Samsung Secret Sale.
Apply the code at checkout to get the discounted price.
Some of the items maybe cheaper at Samsung EPP/EDU store if you have access. (e.g. S22 $811 at EDU store)
Samsung Secret Sale.
Apply the code at checkout to get the discounted price.
Some of the items maybe cheaper at Samsung EPP/EDU store if you have access. (e.g. S22 $811 at EDU store)
Samsung Secret Sale
Why did you post it then ???
probably also relevant for Samsung to take notice….
Congrats, 100,000 posts and still nothing of value
100,000 posts
nothing of value
I'm not selling anyway…
So you're even more useless?
Not a secret now
Not so secret anymore lol
many people hesitate to pull the trigger on S23 ultra 256gb for $1100 ($1950-800-50) ( and waiting to get further 10% off via loyalty; so the S22 here for $900 seems to be overpriced to put it mildly :)
Some people in there are claiming the 10% is working now
thanks mate for alerting me.. just ordered one (y)
So we could get S23 Ultra 256GB for $1100 - 10% = $990 ?
yes if you got the code
8Gb memory on the 256gb Ultra is pretty average
S22 is $759 after 10% loyalty code and $50 newsletter code, unfortunately the 15% loyalty code didn't stack.
And links/instructions for how to get the 10% loyalty voucher?
Any links/instructions rather? (didn't mean to sound pushy)
think its only off 1 item
which one?
as in, you can only use the code off 1 item.. although, i guess you can do multiple separate orders
Multiple items are all discounted for me. Try add to cart using the main deal page.
No much there :)
good deal
are buds2 any good ?
theyre good, not the highest end but for the price theyre a good buy
I need a DECENT S23 Ultra OZB deal please :)
need a decent buds2 pro deal :'(
still waiting…………..
I really like Buds2, very good sound and ANC for the price. I had big expectations for Buds2 Pro, but they disappointed me and I ended up returning them. still using Buds2
it's dumb that they did that, but Buds 2 Pro don't go that deep into the ear canal as Buds2 do, as a result I can't get a good fit with Buds2 Pro, and sound / ANC ends up being worse than on Buds2 because of lousy fit.
Buds2 sit very firmly in the ear, have solid fit, and I like their case more anyway, compared to Buds2 Pro.
Thank you @shabaka
my partner got buds pro and as you said they are same don't go all the way into ears
slippery and dropped once too.
Buds2 —- can you please advice if Bud2 good for voice calls especially driving and meetings ?
You realise there are a stack of reviews out there for these things, don't you?
you mean paid reviews? Naah I like better here
sorry can't comment on that as I never used them for meetings
for phone calls they are good
Thoughs on the Q600B?
Not heaps knowledgeable about soundbars looking for something to pair with LG G2 65 inch. Any reason to not go Samsung?
HW-S60B is a good value for money at $329
I have an lg telly C9 with the Q800. Works fine …!
I'll be damned if I can see a phone for $1000 or less, the ones at $1198 don't seem to accept the code
Just warning that samsung is absolutely crap with their shipping.
Still waiting for a soundbar ordered 15th of January 23. No refund or anything yet. Still awaiting.
S22 is only the White colour…
Also got 2.8% off for going through Cashrewards.
That's my coffees paid for this week - it all adds up!
Try using these for additional cashback Get a $50 The Good Guys gift card when you spend $750+ Redeem a $50 off Samsung coupon code if spend over $350
Some secrets are better kept secret, this seems one of them
Stacking all the available discounts and loyalty codes with cashrewards makes the s22 come out to a decent price!
So the code finally works. Tried yesterday when they sent out the email and code wasn't valid.