DSLR Vs iPhone Camera, Do I Need One over The Other?

I don’t know if I should get a DSLR camera/Mirrorless camera despite having an iPhone 14 pro max. I have transferred my photo/video into my computer but I want the high quality to stay. I don’t know if that’s because of my phone or because I need a different camera.

How do I transfer video into my PC with that same quality as I see on my phone? This is because when I transfer the video, the quality changes. Is it because of phone setting? I’ve put on 4K etc.

Does RAW/JPEG differ a lot and should I be taking photo in RAW?

The good thing about smartphone is that it’s compact and portable. This outweighs the need to carry bulky DSLR.

When I transfer my photo into my computer, I see files that I cannot view (I assume it’s the ones I deleted on my phone previously ) hence I delete them on my computer . After transferring I delete the photos, does this mean that it will be erase from my phone or will it be there (similar files that I can see previously), hidden files etc?


  • +6

    sounds like you already made your decision not to get a dslr.

    dslr and raw are best, but what are you doing photo of? if you are just doing Facebook, instagram, etc… your phone is more than capable and easier to upload everything.

    i also have an iPhone 14 pro max and use it for photos in a pinch.

    you have to plan to use your dslr and carry a lot of gear. batteries, flash, lens, etc…

    • +15

      Adding to this good advice - the best camera is the one you have on you. No point getting a nice mirrorless/dslr but you never have it on you.
      Based off OP's other respones - A DSLR will simply be too difficult and end up gathering dust on the shelf.

      • +12

        Yeah lol you have no idea mate.

        While current flagship phones have phenomenal, convenient cameras for the size, they will be forever inferior to the image quality of full size SLR/DSLR/MILCs - until Tim Cook can defeat physics.

        • -3

          OP is talking about mirrorless cameras

          Ive been there done that.
          Very disappointed with both DLSR and Mirrorless cameras
          For everyday shots you cannot beat the iphone 14 pro max

          Thats where all the technology is being invested

          • +1


            OP is talking about mirrorless cameras

            So was I - I specifically mentioned MILCs.

            For everyday shots you cannot beat the iphone 14 pro max

            Yeah, you can. the iPhone has a great camera, that is great for 99% of what people use it for, but it is still not as powerful as a full-size, large sensor camera. As you appear to be an Apple shill, being paid by the reference to "iPhone 14 pro max" (you're up to 9!), how do you feel about the top end Mac products, when 99% of what people use their PCs for can be done with a 2018 Air?

      • +1

        Can’t believe there are unironically people that actually believe we’ve surpassed DSLRs with phones… things are great don’t get me wrong but it says a lot about you and perhaps your skills with a camera ..

        • -2

          It says that DSLRs are for a dying race of people

      • +2

        Lol at best it matches compact cameras. It has nothing on Dslr or mirrorless.
        The technology of the iPhone is great but the ability to switch to lenses and take photos based on the environment you use it for is unequivocal.

        • -1

          When you are travelling and your top priority is visiting tourist sites and convenience?

          I beg to differ
          the amount Apple is investing in thier cameras far surpasses any investment by Canon, Nikon or any other DLSR.

          • +1

            @HeWhoKnows: No one is disagreeing about the iPhone for convenience. It's this comment I was disputing as it's factually incorrect.

            iPhone 14 pro max is as good as you get for photos.
            It carries all the required lenses in one small package - standard, macro, ultra-wide, zoom, everything!
            (you cant even get ultra-wide on a mirrorless camera, nor 48MP, nor HDR nor lots more)
            A DSLR mirrorless camera wont even come close to an iPhone 14 pro max these days - obselete technology these days

      • If iPhone 14 PM can replace the DSLR, I wonder why there are NONE of photographers at last World Cup in Qatar using it ? hmm… ? Most that I can see they carry 600mm, 800mm F/4L lens (big ass lens you never see it) with 2-3 body for spare (maybe more).

        • yeah right
          So everyone is going to be carrying one of these 600mm and 800mm lenses in thier top pocket.
          Have you seen the image quality of a photo taken by an iphone 14 pro max at top resolution and with the most powerful lens and the blown up to max

          It will blow you away!

      • -1

        IPhone is best because filters. Checkmate dslr fan boys.

        But my pixel 7 ranks top on dxo. Checkmate apple and full frame dslr.

        • -1

          These guys are all camera laggards living in the 70s and 80s

          Im sure they dont own an iphone 14 pro max nore seen the awesome image quality
          The iphone 14 pro max definitely does blow your average mirrorless camera away

      • I'm sorry, you think a phone is better than a current gen mirrorless camera???

        Wow. Ok. That's really bad advice. Like, insane.

        • -1

          Im saying the iphone 14 pro max blows Mirrorless cameras away and most low to mid range DSLRs as well
          any for many reasons, not just image quality.
          Most of these loud mouths dont evenown an iphone 14 pro max so how can they even compare

          • @HeWhoKnows: Then why do professionals use mirrorless cameras at events where professional photos are needed?

            Shouldn't they all be using iPhone 14 pros?

          • @HeWhoKnows:

            Most of these loud mouths dont evenown an iphone 14 pro max so how can they even compare

            You're literally this loudest person on this thread. And do you own a SLR/DSLR/Mirrorless camera?

    • -1

      I know plenty of people that have transitioned away from DSLR and mirrorless to iphone 12, 13 and 14 pro series cameras.
      These iphones have awesome photographic power and the versatility to boot

  • +67

    This holiday to the UK is becoming stressful for me with all these decisions we need to make for you.

    Please kindly cancel your holiday. Cheers.

      • +18


        • +15

          OP has made 10 posts in the last 5 weeks about planning his holiday, you need to go see a travel agent!

          • +4

            @Brick50: Evidentally OP has no idea how to plan a holiday
            In fact no idea how to plan anything by the sound of thier posts

            Op doesnt even realise the awesome photographic power of his/her top notch iPhone

            What will OP do when they get there and must decide on a hotel or place to eat or must decide on a sight seeing tour?

            Poor OP will be so confused

            • +1

              @HeWhoKnows: I guess they'll be scrambling to see if a UKBargain forum exists the minute they land.

    • +22

      You only have to look at OP's other posts - This UK trip is turning into a daily stress blog. OP would probably end up having a mental breakdown in London after finding out that there is no Stone Hedge.

  • +1

    If you want to pursue DSLR/mirrorless photography as a hobby, or you plan to print images out larger than a standard 6x4 print, then get a DSLR.

      • +6

        Lol u srs? literally any old DSLR with a decent (like an old Nikon with a $100 50mm 1.8d) would wipe the floor with the iPhone 14 image quality wise. If all you’re doing is looking at images on your phone/Insta and printing small stick with the phone.

        • You obviously have never used a phone better than an iPhone 6. I feel for you.

          • @HeWhoKnows: I have an iphone 13 takes great photos. But my d750 takes much better photos If I could be bothered. 'Being bothered' is the key here.

            You clearly have not learned enough about cameras or have been bothered to learn how to shoot beyond full auto with jpg.

            If you can't comprehend how sensor size, iso's, aperture, shutter speeds all work together to create an exposure or appreciate how quickly you can adjust any of those factors creating photos then yeah for someone like you a phone is perfect.


      • +8

        I feel like you're 20 years behind the 8 ball if you think more pixels === more quality.

        • -1

          You obvoiusly have nver used an iPhone 14 either
          Look who is behind the times and way behind in technology

      • Sounds like the problem is you don’t know how to use a DSLR if you’re getting better photos with your phone.

        Some people just weren’t meant to be able to do more than hit the shitter button, so that would explain how you’re getting better quality images.

        • -1

          I was using DSLrs when you wer just a baby.
          Im coming form a very knowledgable background

          And the point is that Op doesnt need to lug a round a DSLR and all the lenses when he has all that in this phone, right?

          I mean its not like OP is a professional photographer

          So horses for courses and you are on the wrong course

      • My 10 year old Nikon D800 wipes the floor with any iPhone when it comes to image quality. This will be true for the next 20 years at least.

        Good luck with such a photo taken with an iPhone: https://www.flickr.com/cameras/nikon/d800/ or https://flic.kr/p/TxsQ5K

      • Much smaller sensor, poor low light performance, lousier dynamic range, depth of field increase etc.

        Higher MP isn't always better. it's there to trick gullible and ignorant consumers like you and they have succeeded.

  • +9

    If you want to know just how great a photo is - view it on a larger screen

    Phones are good but still are yet to match the sharpness and quality of a DSLR, even an old camera with good glass will beat a phone

    • +3

      The question is, will he notice the difference, or will he even care? ProRaw files shot with the 14 Pro Max are pretty incredible:




      There are some full-size samples in the first link.

    • +1

      the other issue at play is the there is plenty of software behind the hardware in phones which make the photos more pleasing.
      DSLR cannot keep up with software.

      • Yeah, the other side is a DSLR will better reflect reality which can be favourable.

        • I agree with reality better, but insta doesn't.

      • you do realise phones need those software to compensate for poor optics and small sensor size (and related cons such as poor dynamic range, poor low light performance etc)?

        why do DSLRs/Mirrorless with 30x + sensor size have to use software to make their photos look good lol? That said, most modern cameras do come with lens correction that addresses things like vignetting. and JPEGs are basically touched up photos.

        I have no idea where you got the impression that "DSLR" cannot keep up with software. A 5D Mark 2 or Nikon D700 will still blow phone cameras of this gen out of the water in many aspect.

  • youtube is your friend, although it seems unmoderated…

  • +10

    From Chat GPT

    Whether you need a DSLR camera or an iPhone camera depends on your specific needs and preferences. Here are some factors to consider:

    Image quality: DSLR cameras generally offer better image quality than iPhone cameras due to their larger sensors and better lenses. If you need high-quality images for professional or artistic purposes, a DSLR may be the better option.

    Flexibility: DSLR cameras offer more flexibility in terms of interchangeable lenses, manual settings, and accessories like external flashes and tripods. If you need to have full control over your photography and want to experiment with different lenses and settings, a DSLR is the way to go.

    Portability: iPhone cameras are much more portable and convenient to carry around than DSLR cameras. If you want to be able to capture photos on-the-go without carrying a bulky camera, an iPhone may be a better choice.

    Cost: DSLR cameras can be quite expensive, especially if you want to invest in high-quality lenses and accessories. If you're on a budget and don't need professional-level features, an iPhone may be a more affordable option.

    Overall, if you need high-quality images and want full control over your photography, a DSLR camera may be the better option. However, if you value portability and convenience, an iPhone camera may be a more practical choice.

    • From Chat GPT

      This is the right answer.

      • +3

        This is the way

        • +1

          It is the ONLY way!

  • In answer to your question, it's probably not so easy to transfer full-sized files from an iPhone to a windows PC. Much easier to transfer to a MAC.

    The quality should not change when you transfer the vidoes/photos to your MAC.

    There is a massive difference between the JPEG and ProRaw raw files. But you will need to process/edit the RAW files. I'd try the Lightroom app on your iPhone if I were you. It's free.

    • -4

      How easy is it to use Lightroom and are there any subscription costs or can I use it free? I don’t know much about RAW files.

      • +2

        Lightroom mobile app on your iPhone is free. You don't need a subscription. I use it all the time.

        Just shoot a ProRaw photo, then open Lightroom, import the photo into Lightroom, then click on the photo, make sure you're in editing mode (not info mode), then click "Auto".

        Then make further adjustments if you're not happy with the automatic adjustments. I usually adjust "Light" (such as boosting shadows) and "Detail" (reduce the amount of sharpening).

        Then when you're finished, export as JPEG, 100% image quality, and scroll down to "save image". This will save it to your Photos app. Open "recent" album, it will be the latest photo in the album.

      • Just to check, what computer and monitor are you viewing the photos on?

        If you're straight copying the file then the data in the file is not changing, it may be your computer and monitor that are the issue.

        You need to keep in mind that the iPhone 14 pro max has a retina xdr oled display that supports hdr, true tone, wide colour and can have up to 2000 nits of brightness and show true blacks because it is an oled display.

        Conversely, you may be trying to view the photos on a PC display that has low brightness, possibly an edge lit TN panel that doesn't show true blacks or have a wide colour gamut let alone HDR support.

        I'm using an LG C2 42inch display for one of my PCs, everything looks better on this compared to the 165hz IPS panel on my laptop and compared to the 32inch Philips 4k VA display I bought from one of the deals here. I can copy the same file to both computers and it will look different on all three displays.

        If you are using a cheap display, then it's not going to matter if you have an iPhone 14 pro max or a $50,000 camera, still gonna look bad on your PC. It's like paying for lossless music and listening to it on $5 earbuds,it could sound worse than streaming quality music on $200 earbuds. Whereas lossless music on a proper headset that can support lossless music will sound amazing.

  • i have a zenfone 8, ab Olympus tg5 waterproof camera, and a dslr

    i use all for their appropriate conditions.

    phone for random kid snaps
    dslr for planned events like holidays, birthdays, and outings where i know the phone will suck at photos
    and waterproof camera for beach or swimming pool trips with the kids.

    you /need/ all three :)

    i saw someone take photos at a safari in South africa with an ipad …

    • +2

      I've seen people take photos with an ipad at a wedding and get in the way of the professional wedding photographer XD

    • I've seen a photo a friend took of the Mona Lisa, with ~8 ipads in the way of the painting

  • +2

    Can't get a 200mm zoom lense for your iphone? Or am I just slow on the news?

    Plus you ain't a pro on the travel circuit unless you can go from a 35mm prime to 70-200mm change in under 5 seconds that includes slinging the bag down do the whole change and back onto your back.

    • +2

      Meh I find my 18-200 lense is adaquate for travel.

    • Can't get a 200mm zoom lense for your iphone? Or am I just slow on the news?

      As complete ridiculous and backward as it sounds, they actually make iPhone to canon/Nikon/etc lens mount adaptor.

      • How would this work given those lenses are designed to focus light onto a sensor?

        A mount would focus light to go through the built in lens to then go the sensor. Seems like its adding multiple stages of distortion.

        • I don't make them, I just found it. Why use a tonne of equipment to take a photo with a tiny smartphone sensor is another question.

  • +3

    imo if not dropping 1.5k+ on a decent setup just go phone, especially if you want to do video too.

    just be aware its still trash in low light.
    (speaking as an iphone 14 pro user)

    • +14

      Also, a once in a lifetime overseas holiday is not the place to be learning how to use a DSLR.

      • +2

        True - to be fair most of them these days will do alright in ‘P’ mode - as Ken Rockwell would say, p for professional

        • +5

          I shoot primarily in A mode to control depth of field. I've had several people ask why I have such a fancy camera but shoot in automatic mode. I just say because I'm lazy.

          • @Muzeeb: The S23 Ultra is great in low light. One of my colleagues was showing me a few weeks back.

          • +2

            @Muzeeb: As someone who still regularly shoots almost every type of camera available, I've never understood the whole "real photographers shoot in M" mentality. Like you, I find myself in A mode (when available) most of the time for the same reasons as you. If aspiring "pros" want to go through the self-flagellation of full manual, be my guest.

          • @Muzeeb: Same here aperture mode is my most used mode. Unless I'm in some cool event with lots of activity I'll switch to s mode and focus on shutter speed

        • +2

          Saturation +100

        • +1

          +1 Ken Rockwell. For others: https://www.kenrockwell.com/tech/reviews.htm.

          • +1

            @H4nd0: Oh Lord, don't take Ken Rockwell seriously. He's an archetype know-it-all old codger who's neither good at gear or good at photography.

            dpreview is a better general source, only Amazon's just gone and killed it off this week as part of their mass layoffs.

            End of an era.

      • +7

        I think anyone who needs to ask the internet if they can bring shaving equipment onto an airplane is unlikely to ever figure out how to use a DSLR well.

        (I checked post history on an earlier suggestion- it's very entertaining)

  • +11

    If you have to ask the question, then stick with the iPhone.
    Sounds like you don't already know how to use a DSLR, so you'd almost certainly take mediocre photos then blame the camera.

    For travel specifically, I would still choose a phone over a DSLR for convenience, it can be frustrating to cart around a whole extra bag full of kit.
    But in general, a DSLR if you know how to use it will be better, albeit more expensive than an iPhone.

    • Totally agree. Traveling with an interchangeable lens camera is a pain but you do it if you know that the photos will be better.

      If you have never used one before, it will be frustrating and not pay off.

      You're better off investing in a good battery pack for your iPhone so you can shoot all day.

    • If you have to ask the question, then stick with the iPhone.

      Yep, this is one of those questions. If you don't know why you believe you need a camera, then the camera in your phone, if its a good recent one, is good enough for you.

  • How do I transfer video into my PC with that same quality as I see on my phone?

    It should be the same, go poke around in the photo and camera settings on your phone to make sure though.

    Reality is that pictures look worse when enlarged and at lower resolution.

    When I transfer my photo into my computer, I see files that I cannot view (I assume it’s the ones I deleted on my phone previously ) hence I delete them on my computer

    They might be HEIC format images, which is how the iPhone saves images. What version of windows are you using? The most recent Photo app should be able to open them (also supports iCloud syncing).

  • +1

    Depends on how you transfer …

    Transfer via Photo App and everything gets "re-encoded" to crap :/

    Transfer via file transfer and everything remains intact …

    My guess is you are pretty clueless regarding media files, etc might be time to learn how to transfer original files (ie not using the typical iPhone mentality of "easy plug and play" - which converts files and loses detail). HINT: it's a pain for iPhone to PC, will probably need to go via iTunes!

    • +1

      HINT: it's a pain for iPhone to PC, will probably need to go via iTunes!

      I discovered this pain after getting an Ipad last year. If I knew this pain and how stupid the app sand boxing is, I won't touch an IOS product.
      Why can't they implement something this simple in these days ? like with MTP or Mass storage.

      • +1

        The Apple walled garden is real!

        It's crazy when Android is just plug in via USB, select "File Transfer" and see all the files to copy / paste at will like a normal file system!

        • I think even my old Sony Ericsson K850 (awesome camera with Xenon flash) had a better USB support, it even emulated as an Ethernet adapter.
          I hardly use IPAD now as I don't like the way how sandboxing and file transferring works, too much of a hassle .Later found a "parts or repair" Surface pro 4 for $70 from a recycler lol.

        • Apple have no respect for the computing community and Open Standards. It's all about their elitist "think differently" mentality.

      • +1

        Honestly, if you’re still plugging things in, you’re doing it wrong.

        • +1

          Yep, 4k60p video on the phone at 300Mbps generate 10GB+ files, much easier to transfer via plugging in …

          Unless you know of a magical "non plugging" technology that will reliable xfer 10GB+ files in under 2 mins!

          Oh, that's right, you must be on Apple where the files are transcoded to shit to xfer wirelessly :P

          • +1

            @7ekn00: Idk man. Your comment seems pretty ignorant. Downloading from the cloud with a fibre connection isn’t so bad …… maybe it’s Australia limited on the gigabit connection that’s the problem.

            • -1

              @smpantsonfire: Nah, yours is just ignorant of what a "quality" video means in 2023 ;)

              Your iCloud is transcoded video, which heavily butchers the actual video quality - kind of pointless buying an iPhone 14 Pro Max for $9000, then re-encoding your video down to 2015 bitrates for iCloud storage and retrieval!! Makes video from latest devices look like a $300 device video - but enjoy that awesome "not having to plug things in" mentality ;)

              Feel free to lecture me on "doing things wrong because I plugin to USB", when you clearly have no clue about actual preservation of video quality! Let me guess, you review all video on a phone screen, so can't actually tell the difference between video quality :P

              • @7ekn00:

                Your iCloud is transcoded video, which heavily butchers the actual video quality - kind of pointless buying an iPhone 14 Pro Max for $9000, then re-encoding your video down to 2015 bitrates for iCloud storage and retrieval!!

                Wrong. Simply incorrect. Blatantly false.

                Tell me you’ve never clicked the three dots in iCloud and chosen More Download Options -> Unmodified Original without telling me you’ve never clicked the three dots and chosen…..

                Not to mention the ~30 megabytes a second limitation on USB2 transfer from the iPhone.

                If smpantsonfire was commenting on a post about CF express, or ingesting RED footage they’d be off the mark. But no. You are.

                • @2025:

                  Not to mention the ~30 megabytes a second limitation on USB2 transfer from the iPhone.

                  Read a bit more thoroughly genius, I use an Android, that has no USB2 limitations - so happy to plug into USB3 @ 5Gbps

                  Haha, yet another Apple "feature" designed to wall you into using "iCloud" for simple file transfers, ROFL - let me guess, there is also a charge for using "too much" iCloud right?!?

                  But no. You are.

                  Only when dealing with crappy iPhone walled garden limitations that constantly change!

                  • @7ekn00: Wait so you're trying (and failing) to give advice on a product you refuse to use, and you're criticizing it too, with no real insight? I understand what you are now. Nevermind…

                    • @2025: Yep, had an iPhone6 once, the walled garden was so restrictive (via forcing iTunes, etc) I will never give Apple money again!

                      Forcing USB2 speed is just another "gotcha" by Apple to force iCloud use and then when people go over some small arbitrary limit, charge like a bull for additional space :/

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