Hi All
Travelling to Japan soon and wondering if a booster is considered a dose?
I've only had 2 doses so far and need to get my 3rd "dose" so just hoping I don't request the wrong one and get stuck at the border.
Thank you in advance!
Hi All
Travelling to Japan soon and wondering if a booster is considered a dose?
I've only had 2 doses so far and need to get my 3rd "dose" so just hoping I don't request the wrong one and get stuck at the border.
Thank you in advance!
I was just confused as when trying to book for the vaccination, you can request 3rd dose or a booster.
Well, wouldn't you book a "3rd dose" in that case?
FWIW, I understand that the 4th one (and perhaps subsequent ones) is actually described as the "booster" in Australia.
I'm not sure, most people in here are saying a booster is classified as a dose hence my confusion on what to get.
@navegante88: You would have known to get a third dose i.e. immunocompromised. Just book for booster
Booster is just a marketing term.
Is the travel requirement to be vaccinated, boosted or dosed? :p
Website just says 3 doses
Then get your next dose asap
that could possibly mean you need 3 doses.
jacked up
Yes to your question, dose=booster dose
Thank you, as I mentioned in an earlier comment the vaccination website gives me the option for third dose or booster. I guess I'll go with the booster!
If your going to do it, may as well get one of the updated vaccines that were released this month? They are supposed to be more efficacious.
Yes, that would be the preference. Thank you
3 shots required if you don't want to take a pre-departure test. Otherwise 2 shots and a pre-departure test will suffice.
Yup. Booster counts.
I just got back. Remember to bring some masks.
You can register for incoming travel for immigration, quarantine and customs etc
They'll scan a few QR codes.
Although with masks, you only really need 1 days supply at most as even just going to Daiso in December I was able to pick up a nice set of masks for 110¥. They had plenty of choices and the one I got was very comfortable and well suited for glasses.
I virtually wore my mask all the time as I think it's always good to blend in as most Japanese people at the time were wearing them (not all though). Being winter it was much easier to wear them but I could imagine as summer comes around, compliance will drop.
Are they still using masks everywhere?
I am thinking of heading there but don't want the "stare". I thought the Govt has dropped off all mask requirements.
I don't think there has ever been a requirement in Japan, just a recommendation.
I did see some signage that said masks indoors are required but not required outside. People were still wearing outside though and it may depend on the city.
That said, there were heaps of foreigners and some locals not masking even on trains.
@Caped Baldy: Looks like 13 March 2023 is the real "unmasking" day.
Didn't even know USJ/DisneyLand required mask wearing….
OP, read this.
If you are immunocompromised you can get a "third dose" after 2 months after the previous one. If you are not, you can get a "booster shot" after 5 months after the previous one.
dont forget to mask up, wash your hands frequently and maintain safe social distances when around other humans. good luck brave traveller!!
all this confusion over two words in English, wait until you find people speaking Japanese
Just keep repeating Sumimasen a lot and it will get you through any situation.
What exactly do you think a booster is? Another dose