Not the $18 from last deal, but 20+ in stock this time and still a good price.
I hope I've linked to the store properly, also available from sinsen_inc for the same price. Just linking the product defaults to a low-feedback store with 1 in stock.
I've been using mine for the past months, for cutting cardboard/paper, cleaning up 3d prints, and grafting soft plants (v-graft in passionfruit). It's incredibly sharp, easy to use, and fits well in a pocket. I found I did have to de-burr the edges around the pocket clip a bit, but maybe I'm just being fussy. The tip is a bit fragile being at such an acute angle, but the only time I had issues with it breaking is when I was abusing the knife trying to shave down a 3d print (measure twice print once, kids)
Description copy-pasted from last time
Price seems to be $20-25 for just the knife, this one comes with 10 spare blades.
Might be a bit flimsy for brute work, but looks great for accurate stuff. I've heard good things about OLFA, but haven't used them myself.
About this item
- 30-Degree angle for precision
- Good for model making, scrapbooks, memory books, general crafts and hobby, etc
- Cuts cardboard, plastics, Coroplast, foam board, gator board and more
- 7 cutting edges per blade strip, 70 cutting points per blade pack
- The discount set which adjusted a main unit and 10 replacement blades
Another option (also made in Japan) - NT Cutter Pro.
2 in stock at $11, 3 more at $13, but for the knife only, does not come with the pack of 10 blades. The blades look to be compatible.