Microsoft 365 Family 6 Users 1 Year digital license. Delivery by email with no shipping cost. Australian license is suitable for new subscription or renewal of your existing subscription.

Excerpt from previous postings by BJReplay:

Digital license delivery by email. Download from www.office.com/setup. This is an Australian license.

Please be aware that digital license is a non-returnable item to security reason. This does not limit your rights under the ACL.

Stackable up to five years.

If you are going to stack, you can stack up to five years total.

If you have an existing subscription, that means you can buy up to four more, not five more.

There is a long discussion here on OzBargain on how to do this, including downgrading your existing family subscription, adding three personal subscriptions(saveonit.com.au) and then upgrading to family at the last step.

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closed Comments

  • +6

    Don't forget that they offer you 1 month free if you sign up to autorenew. If you accept that one month, you can only stack 4 codes, not 5.
    Buy N-1 single user licenses, then 1 family to get N years of family.

    • +1

      Will renewing with the single user licence suspend access for extra users until you renew with the family one?

      • I think you can keep the multi user, but instead of 12 months of single user, it gives you less months…

    • Is it possible to stack single licenses and just add 1 month of family instead of buying a 1 year family license?

  • +2

    I couldn't find a better deal than this one.


  • So multiple of these can be bought and stacked?

    • +3

      Yes, I do this every year. I'm usually paid up 2 to 4 years out, depending on how often I get tempted by these deals :)
      Stack a max of 5 years (4 years if on Auto Renew).

  • Do you get a voucher code with this purchase?

    How do you add this to your existing 365 subscription?

  • +1

    Need a single user version of this deal….

  • +21

    I miss the old days of no subscription model…

    • +2

      I don't. Upgrades were expensive.

      • +10

        I disagree. They’re talking $139/year (maybe for 6PCs?). It used to be that for perpetual.

        I’m still running Office 2013 on my machine, using it daily. I paid $15 for it through the HUP program.

        Microsoft have jumped on the subscription model bandwagon to pile profit on top of profit just like all the other major software vendors.

        What annoys me is that this is somehow “progress”. Office was perfectly good, maybe buggy here and there, and just worked. Now they have decided it’s a good idea to make it all cloud based and so they have to pay thousands of developers to write it for years, costing us heaps more. Plus subscription model to (other than profit) have people constantly write patches and fixes for security holes and bugginess which wasn’t there in the old editions.

        • +3

          They’re talking $139/year

          I pay $90 per year for 5 people.

          That is way cheaper than what 5 standalone copies of MS-Office used to cost and upgrading them every 3 years.

          • +2

            @jv: They are using a 10 year old copy of office that cost them $15. How on earth is this cheaper. You could say upgrades, but upgrades generally don't have enough to justify an actual upgrade in most cases.

        • +1

          With subscriptions you never own anything. The future under capitalism: "You will own nothing and be happy".

          • +1

            @RefusdClassification: I don't want to own it, the owned versions weren't (aren't) upgraded year on year. I subscribe also for the 1GB of storage, which all family members/friends use on their devices, for us this is a bargain at $15.66 per year, per user, for the full Office suite and 1 GB of storage.
            Each to their own, I know it's different for everyone :)
            Oh, and if you want the latest Office permanent licence, single user, without OneDrive storage, see the post a few below, you can still get it at a great price until April 3rd.

          • @RefusdClassification: That's communism

        • To be fair HUP isn't available to everyone. I also got a HUP licensed for 2013 years ago, but I put it on a laptop I don't even think we have any more and I couldn't work out a way to transfer the license when I got a new one, and I'm no longer working somewhere eligible for HUP.
          (And from memory it was a one and done deal through my work anyway so once that laptop was done, I couldnt get another license unless I bugged someone who wasn't going to use theirs)

          So while I loved the $15, it's kinda restrictive.

          Having said that, I still have Office 2009 On DVDs I bought with another ditched laptop. So I could always install the old versions, but my wife bought a 365 subscription anyway… So I just use that. But don't love the price or model at all, I don't need the newest features really for what I'm using it for ATM

      • For ye, matey. Yarr.

    • +4

      This comes with 1TB each of OneDrive, so everyone in family has no excuse for not backing up everything to cloud. Plus Office 365 is going to get CHAT-GPT!!!!!

      • +1

        "Write my resume…"

        Jest aside, a PowerPoint or Excel implementation could be life changing

        • +4

          If Chat-GPT can remember what I did with an excel sheet and understand that putting a formula in wrong will result in too many crates of bottles being ordered at work just because you forgot how a formula you created a year ago works, then Office365 would pay for itself many times over instantly.

          • @AustriaBargain: I was in a job interview the other day for admin and they asked if I know how to work excel.

            I was thinking, if that's such an important criteria for this job that you need to ask it in interview, this job would be gone in 2 months.

        • +1

          Now I want you to picture this, they bring back Clippy…not just old Clippy, CHAT-GPT enhanced Clippy.

      • Yeah, but backing up to OneDrive is so bloody s-l-o-w! Unless you don't have a lot of video and pics stored, I guess…

        • I just keep all my working files and such on OneDrive, so it's constantly backing up. I was worried the constant uploading would slow down the hard drive, so I put it on a fast SSD to help make up for it. Works pretty well.

          • @AustriaBargain: Yeah, your strategy is a good one. I was more referring to backing up an entire SSD or HD to OneDrive, which I tried and abandoned - seemed it was going to take days!

            • @rossnroller: yeah probably would take a while. But when it's already backed up and it's just backing up new files or changes to files you make it's very quick. It's so nice having my PC files backed up to the cloud, and being able to access them almost right away on my Mac and my phone. When I hit 1TB I suppose I'm going to have to put some of the files somewhere else to free up room. Don't think I want to pay $12 a month for another 1TB and that still doesn't fix the problem when I use all 2TB one day.

              • @AustriaBargain:

                When I hit 1TB I suppose I'm going to have to put some of the files somewhere else to free up room

                I'm sitting at just over 1PiB of storage in my home storage array, so… don't have that issue ;)

                1TB of offsite backup is nice though, especially considering a credible 1TB backup solution is probably going to be almost as much as this subscription and this comes with Office for 5 people

    • +6

      Also when the Home User Program was 90% off…

      Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013 direct from MS for £ 9.95.

      • Why was yours in pounds sterling?

        • I was in the UK.

    • +1

      There is a sale on Office permanent licenses until April 3rd. USD40 for windows or Mac


      • +1

        This is great - thanks for posting. You should create a new post on OzBargain for this as it will be lost in the middle of this one.

        I just got 2 lifetime licenses for Office 2021 - with taxes and conversion came to $144 AUD for 2 - so $72 AUD each

      • Looks like it has been taken down "Oops! That page can’t be found."

      • "Oops! That page can’t be found.
        It looks like nothing was found at this location."

  • +5

    If you have a work email, you might be eligible for an even better discount direct with Microsoft.

    I'm paying $AUD90.30 for M365 Family, 30% off RRP. Hoping my renewal price stays after the price increase.

      • Just confirming that I purchased a personal license via Microsoft Workplace Discount Programme, and upon buying a family license, I had 2 years of family license

      • How do you put on multiple year subs with workplace discount?

        • You just buy another one via MS and it applies automatically

      • Thanks for this. If I’m currently on a family plan, downgrading to personal - what does it do to the other family accounts, does anyone know? It’ll hopefully be only for a short period while I stack and renew but don’t want others to lose data.


        • +1

          I tried to do this recently. It wouldn't really let me downgrade the family plan. It said I had to wait until the current plan expired. Or I could just get a pro rata amount on my family plan. ie using a single code gave me about 7 months of family plan which is slightly worse value from my calculations. I think it was 274 days worth.

          So maybe they prevent that now.

    • I have the same thing. I remember seeing it says it will remain that price so long as i continue to renew each year even if I've left the company.

  • For those who work in the public service sector, you might want to have a look at your organisation's enterprise agreements and see if you can't get Office 365 for free as a "work from home" arrangement.

    For instance, with NSW Department of Education, you can install Office 365 on a home machine as well as the Adobe Creative Cloud suite.

    • For those who work in the public service sector,

      private companies offer this too as an employee benefit…

      • Well I couldn't speak on behalf of private companies as well, so I didn't mention them, but thanks for the notification.

        • Do you work in the public service?

          • +2

            @jv: Maybe. Maybe not.

            • +2

              @Munki: Thanks for confirming…

          • -1

            @jv: Nobody works in the public service, silly

    • Lol I work for a “government authority” and we’re so povo we don’t even have Office on the work computers, they make us use the free online version and it doesn’t support functionality they want us to put in our reports like checkboxes and columns

      • Name and shame the organisation! Lolol

    • Depending on policies, this can also authorise your work to brick/wipe your devices (phones especially). And if you work in i.t, you know things break in impossible ways.

      Shout out to the nine email client, that lets you sandbox such an account for email at least behind a secondary login, inside the app, instead of letting work policies take over your whole phone.

    • +1

      Thanks again for this amazing trick

  • +1

    Can you use your own domain name with Office365 subscription?
    Looking for a cheap/free alternative for zoho

    • +1

      I think you need a Office365 Business plan for this?

      • +2

        Thanks for the info.
        Yes I think normal Office365 can only use standard @outlook.com domain.

        O365 business starts from $8.20/user/month for web/mobile application only. No desktop application included. Looks like zoho is still the best deal out there.

        • Just googled zoho & it looks interesting. At first I thought it was free but to get hosted mailboxes with the same 50GB size it is $6.05 per user per month, so not really much cheaper than Office 365.
          Is there some other benefit to zoho?

          • +1

            @Gaz1: I found their software noticeably slower and less responsive, so if you consider cultivating patience as a benefit, then yes.

            • @zoltanc: Thanks! Unless you can get away with a 5GB mailbox for $1.65/user/month then I can't see its worthwhile.
              Are there any other good free/cheap alternatives to Office 365 for exchange mailboxes for use with your own domain names?

              • @Gaz1: I use Migadu

                • @TheBlackMini: Interesting. Migadu looks particularly good for people with large numbers of mailboxes & smaller usage.
                  I guess pricing is in US$ & the hosting is overseas (Switzerland?)?

              • @Gaz1: I connect zoho service to gmail using standard pop3/smtp. So gmail will pop3 all emails and delete it from zoho, free up spaces there and save it on gmail. I never use zoho interface and use gmail interface instead.

                You can use your existing gmail account if you don't want to keep switching gmail account. Just use label to differentiate those emails

  • +3

    Want 1 user 6 years.

    • +1

      Just buy perpetual on ebay for circa $100

      • Noob question - how do I know if whatever I buy on eBay is legit or not? Kinda in the same boat, looking to buy a basic office without having to pay yearly subs..

        • Go thru carefully and read the seller's feedback, that will tell you. Look for the exact item that you're considering. I bought one last year, no issues, linked to my Microsoft account now - working both on my desktop and laptop thru same account. I believe they're legit copies…maybe not for reselling, maybe they are for giving away with systems, I don't know, but it works perfectly. I paid $113.

        • +1

          Buy it from the Macworld shop, either windows or Mac version for USD40. Safer than eBay https://www.macworld.com/article/1669915/lifetime-licenses-t…

  • Does anyone have a link to the price increases?
    Is the business plan pricing also increasing?

    • +3

      No sure about the business, but I received the email about the pricing change for the family account.

    • +1

      I got an email from MS regarding the pricing change for the MS Office 365 Personal price increase. There's no official blog post or similar from Microsoft that I know off.

      The topic was discussed here https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/763099

  • -1

    LibreOffice 7.5 its FREE https://www.libreoffice.org

    • You are comparing apples and oranges.

      • +2

        Office software including a word processor and spreadsheet, versus office software including a word processor and spreadsheet?

        Libreoffice is intended to be a Microsoft Office alternative. So it’s apples and apples.

        I think what you’re saying is the quality of Libreoffice is not the same? Not sure, maybe there’s some merit to that. The interface takes a bit to get used to. But I remember when Microsoft switched to the ribbon toolbar, everyone hated it and there was uproar. But everyone got used to it. Libreoffice defaults to the old interface but it has an option for a ribbon interface, I don’t much like the way it’s done but ehh. It’s FOSS.

        As far as core functionality, I believe it’s great. Lots of tech people swear by it.

        It’s free. Not $139/year by a rich multinational. So you accept a few rough edges.

        • +2

          Yep. I have office at various jobs but keep using libre cause it's what I'm used to. Save as xlsx / docx / whatever, works 99% of the time, the other 1% is usually an easy adjustment. Can't understand why people wanna pay ms for this - understand if it's paid for by work / others, but your own coin? Wtf?

        • +2

          My trusty Office 2010 HUP is finally becoming impractical because it doesn't accept some of the newer formats (but otherwise perfectly acceptable for home use). I installed Libre Office and haven't looked back!

        • +2

          You are just comparing word processor and spreadsheet. Can you please include 6tb of OneDrive cloud storage? This is when comparison will be equal in both offerings.

          You have fair arguments about the software usability. If you take out cloud storage from the equation, then yes - it is apples vs apples and libre offers good alternative.

  • +2

    Almost worth going legit

    • When the CoPilot functionality is turned on for Excel, PowerPoint and Word is when it'll be worth going legit for it. It's a shame it'll be unlikely to sail the high seas while accessing that functionality

  • So many people paying money for something they can get for free…

    • +13

      You can get TB’s of always accessible cloud storage for free?

  • Officeworks price beat ??

  • do these license keys need to be activated within a certain date before they expire? i wonder if it's a good idea keeping a few, so can renew after 4/5yrs for people who max stackked.. Some keys, like norton, never expire so you can stock up and deploy whenever.

    • Stocking up on Norton? I guess you could stock up on brown snakes but nobody should do it.

  • I ordered three keys but I only got two delivered immediately and the third is “pending”.

    Anyone else have this?

    • I ordered 4 and have only received 2. I also received the pending email.

      • Same. I still have three pending (of 5).

  • -3

    I haven't used Ms office in almost a decade. My employer is deep in Google apps and I've never once found a need for a MS version in that time. When Google and MS include ai in their office versions however that may change. Libre and every single alternative will be dead at that time too.

  • Good price

  • It doesnt seem to stack for me???

    "Sorry, we can't set up your account right now

    Hang on to your product key, and try again later.

    If this happens again, contact support.

    Correlation ID: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

  • Just ordered. Got instant delivery of the licence key paying via PayPal. Excellent.

  • I paid via their bank account about 7 days ago but still no key.

    No one is replying to my email asking what the status is. Is this company real ?

    • I bought 5 licenses via PayPal - got the keys almost instantly.

      They seem to have live chat - did you try it?

      • i just did the same with 2x licenses via paypay. 2 separate email working codes instantly received.

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