You'll find this Liquid Image Video goggles in Aussie stores for very high prices, in some places $400+, and we've been blasting them out at $149 + P&H.
We recently dropped the shipping charge, so they are now $149, free shipping.
But WAIT, there's more! To celebrate the fact that I'm awesome and feedback from my last post was ludicrously hard but surprisingly fair, I'm adding a coupon code for $60 to put against our already pretty awesome price. Code: LIQUID Works with both 720p and 1080p model, works once per order. Create multiple orders if you want multiple goggles.
This takes the price to $89 delivered. Yikes.
Its available on our outdoor clearance sale which has some other good bargains, like the Coleman 6 person tent for $59.95 + shipping.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mod: Updated URL and removed expiry 7/8
Mine just came. Northern beaches of Sydney. Cant wait for the snow now!