• expired

Boost Mobile: $14.25 Cashback ($5.25 Profit) on 45GB 28-Day SIM @ Cashrewards


SIM is currently discounted to $9 so a nice profit here.

Multiple SIM purchases need to be made as separate transactions. Adding more than one SIM to an order will result in an untracked purchase.

SIM must be activated within 30 days of ordering.

Cashback is ineligible on prepaid phones, recharges, and any plans or products not specifically listed in the cashback table of rates.

You must return and click through Cashrewards for each new transaction.

Cure notes: Sale extended to 8am 11:59pm AEDT

Referral Links

Referral: random (3715)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

Related Stores

Boost Mobile
Boost Mobile

closed Comments

  • +3

    lol again

    • +5

      These deals are reason enough to own a dual sim phone.

      • +4

        Hi @BargainsGrabber. Can you please update your FAQ with reference to my comment linked below. Thank you!


        • Sir tightarse, can you please confirm how can we cancel the older sims after the cashback has been received? Call centre? Chat?

      • +2

        Already got two dual sim phone.

        • +3

          Time for the third one.

          • +1

            @Neoika: "Sorry, we are unable process your order. Please try again later"

            how to get around this ??

            • +1

              @USER DC: New email, IP address (use mobile internet), card to pay

              • +2

                @Neoika: Didn't work for me :(

                Tried everything
                new email, altered address, new card, new IP address, another laptop to place order from

                I guess I will have to stick to 2 for today. :(

        • Dual sim dual phone

      • +2

        This. I have Belong SIM in 1 and Boost in 2. Data set to Boost SIM

  • +5

    Begun the Boost Wars have

  • +12

    Thanks OP
    Can retire young from these Boost deals

  • +3

    Boost side hustle

  • Umm no purchase limit?

  • So i just buy the sim, activate, never use but profit? okay lol

    • Correct. Easy profit. Just need to click through from Cashrewards and then activate within 30 days of ordering.

      • +3

        Oz Bargin doubling Boosts Monthly Active users numbers before a sale im assuming

    • +1

      Technical yes but after a certain amount of activations you'll be blocked from activating more on your own so then you have to call them up. Also, unsure if it starts to look dodgy when you have 20 phone numbers against your name as it all traced against your ID.

      • i was told we can contact boost to deactivate the sim services

        • They lied to you! Hmm
          No they can't, the service will just stick around until expiry and automatically deregistered after a few years so the number can be released for other people's use.

          • @thousandsuns: hmm so porting to kogan is best way to deactivate them ?

            • @USER DC: I did not recharge a number for 6 months and exactly after 6 months the number disappeared from the boost app. I had a total of 3 numbers tied to one account, now I can only see two.

          • @thousandsuns: I can’t say I agree with you?

            Reason: I have cancelled many sims over the last couple of years. I have also called Telstra (or carrier in question down the line) to double check what Sims were registered to me. They confirm my actual ones without me prompting. I asked about the cancelled ones and they can’t comment as they are no longer on their systems anymore (or at least registered to me).

            If you do nothing, they get dropped after 6 months (depending on carrier) and number goes back to market. It's why one can get a call on a new number asking for the person who owned the number in the past. They get recycled over time.

            • +1

              @Borg: I stand corrected. The below is quoted from ACMA.
              "Usually telcos hold numbers in quarantine for a minimum of 6 months (12 months if the service was disconnected due to nuisance calls)."
              So once 90 days passes the service is disconnected but it may still stay on their system for about 6 months. Then it will be wiped from your name.

              So it is technically 9 months until it is no longer tied to your name and that will not change no matter where you go.

              • @thousandsuns: No problems and the info you noted there is good to know in general terms. thanks.

                • @Borg: No thank you for correcting me. Optus lied to me years back :'(

          • @thousandsuns: Not sure what boosts policy is but when I worked at Optus it was 6 months after your last credit expiry.
            This was to allow number recycling following 6 months of being reactive.

          • @thousandsuns: They can just deactivated one of my services quite instantly by talking to them.

  • Grab 300 and use the profit to get a new iphone!

    • Surely someone has tried by now? Maybe start small, get 100, $525 profit? ;)

    • Someone said limit to 5. Let us know how you could go

  • +1

    Seems my last ones from Feb is estimated to be confirmed in May (currently in pending). So 3 months wait to get your money back.

    • +5

      First world problems.

    • Plus interest. Waiting is always a part of investing.

    • It's generally 2. Rep said purchases from Jan will be confirmed by end of Mar.

      • +7

        Hi. If you check your account, you'll find all Boost Mobile purchases up to and including Jan 31, 2023 are approved (provided terms were followed, and you activated within 30 days of purchase). Have a great day :)

  • +2

    Great profit. Hopefully they will continue to rise in coming deals and we see the profits climb up to the Amaysim highs from a few years back.

  • +5

    looks like this is the highest it's ever been
    FYI it expires tonight

  • Would this work out as a good deal when recharging if i need a long term sim (12 months)

    • +2

      You have 30 days to activate the sim and it only lasts 28days before needing recharge. So no, it's not a 12 month sim

      • +1

        Keep churning with $2 sim from coles/woolies in between, and still profitable

        • But not by much. Most profitable is probably a Woolworths 365-day sim where you maximise your 10% off shops each month.

          Obviously that's a virtual profit in so far as the discount you are "making back" is paying for groceries, and it needs to be groceries you would normally be buying anyway.

        • how do you churn with $2 sim ??

          just wondering ?

          because dont they require a recharge extra on top of $2 ?

          • @USER DC: I think you can just activate without recharge

            • +1

              @OzBestDeal: which sim ? because i think we cannot just activate a service without some sort of plan on it.

              like it needs to be a sim starter kit ( which is not $2)

              • +1

                @USER DC: Remember the freeTelstra sim ($2 sim) which ppl used to port and back in. They did not needed recharge as they were activated as pay as you go plan. I might be wrong.

    • if you're happy to keep on getting a new number and switching sims

  • +4

    I've tried to purchase on my phone and desktop but keep getting the "sorry, we are unable to processs your order" crap.

    • I know this is OzBargain, but perhaps try again — this time try ordering something that is not crap

      • +2

        I've tried different computers, mobile and in different houses at different addresses. I used different people in family to order and still no luck..it's a bit ridiculous

        • Their in-house AI leaves ChatGPT for dead!

        • You must be using the same card?

    • +2

      Same issue here… I've tried everything, they don't like me…

      • +1

        IP address. Use the Internet via Mobile.

        There are successful reports after change it.

        • Tried that also, Launtel NBN and via a Boost SIM card.. No luck…

          • @FLICKIT: Off and on for a new IP address. It may be set on a fixed one for too long.

            • @Neoika: I've tried numerous times through a 4g modem that was only switched on to try it again, via a Surface Go, and then again tried via an Android phone,

      • Happened again to me trying to buy a third, slight change in the address line (abbreviated the street type instead of the full word) as suggested in the comments of the previous deal did the trick and it went through.

        • +1

          Still didn't work… Have tried everything new device, number, address, mobile, browser

    • In some of these free money promotions I bought one or maximum of 2 sims. I am not getting these issues. Every time I use same email, address and payment card. But may be because I never bought more than two they did not flag me.

    • I thought this occurred when someone has activated too many (concurrent) services with boost

  • Do the sims need to be activated in the same name as purchaser to get cashback? I want to give one to someone else when they arrive.

    • +2

      No, I've done this many times myself.

  • @tightarse, can you please get deal for Boost $200 long expiry pack?

    • +1

      Thanks to inflation, Boost Mobile’s $200 SIM is better value than ever before!

  • +2

    Thanks OP! Just in time for when my parents come visit from overseas.


    • +5

      Tell them that you’re continuing to make money from them

  • -3

    To be able to do this multiple times, do you need to order 1 sim at a time then go through Cashrewards again, repeat etc? Or can you have the deal applied to a larger quantity in one transaction? (e.g. you order 3 in one order, Cashrewards tracks 3).

    • +3

      If you order 99, you might get some free rubber bands

    • +1

      The answer to your question is in the very first line of the terms in the OP:

      Multiple SIM purchases need to be made as separate transactions. Adding more than one SIM to an order will result in an untracked purchase.

      and take note of the 4th term as well:

      You must return and click through Cashrewards for each new transaction.

      • +1

        @tightarse is there a limit on how much a person can order in total?

        I've got some downtime and $5 for 2 min work seems like a good rate

      • Hey TA, do you also know if the sim needs to remain with boost for 30 days ?, I dont see such condition on their website either.
        So can we like activate boost service, and then port out the next day to another provider, to come back to boost on the next day and so on?

    • Literally first line of the T&C bruh

    • +1

      Adding more than one SIM to an order will result in an untracked purchase.
      You have click through Cashrewards again but I don't think you can order more than 3 per day.
      After 2 or 3 orders per day, you will get "sorry, we are unable to process your order" and if we have another Boost sim deal couple days later on, you may still get that issue when check out.

      • I have never ordered more than two per promotion. Never had issues.

  • +5

    Now it's time to use all the wealth that you've accumulated from CR / Boost cashbacks to buy this. I kid you not.

    • +2

      What in oblivion is that

      • a multi-sim switch lol

    • +6

      Now the question is.. Can you put 6 of those readers into one? ie. 36 sim cards in total

      Internet bonding to get a gigabit connection.

      • +1

        Why stop at 36? put another 6 in each of those 6..and 6 in those 6 and…

    • +3

      This is the way

      • +1

        Are you Din Djarin :)

    • That is awesome. Must be how those spammers are doing it.

      • They're using online services not even sims

  • Could someone please tell how long this sim can receive text and calls after the 28 expiry? Thank you ☺️

    • -3

      The sim expires in 28 days, both incoming and outgoing expires and you are not able to receive any calls or messages

      • +2

        Outright nonsense. After credit expiry and without recharge, the sim (thus the number/service) remains active for 6 months and you’ll continue to be able to receive calls/SMS. This applies to both Telstra and Boost. Kogan Mobile on the other hand is the worst when it comes to situations like this, and the service would only remain active for a few more days after credit expiry.

        • 20 days after expiry for Kogan.

      • Really curious how you came up with something so incorrect. I don't think any telco prevents you from being able to receive anything incoming immediately upon plan expiry

    • +1

      assuming it hasn't changed since mid-2022, I went for around 40-50 days without recharging and could still receive texts and calls. Had to eventually recharge to call sick for work lol

      • +1

        Someone in another thread said 6 months.

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