Hi guys, about to sign up my kid for childcare and noticed they use debitsuccess to set up direct debits. I was about to key in my details when I noticed the fees listed:
Direct Debit commission fee: $0.95
Credit card(Master/Visa) commission fee: 2.53%
Credit card(AMEX) commission fee: 4.73%
This seems pretty high for a recurring payment. I initially wanted to use my credit card to hit minimum monthly spend, however the monthly fee actually costs less than the commission fee.
Just wondering if there's a way to set up to pay via credit card through a virtual bank account or some other solution, or do I just forego it and stick with bank direct debit?
We've got DD setup with ours. Better set your own reminders to check available funds as they love fees.. https://www.productreview.com.au/listings/debit-success