The deal is previously posted but it was out of stock but looks like it's back in stock!
Great price if you can somehow get yourself an educational email (might want to look into tafe or UTAS free courses).
Next cheapest 10kg sammy washer is at JB Hifi at $1,049.
I've read a few reviews on sammy white goods and seems like it's not as durable as LG or some fancy euro brands likes of Bosh.
But I just couldn't refuse a good bargain with 11 years warranty on motor and 24 months on machine itself.
Ooh also don't forget to factor in a questionable delivery service and customer service or lack there of!
Others on sale includes:
10kg/6kg Combo washer @ $851.95 (…)
8kg washer @$551.65 (…)
That's very light. Will make it easy to move for students who may in rental housing and move from one place to the other often.