• long running

Free New Identification Documents for Data Breach Affected Customers @ Latitude Financial


Another week another data breach.

Latitude is working with relevant agencies to replace identification documents, where necessary, at no cost to our customers.

When will I know if my information/data was accessed or stolen? We are contacting impacted individuals to alert them to what’s been stolen, how we are supporting them and what they need to do. We will help them replace identification documents, where necessary, at no cost.

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Latitude Financial
Latitude Financial


    • +6

      agreed, no other way.
      Your electronic id (eg drivers licence) can issue a signed token valid at a particular time, which the third party (eg. Latitude) can store in their DB. The private key for the ID is in your phone/device, the government has a registry that holds your public key, and the third party can authenticate you against that.
      In case you lose your phone, the government tattoos your private key as a qr code on your taint. Safe sex literature is updated to suggest taint covers to prevent identity theft….wow I'm just creating more problems aren't I?

      • +3

        That seems smart, although it's putting very high expectations from government who gave us the NBN

      • Why would you give government that power?

        • -6

          They already have the power. They forced over 95% of the population to get the covid vaccine with no long term evidence of its efficiency.

        • +1

          Why would you give government that power?

          You mean the same Government who is already providing the driving licences and passports and Medicare cards ?

          They already have all the power of ID.

      • +1

        How about ID verification via a blockchain

      • In case you lose your phone, the government tattoos your private key as a qr code on your taint.

        Damn, that escalated quickly.gif

  • +1

    has anyone been to QLD transport office recently? I drive by it to work each day and literally a line out the door every day. Will they compensate us for the time we have to waste to get the replacement ID? HELL NO.

  • So when will this be in effect?

  • +1

    Our 28 Degree cards were troublesome from the start 10 years ago and replaced twice again in the last year due to fraudulent $1.08 foreign transactions they simply let through. The data breach was the last straw and jumping ship to Bendigo Bank which has a similar card. Apparently they have been inundated with new card applications…. and I didn't use drivers licence or passport for ID this time. They were happy with just Medicare card.


    • Can I ask what made you choose Bendigo? That looks like a really good card.. I had thought this was a two horse race between 28 Degrees and Bankwest Zero.

      I've had similar troubles with 28 Degrees, mainly in the last 3 months (coincidence?). Fraudulent, high value foreign currency transactions without so much as receiving an SMS verification. No obvious source of card details being compromised.

      • Yeah I think this Bendigo credit card is better than both. Though curious to know others opinion.

      • I had thought this was a two horse race between 28 Degrees and Bankwest Zero.

        There are plenty of cards with no international transaction fees, the Coles Mastercard is another.

  • has anyone heard from them to say that you specifically were affected? I got the general email and they don't seem in a hurry to tell people they have been specifically affected. Can anyone confirm that they got a specific communicaton from them stating their data had been stolen and what specific data has been stolen? I am aware it is mainly drivers licences.

  • What was the email subject?

    • Customer update: cyber incident

  • +1


    Apart from the 7.9 million driver licence numbers stolen, the fintech firm also identified about 53,000 passport numbers were stolen and less than 100 customers had a monthly financial statement stolen.

    It was 100k before…

    • What they are going to replace even 1 mil of them .
      Pigs will fly too .

  • +2

    Next time I get pulled over I'd just ask copper to google my details.

  • +1

    Govt regulation for letting these 1^iots keeping the data also is also to blame .

  • +6

    We will help them replace identification documents, where necessary,
    Seriously this company makes me sick .
    Neg to alert everyone this !%anker company has 7.9 million driver licence numbers stolen /

  • -3

    Is it possible that all these recent data breaches are orchestrated to push and justify the introduction of the digital ID that the governments all over the world are pushing so hard for?

    • +2


      • -1

        It sure looks like it. What makes you so sure?

        • +1

          Because I'm not a conspiracy theorist.

          • -2

            @YesPleaseThankYou: That makes absolute sense!
            We will soon run out of conspiracy theories if they keep coming true as they have been in the last couple of years!

          • @YesPleaseThankYou: lol!

            digital id and cbdc are essential for the great reset to be implemented…..can you deny the great reset exists or is it a 'conspiracy theory'?

        • +2

          Do you really think Latitude would willingly sign up to this reputational damage to help the Gov pass anything.

          • -1

            @seanw18: Certainly not. Neither would Medibank or Optus.
            There could be someone much higher manipulating and causing what is happening to support their wanted changes.
            When before have we had these many big hacking occurrences one after the other?
            These will convince people that we need an universal digital ID to protect them. So people will think that it is in their best interest and just agree without questioning how else itwill be used for.

            • @Mad Max: its so transparent its actually funny…..when have ever had so many successive data breaches???

              dont forget we have predictions by the 'experts' of an impending 'cyber-pandemic' in the near future with 'covid like attributes' !?!

              ….run for the hills!!!!!!

    • -1

      What digital ID are you referring to ?

      The government already has and provides our digital ID - who do you think is granting us Passports / Driving Licences / Medicare / TFN ?

    • DING!! DING!!! DING!!!!!

  • I received no email from them. account seem to be frozen while I have been waiting for some refunds. I signed up more than 8 years ago and ID had been renewed, should I be worried?

    • I haven't received an email either since the generic Mar 17 one, and not seen it published anywhere that any customer has.

  • +1

    I just got my email confirming my driver's licence information was stolen.

    As a Victorian reading what you do next it says essentially nothing, that VicRoads will contact me to issue a new licence as my information has been shared with them.

    • I also got the email.
      There are links in the email to check the next steps. Also found this on next steps to be taken:

      Never click on links in unsolicited or unexpected emails, no matter how legitimate they appear.
      You may see an increase in email phishing attempts, particularly from scammers claiming to be from Latitude. These emails may include malicious attachments, links to fake websites or may download malware onto your device.

      I swear that email does look legitimate. Well, may be wait to get a mail or phone call. But those are compromised as well !

      • +2

        Someone suggested signing up to credit savvy to monitor my credit.

        To sign-up you have to give them your driver's licence.

        So how long until they get hacked and leak my driver's licence?

  • +1

    The good thing is latitude have the details of my drivers license from 3 years ago. I was also scammed by Optus so have a new license now and so won’t have to change it again with this latitude leak. I wonder how long before another company leaks data. I am very hesitant to hand out drivers license or passport details now.

  • Received an email late yesterday evening from Latitude (bit cowardly?).

    Paraphrasing, it read..
    Your [identity document] details were compromised but not a photo of the document. We're working with authorities to make it free of charge for you to replace the document. If you choose to do so before arrangements are finalised, save your receipt and we'll reimburse you.

    Knowing how difficult it is to get Latitude to settle a case of fraud, I'll wait until there's no upfront charge. Froze my credit file already.

    • +1

      The good thing from this email is they finally send proper comms and interim CEO stepped up while current CEO stepping down in April.

  • Anyone know if those in NSW will get a free license replacement?

    This page is saying you don't need to get the license replaced as only the license number, and not the card number, was compromised.

    • Only if you photo is leaked as well.

      • That page does say that…
        However my email in the first section says "Be assured, if you choose to replace your licence, we will reimburse you." even though later on it says that " images of your identification document(s) have not been compromised."

        So I would say its ambiguous. I'm currently number 133 in the phone queue to ask for clarification.

        • +5

          The CSR confirmed that they would NOT reimburse my license replacement.
          I would not have realised this if I had relied solely on the email I received.

  • i got the beach email. I'm guessing lots of ozbargainer affected due to cards with 28 degrees.

    a. do we need to go and get new drivers licence?

    b. how does it work, one you get new drivers licence, do you need to call everyone (your current banks, etc) about new number or they automatically get latest data from government.

    • +1

      License number won't change, but the code at the back will - hence why they reimburse only if the picture of the back was leaked.
      Enrolled for tangerine mobile today and they asked for that code - first time it happens and I really struggled to decrypt that number (got it on first try yay) so even if the picture was leaked, good luck to get a clear sight of that code - i didn't bother asking for a new one.

  • +1

    Anyone used 28 degrees since 2005 are affected bloody hell. I got the email as well

    Think I won't give personal details where possible

  • I don't even an account with them and they still lost my details.

    What they said: "Be assured, if you choose to replace your licence, we will reimburse you."

    Reality: Nuh.


    • Be assured, if you choose to replace your licence, we will reimburse you

      To facilitate this we will arrange for you new licence and send it to you so we can also keep your new licence details on file for safe keeping. 🤣

  • Did anyone else have issues with the online service centre after they got hacked? After it happened, I was unable to see any of my (genuine) transactions online for weeks which was really annoying as I was actually using my 28 deg card overseas. Just logged on to find it all there + a bunch of unauthorised transactions at Coles online… coincidence or consequence?!

    • Yes it was a mess for a couple of weeks, still not resolved completely. You'd have to refer to your statement(s) for the exact details of your transactions (up to a month delay - yep that sucks)

      Also I noticed that my pin is systematically requested now for in-store payment - wondering if the card numbers got hacked too, this is very odd.

  • did anyone actually get their ID replaced and paid by latitude successfully? they sent me an email saying dormant fees and monthly fees are coming in July for the GO MC . did anyone else get it? i think its time to cancel them all unless they have a product that i can do a product transfer into that doesn't have monthly fees for someone that doesn't use their card unless travelling OS? ref https://latitudefs.zendesk.com/hc/en-au/articles/24989484965…

    • is it confirmed by latitude in a newsletter or statement that they would pay for the ID replacement?

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