Wireless Access Points Are More and More Expensive

By look at Amazon wireless access points(amazon.com.au), Wi-Fi 6 is way more expensive than Wi-Fi 5. Following this trend, Wi-Fi 7 will be even more expensive than Wi-Fi 6.

Seems it is better to buy a wireless router (2-in-1) instead of buying a wired router and a wireless access point.


  • +6

    It's almost like new technology comes at a price premium

    • I can buy an iPhone 12 for $1,000 or an iPhone 14 for $1,400. Ergo, the iPhone 16 will be $1,800.

      You heard it here first, folks.

      • And I thought you meant Pro models and thought they looked cheap.

        As for the new routers being expensive. Most have Dual core CPUs, some Quad.

  • -2

    Buy a smaller house. The shit-box thing that the internet company gives you with a booster or two is fine.

    Most of us suffered on dial up. It's not a big deal to move closer to your router.

  • -1

    Wifi 6 patents should only be a few dollars more than standard wifi, I'm guessing the increase cost is mostly from other factors like more complex hardware or global factors creating shortages in some of those required hardwares.

  • -6

    I don't want to over-emphasise the importance of this. There are a lot of reasons newer better technology often cost more. The cost of development. The cost of higher spec components.

    But one of the reasons at the moment is the treatment of China. One thing Chinese state capitalism has been good at is getting the price of stuff down. It has out-competed the rest of the world in that area. And how have America and its sycophantic allies like Australia responded? By using the phoney baloney pretext that Chinese technology products are a security threat to freeze Chinese companies out. To prevent them getting access to the latest and best chip development software and chip manufacturing hardware.

    Look at 5G. Everyone had looked at Huawei's 5G networking gear, which was 30% cheaper than any Western manufacturer's products, and they couldn't find any national security issues with it. But in came the Cold War warriors, did no tests, offered no proof or examples of any problems, and got it banned in every Western country because the Chinese government could have ordered Huawei to use it to spy, and forced phone companies to build their 5G networks using more expensive equipment. Putting up the cost of 5G to you and me.

    Repeat that in other areas, like Huawei previous offering the best 4G modems you could get, and having to shut down its modem development because it could no longer access the tools to design new silicon, and you have at least part of the answer to why previous downward trends in hi-tech products haven't continued.

    • OK

  • Sorry, are we comparing brand new wifi 5 prices to brand new wifi 6 prices?
    Or old tech that's being phased out vs new that's being phased in?

    • +1

      Good point. Does anyone have the Wi-Fi 5 device price list when they were new to the market?

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