Passport Photo - Free? (Epassportphoto)

Hi guys, looking to apply for a passport and wanting to use cheap ways to get a passport photo.

Used to use (take picture well, they do all the digital sizing etc. for you into a 4x6, and then you print out) but it seems they've either removed the free option or hid it so well that I can't find it. This is even though their website still claims to provide a free file.

Their emails bounce now, and all searches suggest they still do free prints so either it's a very recent change or I just can't find the option. Can't find any reference that the free option has been removed.

Can someone tell me:
1. how to get the free file from, if it still exists? (I can only see two paid options, with no free option)
2. what other sites you guys use to get passport photos done cheaply.

The photos have already been taken (and well), just need to do the digital sizing etc. now to suit specific requirements.


  • +1

    If I recall correctly, you can do it on the kiosks at Officeworks - you just bring the photo on a USB stick and you can get it printed out as passport photos. Don't remember the cost, but it was something insignificant (no more than printing a regular 4 x 6).

    • -2

      Actually, the last time I went to do that at Officeworks (admittedly probably 10 years ago since thats when I would have needed to do it last) the passport photo options is expensive. i.e. $10+.

      That's why you do it yourself and just print it out as a regular photo, which is/was 10c.

    • Did one recently where the staff took it an office works it was $16. It was for a very wriggly child so it was well worth it and they had a few goes to get one that met the criteria. Not sure if it’s worth it for an adult but I do think they do a better job and it’s more likely to meet the criteria.

  • +1

    This website does the same as you described.

    • Thanks. It came up in my search as well, and I did try it out.

      Unfortunately, for what I tried anyway, I found the file it generates doesn't conform to the required standards. (I checked the measurements and it is out by a fair bit.)

      So it might work for some applications, but for the official requirements required (even though it is in the dropdown list and selected), I can confirm its output won't pass. The size didn't fit within the tolerated range. So take it with a grain of salt.

      Didn't have such problems with epassportphoto before.

      • Well I have used this website to generate photod to apply for AU passports of mine and my daughter and had no issues. Also used it to apply for visas to an Asian country and worked fine.

        • Yep, probably fine for some applications. But I checked the output against the rules required for my one and it was out by a fair way.

          I could probably get around it by ignoring the markers for top of head and chin (since it's making the head too small relative to what's required when using the indicators the way it's intended) so that the output would match. But I'd rather not have to "hack" the solution. But definitely could work around it that way if need be.

    • used them for EU/CN visas - no issues. Unfortunately the output format for AUS passport was rejected at 4 AusPost outlets due to non-conforming sizings. I had to give up and pay $20 to get my photo taken at the post shop as my time is worth more

  • +21

    I’m all for free/cheap… But i feel like the older i get the less effort im willing to put in.

    For the amount of effort required to make a post on OzBargain, wait for replies, wade thorough useless opinions (exactly like this one) search out and try several websites, then hope to be successful finding a free one that works, then… print my own photo.

    Id rather take a short drive to aus post and pay the dirty dogs $20 and be done with it.

    In saying that though… I sincerely hope you find a free method!
    Good luck.

    • +2

      Not to mention the time spent searching for a free or cheap option on the web in the lead up to post

    • +1

      Yeah better off getting the auspost photo in case they are feeling snarly and reject the third party photo.

    • For sure, there's pros and cons with everything, and you might find $20 (or so) is worth it. Just the flip side, though of course YMMV:

      1. It often takes a fair amount of time to go to the store, wait in line, and get the photo taken (then printed.) In my case, it would be faster to just take the photo myself (which is already done) and I'm sure mine is compliant. (Done many times before.)

      2. You can take as many shots as you want in a no pressure environment and pick whichever compliant photo you like best (if you care.) You're not at the mercy of whoever you get, who may/may not be a good photographer and in a good/bad mood.

      3. You can avoid queues / crowds.

      4. You can print at home (if you have the right printer) or do it at a store along with any other photos/purchase at the same time.

      Anyway, effort is relative (it's not hard for me) and the benefits are not just financial. I'd say if epassportphoto worked as it did in the past, it would take me less effort overall to do it myself. YMMV.

      Just the method of making the file from the photo might take slightly more effort than I had planned based on past experience, but certainly still doable.

      • the amount of time wasted on this thead and reply, may aswell just brush your hair, hop in the car and drive to Officeworks and get it done for TWENTY DIGGERY DOOS. LOL

        • If it isn't obvious, these replies aren't trying to get the passport photo done (free or otherwise) but contributing to the ozbargain discussion. So counting it isn't really fair. Of course I could just not reply and do the resizing (which I do know how to do) - whether I do that or not, my replies shouldn't count.

          Also, OzB has certainly changed…

          • @dealz4all: what most of us are trying to say (and help) is time wasted on taking photos, editing, to the requirements of obtaining an Australian passport, is not worth it. you may succeed, or fail, and end up spending $20 anyway. How you spend your time is up to you, but for the majority, this method of saving is not worth it.

            • @yellowfever: Already dealt with in my reply. As I said, YMMV.

              • @dealz4all: i can see you're trying justify your own mission of not paying for passport photos. go right on!!! the OZB community are right behind you!! woot woot!!

                • +1

                  @yellowfever: OK, seriously, this is the final reply on this point because this is getting ridiculous. I'm not trying to justify it - it is better for me, all things considered. It's not better for you (or majority even) - that's fine. We care about different things (not limited to $), live in different locations, have different staff manning outlets etc.

                  Already acknowledged there's pros and cons, and YMMV. No idea why you seem to insist your valuation is more correct for me…I'm not saying you should DIY in your case…

                  YMMV, pros and cons with both options (as always). Thanks.

                  • @dealz4all:

                    Also, OzB has certainly changed…

                    Funny when someone disagrees with your opinions, it's them that's changed and not you.

                    • @dtxau: It's got nothing to do with disagreeing with me. I'm commenting that OzB has changed - it used to be that vocal Ozb'ers would be those that go out of their way to save a few cents, whether that is right or not and worth it or not. (I'm not saying that's worth it at all, just that OzB used to be that way.)

                      Whereas the vocal OzB, at least in this thread, is the "just go and pay $20 for it".

                      Nothing to do with disagreement, I'm commenting that, imho, OzB demographics has changed significantly since its launch.

                      • +1

                        @dealz4all: I agree with you.
                        Everyone can make their own decisions how to use their time and energy.

                        But i think the thing people are kicking back over is the effort involved compared to the reward.

                        IMO, It’s not the demographic of the users, it’s because your (in many peoples opinion) investing a lot more time and effort then most others would to save $20 or not spend money on something that comes up once every 10 years.

                        If this was a deal post about a website offering free passport sizing, the discussion would certainly go in your favour and people would be loving it (classic ozbargain)

                        Personally, I can’t imagine trying to jump through any hoops and waste any time taking my own photos that risk getting rejected out of principle or to save money when i could literally jump in the car and go to a post office and be home in the space of 20/30 mins.

                        Anywho, the point of my ramblings i guess is… people on the internet are never all happy and you do what you feel is best for your circumstance.
                        Because people suck 😂

                        • +1

                          @El cheepo: Hey El cheepo, no worries - and of course you (and everyone else for that matter) are entitled to your opinion and whether or not it's worth it for you to take your own photos. No arguments there. :)

                          I did feel yellowfever, for example, doesn't seem to get that and doesn't respect others' position.

                          Anyhow, it's all done for me, and in my situation anyway, I consider it well worth it. YMMV. I have the skills and the equipment and I value the non-financial benefits that come with it. Honestly the $ isn't a major factor (though it is a factor!) All up it took about 5 mins maybe. It's just that it used to take even less time than that with epassportphoto.

                          I just posted this thread to see if anyone knew what was up with (which I used to use) but got a lot more flak than I bargained for. Replying to this thread was far more effort than the entire effort of the passport photo combined with all the offtopic talk, haha.

                          Each to their own.

                  • @dealz4all: just pay the 20 bucks bro. hehe

            • +1

              @yellowfever: That was why OP asked for the free passport photo website, as used to have free option to automatically crop and enhance the passport photo in 3 minutes. No matter where you take the passport photo if only one person need to do that, but please consider some families, two adults and two kids, especially post-COVID, all family members' passport may need to be renewed. There comes $20 x 4 = $80. I totally understood OP's thought.

  • +6

    It's harder than you think to fulfil all the passport photo rules, like not having shadows cast on face and all that. A lot of effort to save six bucks imo.

    • THIS!

      Do your passport photo at australia post because they will get it right. Get your passport photo wrong (and there are a LOT of providers who do) Australia post will tell you to go back and get it fixed.

    • Why only a $6 saving?

    • It actually isn't that hard. But sure, if you don't know what you're doing, or what the requirements are and just randomly pick a photo, then certainly it has many ways to fail.

      • -1

        it's because it seems you're clueless about sizing it, just be honest with yourself to admit that your photo editing skill sucks that you can't even produce a clearly specs photo and too much of a tight arse to pay officeworks $10 to do the job.

        • Actually, my skills are fine, and I've used them to do what I wanted. I just wanted to see if the automated tool that I used to use still existed, so I don't need to waste 5 mins (or less) doing it when it can do it for me in a few seconds.

          Please don't make unwarranted assumptions.

    • Thread coming soon: Travel insurance wont pay because my passport was not issued in time for my holiday due to photo quality.

      • Er, I'm in no rush at all to get my passport. I can take my sweet time with it. Maybe that thread for someone else, but not me.

        As I said, YMMV. But yeah, if you're in a rush to get it done then of course you shouldn't be trying to save $20 but just get it done, quality and cost is not the main consideration then.

      • -1

        Hack: Save a further $20 off your $2000 phone by taking your own passport photos. 😁

        • Someone is a fan of making unfounded assumptions.

    • +1

      I've done it plenty of times (both for myself and others) without problem. Even once took the picture of myself myself with a camera on a tripod.

      The rules are clearly stated on the passport office's website.

  • +1

    Office works does a passport photo service and they have software to ensure it’s compliant. There seemed to be a lot of criteria to ensure it’s valid. Costs about $16-$17. Safe travels!

  • Auspost is the best as you can bring the application form ready to go, get your photo done and lodge the application on the same day.

  • +5

    Australia Post is just so easy. $19.95 was a small price compared to the cost of the passport.

    Just a heads up. Processing times have really improved. I had my interview on Friday two weeks ago. I received my notification it was on its way the following Friday. The passport arrived last Monday. I'm glad I didn't pay the extra $200+ for expedited processing as it would have taken at least 2 weeks /s.

    • +1

      I don't get the idea of people who want to go cheap on passport photo, where the trip to the airport usually cost more than the $19.95

    • +1

      Yep, turn around on my kids passport was less than two weeks and we didn’t pay extra for the express service.

    • is this for a renewal?

      • My kids was a brand new one

      • Mine was a first time. I've never had one.

  • +1

    If you already have compliant photos, stick it into something like Publisher and add some guides to align the sizes and positions. Resize your images to fit the face sizes then crop to match the outer dimension sizes. Copy and paste a couple of times then print on photo paper or down at Officeworks for 10c.

    I have done this for several people (including taking the photos with my crappy camera) and never had a knockback - it was certainly better than the available photo options from the chemist or wherever at the time (a while ago now).

    • Yeah I might do that, or Photoshop. Just didnt want to mess with the calculations since epassportphoto had always worked fine before.

      Not sure what happened to the free option though, still a bit of a mystery.

  • +1

    There are plenty of mobile apps that do the same job, without having to upload your photo to a third party website.

  • You can save more money by not travelling …

    • True fact. But travel is not always for leisure. (And it may/may not be work related, so not necessarily covered by work.)

      OP wasn't about how to save money when traveling (despite the continual off topic comments) but about a question regarding a tool (and associated) used to DIY your own passport photos, if you choose to do so.

      Even if someone was to travel for leisure, I also see nothing wrong with them choosing to save if/where they can based on their circumstances (as long as they are not penny wise, pound foolish). i.e. their objective is to travel as frugally as possible, not to save as much money as possible at the cost of not travelling.

  • Is it $20 per person though at Auspost. Gets expensive if have a whole family to do.

  • Hey Op.
    Some weird Un Oz B comments in here.

    First time I paid Aussie Post. Ended up with a massive shadow behind my head (looked like I had a long mullet). Absolute shocker.

    Second time I did my own passport photos using an iPhone against a white wall, printed at Officeworks using the template tool. Worked a treat. Heaps better..cost me 16 cents and actually quicker than waiting in line at Aussie Post.

    Just about to do my daughters. Got a perfect photo (miracle in itself). Any updates on latest template tool? - that was awesome 6 years ago.

    But I recon it was a downloadable exe file back then.

    Everything is now friggin paid AI apps…

    Good ole days when things used to just work..

    Found this to be best of the freebie "download your photo to the sketchy net" options

    • Hey, thanks for the comment and update. Someone did also mention this site before:

      Just a quick note that when I tested it, I found it wasn't compliant with the specs for the country I was doing it for. (It wasn't AU in that particular case.) I'm sure it's compliant for some (as per other posters) but I confirm it's definitely wasn't compliant for my purpose.

      That said, you can definitely work around it by manually adjusting where the bars are, but at that point you almost might as well resize it yourself.

      Hopefully they'll improve on the compliance (I'm sure it's just a database issue - update the specs for each country/setting), but it probably works fine for a lot of the major ones (e.g. US/EU).

      • Yeah, they have changed the template feature. It use to be the actual passport requirement stencil over lay.
        Now it's two fat green bars. You need to have the full bars covering your face, otherwise the face shot is too small. Had a few cracks at it.

        • Yeah, it was the green bars when I tested it. You can of course adjust accordingly depending on requirements.

    • Plenty of apps on both Google and Apple app stores. Beats uploading photos to some random websites in my book.

      • Just make sure those apps aren't also doing that and you're all good.

        • That's a given. Always check (and revote) unnecessary permissions. &, in any event, the app stores are supposed to have vetted the apps on there. That's gotta be better than a website that anyone can create and upload.

  • Definitely prefer doing my own photo. Never have good experienced with photos took by staffs at auspost. I cant stare at my bad photos for 10 years

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