Decent deal for someone waiting to buy this. I don’t know how good or bad this is and there are reviews to support both opinions.
Horizon bundle:…
Decent deal for someone waiting to buy this. I don’t know how good or bad this is and there are reviews to support both opinions.
Horizon bundle:…
yeah love the eyetracking on it and the sharpness of the display.
controller tracking isn't as good as the quest 2 though whcih is disappointing. but it does a good enough job for most games. Maybe sony will get batter in time with the tracking of the controller.
Also no beat saber!! yet!!
Quest 2 tracking had many issues early on. Firmware fixes made it a lot better. Hopefully Sony can do the same. As long as it's inside out tracking there will always be problems, but tweaks can reduce those issues.
they might do something like the Meta did with the quest do and upgraded the controlers with quest pro controllers that have there own cameras on the actual controllers it might be a later upgrade.
@kungfuman: It's not a move I'd personally expect from a console trying to reach the mainstream. Controllers with cameras have to have their own SOC in them to process the data which makes them ludicrously expensive. They're currently $480 AUD for just the controllers. You can get an entire Quest 2 kit for that.
There's a similar product to beat saber and it's on sale right now, I haven't tried it yet.
Fuark. Hope I'll be happy sleeping with this headset on the street for awhile while begging for forgiveness…
I think I'll have to accept the couch to get this too
Stay on couch, in front of TV, with this on? Where's the downside
Lol logged in to upvote this
Will buy when sub $250
Good luck, you've still got quite a few years to wait at that price.
Yeah cool. I remember everyone saying something similar last year about 2TB hard drives for the ps5 never going below $300, “in my dreams”. And here we are hey.
Apples and Oranges, you can't just randomly choose something else that had a big price drop and pretend it's related. You clearly got no idea about the market. I think the PSVR2 is way too expensive, I own one and it's not worth $879, but I'm also not an idiot.
@BusMan247: So how long do you think it will be until it is $250 or less? Hell, lets say $300 or less?
Same. I got the v1 for that price a few years back. It’s fun but felt more like a gimmick for me
To be fair. It kinda was a few years ago. Mostly tech demos and carnival rides.
This is the evolution of that. GT7 is the real deal. RE8 is the real deal. Half Life Alyx is the real deal ;)
I think the 2 is supposed to be a significant step up from the 1, no?
Yeah, especially if you have some room to move about and turn your body.
FU pre orders. 😢
Not sure who is saying negative things about it, no idea what they were expecting.
Gonna wait for bigger price drop myself, would love to try GT7 with it one day.
Wait for the next 20% off sale. Should be soon.
I definitely am.
For the price it's ridiculously expensive given the lack of games on top. You have to be an ultra enthusiast to think it's worthwhile.
It's definitely cool and high-tech, but you can't say it's anything more than a gimmick as it stands.
I don't think it is actually particularly expensive, compared to what else is on the market and what they offer, but I agree that with the limited games at the moment it is a bit of a gimmick. I'm tempted, but going to wait, as the only thing I'd play is GT7, and I got bored of the non VR version of that pretty quick.
I have to disagree with you sir. There are a fair few great games on launch.
I'd argue if you are a GT7 fan it's worth it for that alone. Not to mention RE7, Demeo, COTM and a host of other epic smaller titles.
I was close to pulling the trigger but with just 4 games i'm interested in (gt7, nms, horizon, kyak) decided to wait until more games or price drop…
If it was pc compatible I'd get in a heartbeat as I really want to play fs2020 on pc with it >_< Hopefully someone cracks it for pc soon
Its not a software issue, its a hardware issue, unless Sony secretly made this PC compatible, no one is cracking anything.
It’s a software issue, the thing literally gets recognised and works on pc as a second monitor
if it was a proprietary connector then that’s a hardware issue and will never work but it uses usb c
also you wouldn’t even need the eye tracking part to work as other great pc headsets like g2 has no eye tracking
Kinda, but this is what the creator of the windows driver for the original PSVR wrote: "“There is no guarantee you could ever use it on a PC, and quite a good chance that you won’t be able to. The original PSVR is (electronically) equivalent to a monitor and so it it is relatively simple to get a video signal up on it. Reading sensors etc. took a lot of reverse engineering, and at least a year from release before anyone figured that out,”
“It then took a couple more years before it was usable as a PC VR headset. Tracking and controllers (using the original hardware) is still very much a work in progress, over 5 years from release. That is without Sony making any effort to prevent non PS4 users from using it.”
Sony has reportedly not encrypted the video signal fed into the PSVR 2, which would have been a significant hurdle. However, there are plenty of other challenges that make compatibility with PC in the short or medium term unlikely — the environment-sensing cameras, the motion sensors, and how they all have to act as a cohesive whole being just one"
@Scrobo: Since it came out he’s said that some things are less of a problem than he’d expected. Unfortunately one thing that’s worse than expected is it apparently needs a USB port with the equivalent of VirtualLink support to function fully, and those are more difficult/expensive to come by than you might expect, even with something like a PCI card.
You could use PSVR 1 on PC after someone cracked it. There's probably a way to do it, but maybe they won't ever crack it.
The way it's designed, it will never be cracked to run flawlessly if there was a shred of possibility, it would probably be a bit of a janky experience and it will take a long time to develop to do it. By then you would be able to buy cheap PC VR headsets anyway, as the tech evolves in several years, we will see the higher end headsets now go for a lot cheaper, probably not worth it. The PSVR2 tech in 3+ years time will be old news!
If you have a wheel setup then the psvr2 is worth it just for GT7 alone. NMS is a blurry mess atm, kayak is the most overrated game I've ever played and Horizon is just passable.
Kayak is like Flight Simulator. Sounds interesting on paper but in (virtual) reality it's a snooze.
Vr in a helicopter in fs2020 i doubt would be a snooze lol!
just exploring cities would seem amazing
Cheapest it's been….can't resist, thanks OP.
Imma wait for EB to have it on sale, I need more carrots to get to level 4.
Do you get carrots for ebay purchases?
Doubt it. Money is always better than carrots, but if EB ever have something for the same price as the cheapest other place then I always want more carrots. I've been slack with my carrot collecting and I really want to be able to return games within 10 days instead of 7.
Yes carrots apply, but you need to contact eb games directly with the ebay (eb games seller) purchase/sale information.
I've done this a few times
I would highly recommend trying one out if you can, or buying from a retailer with a good returns policy if you are unsure; even if you have used VR previously.
Somehow I experienced way more motion sickness on the PSVR2 compared to my previous Quest 2. I expected it on GT7 and was willing to try and get used to it cause it is a very cool experience outside of that; I wasn't expecting it on Star Wars Tales from the Galaxy's Edge given I played the Star Wars Vader series on the Quest without issues.
Personally ended up noticing a jelly wobble/rolling shutter effect when moving my head side-to-side; where things that should be vertical would shift diagonally when doing so. Really messed with me personally.
Now, this is my own experience and I may have had a defective unit; but I was glad I was able to return mine for a refund.
not sure if you are the same person but someone on my local marketplace is having the same issue and is selling it because of it :( so seems like it could be hit and miss with this one
less inclined to think its the units, theres just a percentage of the population who cant handle sitting down in a screen helmet without feeling sick… just like sea sickness… seen several second hand sales already of people buying & selling instantly cause they got the sickness.
Except I could use the Quest 2 and play a whole bunch of games like Star wars, Beat Saber, Superhot etc without any sickness issues.
Hence why I posted this, cause there might be others who have used other headsets like the Quest without any issues who end up finding the PSVR2 triggers that sickness reaction.
@GeekitTillitMHz: I'm not familiar with Vader Immortal, but Beat Saber and SuperHot shouldn't really cause any kind of motion sickness is anyone, since you're stationary. It generally tends to strike when your character is moving in game but while your eyes see that, your inner ear isn't registering any movement and the disconnect between these make you think you've probably eaten something bad. This is one reason why some people can't do free movement games without feeling a little ill at first, but are fine with cockpit games like flying sims or racing games.
Nope not me, I was able to return mine to Big W where I bought it due to their returns policy.
The PSVR2 has the highest persistence out of any other headset out there…. If you turn down the brightness it does help.
That is what is causing motion sickness for a lot of users.
I’m not sure if this is something they can be fixed through software or not
This… Plus apparently turning down the brightness also improves the blurriness some say.
The PSVR2 has the highest persistence out of any other headset out there….
What do you mean by "persistence"? Do you mean the image stays longer before the next time it refreshes? (due to lens design or something? if so it kind of makes sense that the reducing brightness improves things)
Or do you mean there is some kind of minor lag/latency between when you move and the display follows?
Personally ended up noticing a jelly wobble/rolling shutter effect when moving my head side-to-side;
That sounds weird. Seems like a refresh rate problem to me, did you go into the PS5 settings and look for a VR refresh rate setting? Maybe there is a "performence" vs "max quality" setting which you can toggle.
Either that or it's just due to the type of display they used in the headset? Maybe there are displays that refresh left to right then top to bottom which would cause the rolling shutter effect like it does with a camera sensor. While other headsets which don't suffer from rolling shutter refresh top to bottom then left to right or something I don't know enough about the display requirements for VR headsets to know this is a problem.
There is a $100 off ebay plus member offer as well for those that does not want to use afterpay
I'm only seeing a $50 off eBay plus voucher, not $100
When you go to checkout it would get shown on top (atleast it does for me). Else check this page out ->
Oh it has to be over $1000 in a single transaction to get the $100 voucher. It's $50 if it's under a grand.
Got the COTM bundle.
Good time to share the device with friends
is it just me or does this not seem to be selling all that quick?
seemingly quite the decent deal… inflation ruining funtimes? ppl dont care for psvr2 and its 3 games? or do people just hate or not have afterpay?
Personally, I don't want to spend that amount of money just to play a few games. Games are quite expensive too. Horizon Call of the Mountain costs $110, and it is only 9 hours game.
probably waiting for Sony to ship out the 250+ orders of ps5 first
For me it is not wanting to get on after pay.
Very happy with ours, suprised how good it is